Title: Civil War Experiences
1Civil War Experiences
The Power of a Picture
2Matthew Brady, 1823-1896
- Pioneer of photo journalism in America
- Known for his photos of the horror filled Civil
War - Known for many photographs of dignitaries such as
William Tecumseh Sherman and his staff
Matthew Brady
General Lee
Union Gen.. Potter his staff before the battle
of the Wilderness, VA, May1864
4Behind the Scenes
Matthew Bradys subject matter focused mostly on
the behind the scenes of the wars such as the
camp life of the soldiers and generals, building
bridges, digging trenches instead of the actual
Phillip Henry Sheridan
Joseph Hooker
5More photos...
Brady took this photo of Widow Rose Greenhow and
her daughter. She was a popular Washington
hostess of diverse friendships until the war when
she supported the Confederate cause
6Comparing then to now
- It is also known than Matthew Brady would compose
the dead bodies to make and compositionally
interesting photo, how does this compare to
photography now? - Do we do something similar to this?
- After the Civil War, Brady, his name and his
images had become household words, but he
returned to the private practice of being a
portraitist. - His work foreshadowed the work of artists of
Thomas Eakins and John Singer Sargent.