Title: Sin ttulo de diapositiva
1PLS a versatile tool for industrial process
Alberto Ferrer, José M. Prats, Daniel Aguado,
Santiago Vidal-Puig
Multivariate Statistical Engineering Research
Group Dpt. Applied Statistics, O.R. Quality
Technical University of Valencia (Spain)
2Characteristics of modern data
Low rank Highly collinear Missing values Low
Help me!
3How to adapt to data-rich environments?
Multivariate projection methods PCA, PLS
Process is driven by a few underlying common
cause events
4Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR)
- Predictive Model using latent variables
- T XW
- U TB H
Maximize cov(ta,ua)r(ta,ua)?(ta)?(ua)
5PLS a versatile tool
Data mining tool
6PLS - soft sensorWaste water treatment plant
7PLS - soft sensor
- Modern WWTPs collect large number of on-line
Sensors for measuring process variables
Sensors for measuring key quality variables
Not usually available in small WWTPs
Do not directly provide information on process
Develop a Soft-sensor
8PLS - soft sensor
- Case study SBR operated for EBPR
Process variables pH, dissolved oxygen (DO)
electric conductivity (Cond), oxidation reduction
potential (ORP), and temperature (Temp).
9PLS - soft sensor
- Data structure collected information
- Electronic sensors
- Quality control laboratory
x1 pH x2 Oxidation reduction potential x3
Conductivity x4 Dissolved Oxygen x5
y1 Phosphorus concentration y2 Potassium
concentration y3 Magnesium concentration
10PLS - soft sensor
- Predictive model building
- Batch-wise unfolding correlation structure
Built in by design.
Unfolded data matrices
11PLS - soft sensor
- Predictive model building
- 15 batches for model fitting and 5 for
- A PLS-2 model was built (1700 X variables, 54 Y
12PLS - soft sensor
- Good accuracy of the developed model
- Observed versus predicted
13PLS - soft sensor
- Model application
- Drawback ? the model requires the entire
trajectories of the explicative variables to be
known. How can on-line predictions be obtained?
Evolving batch
Sol. imputation methods to fill in the future
observations (Missing data TSR (Arteaga Ferrer
14PLS - soft sensor
- Practical advantages of the predictive model
- Provides on-line accurate predictions for the 3
quality trajectories from the very beginning of
the batch (10 total time)
- Uses input data from inexpensive and
low-maintenance sensors installed in the reactor
- Can handle missing data
- By monitoring the residuals it is possible
Outlier detection ? avoiding dangerous
Model update assessment ? adapting process
Cost-effective tool
15PLS-Discriminant Analysisfault detection on
image data
16PLS-Discriminant Analysisfault detection on
image data
- Methods
- Human inspection not feasible in practice low
reliable. - Traditional image analysis of the spectral or
textural properties, extracting characteristics
from the image subjective.
Multivariate image analysis (MIA) integrating
both textural and spectral information of the
pixels PLS-DA
- To capture the pixels linked to a specific
defect Score Plot from PCA - To fit PLS-DA models based on dummy images
derived from these - PCA based MIA models
17PLS discriminant analysis
- Procedure
- For each image...
18PLS discriminant analysis
- For each of the three channels, stack the
shifted images, saving the spatial information
related to the neighbouring pixels to a specific
one, and creating a 3-way OOV data structure.
19PLS discriminant analysis
- By stacking the Unfolded Textural Image of each
colour channel the 3-way spectro-textural
internal data structure is obtained.
20PLS discriminant analysis
- Procedure selecting the defects to be modelled
Image defining the disease
21PLS discriminant analysis
- Procedure creating the dummy images associated
Image defining the disease
22PLS discriminant analysis
New image (not necessary the same dimensions)
Selection in the same Score Space, but aligning
Good results, but one model for each disease
(time consuming) and possibility of superposing
23PLS discriminant analysis
Whereas using PCA model requires searching for
discriminating latent variables
... the PLS-DA model directly points out the
directions that best discriminate between the
defects of interest
24PLS discriminant analysis
Predicted Y image from y1 (not affected)
MIA strategy
Inverted predicted Y image from y2 (affected)
25PLS discriminant analysis
Dummies after thresholding
26PLS discriminant analysis
we can appreciate the difference between the
prediction carried out by each of the classes
Repeating the procedure for a new image, and
applying the corresponding thresholds to each
predicted images
Affected area (pits) 6.61
Affected area (non sane) 25.64
27PLS discriminant analysis
Combining both types of predictions, it is
possible to create a new image describing all the
events present in the image
28PLS discriminant analysis
A combination of the well known selection of
characteristics approach based on MIA has been
applied together with a PLS-DA model, in order to
clearly isolate the pixels related to one disease
that affects the oranges. This combination has
emerged as an efficient way for computing,
locating and displaying the pixels related to the
disease. Advantages over the MIA PCA based
selection of characteristics, not only in terms
of time, but also in terms of discrimination
capabilities (this model is precisely focused on
the segregation of the different types of
information appearing in a data set but, however,
it seems very interesting to show its potential
in multivariate image analysis).
29PLS - Time Seriesmodelling dynamic systems
30PLS-time series goal
The objective of this case study is to present
the capabilities of Partial Least Squares Time
Series (PLS-TS) methodology for the estimation of
the transfer function (TF) model of an industrial
polymerisation process (for controller design)
Settling time of the process
FIR model
Y Output
X Input
Process dynamics
31PLS-TS process description
The case study involves a commercial-scale
petrochemical process that produces large volumes
of a polymer (high-density polyethylene). The
variables we have considered are Data from
several manufacturing periods are available
2 INPUTS VARIABLES Temperature Tt Ethylene Flow
2 OUTPUTS VARIABLES Melt Index MIt Productivity
Index APREt
32How to model process dynamics with PLS?
by expanding X matrix with lagged variables
Three manufacturing periods were investigated.
- Melt Index (MIt) is sampled every 2 hours at
reactors outlet - and measured at laboratory
- Productivity Index (APREt) is worked out by
energy balance every 2 hours
- Temperature and Ethylene Flows (Tt-1,Et-1) are
measured as the average of reactors temperatures
and ethylene flows during the 2 hours before t
34PLS-TS phases of model building
- Initial exploratory analysis of data
- Study of the nature of the series and their
dynamics. - Determination of number of differences to get
stationary series and - number of lags to consider in the formulation
of the model - Process fault detection (residual and score plots
from preliminary - PLS models).
- Original matrix of input variables X is expanded
with new lagged - variables for every input.
- Transfer Function Model identification
- A PLS-TS model is estimated for every output
variable. PLS Coefficient Plots and Loading Plots
useful for pruning.
35PLS-TS model building process
INITIAL DATA SET 2 variables X 2 variables Y
36FIR vs ARIMAX models
ARIMAX models
FIR models
37PLS-TS exploratory data analysis
38PLS-TS exploratory data analysis fault
diagnosis via contribution plots
39PLS-TSTransfer function model identification
PLS Regression Coefficients Plot
The PLS regression coefficients plot
facilitates the identification of the transfer
function. We can use it combined with the
Box-Jenkins methodology
40PLS Model Estimation
DifAPRE MODEL Lag Selection
41PLS Model Estimation
DifMI MODEL Lag Selection
42PLS-TS conclusions
43PLS a versatile tool for industrial process
Thanks for your attention!