Title: Remote labs: State of the art
1 Remote labs State of the art proposed
guidelines Christophe Gravier, Jacques
Fayolle, Bernard Bayard, Mikaël Ates, Jérémy
first Workshop on Remote control of Device,
Lyon30th october 2007
2Before we start ...
- ... context of this presentation
- We base our reflexion on our own experience in
the field of remote labs - Hence, we do not claim to hold the truth
- But to participate to the leverage of rlabs in
online engineering by sharing our ideas
3Why such a paper ?
- Regarding literature, Rlabs were slugging for
some years - While they are currently gaining a revival of
interest - This paper tries to identify what was a
standard remote lab 3 years earlier - And what we expect a standard remote lab to
be in the next 3 years ...
4-laboratories classification
- Some classification
- Local Labs Students in front of the real
appliance - Remote Labs real devices accessed through the
Internet - Virtual Labs simulated hands-on approaches
- Online Labs Remote Labs as well as Virtual Labs
- Hybrid Labs Part of the hands-on approach is
real, the remaining simulated
We focused on Remote Labs
Online labs
Local labs
remote labs
virtual labs
hybrid labs
5Years of publication of papers in the review
6Scientific field of papers in the review
- Some hands-on approaches (in chemistry, optics,
astronomy,...) are more difficult to provide,
compared to others (robotics, ...)? - Rlabs are promoted by
- engineering schools Rlabs
- are closed to STEM(1) education
(1) The Science, Technology, Engineering, and
7Software Architecture...
- There's no denying that a common software
architecture emerged from the review
8 ... but the underlying software varies
- Whereas Rlabs are expensive (money, time, skills,
...), usage of such different technologies
suggests that few efforts are made for
reusability !
9Rlabs need interoperability
- In order to provide
- Rlabs interactions (workbenches), Localization
transparency - switching from one device to another without the
user being noticed - creation of online workbenches (several
appliances involved in the same hands-on
approach)? - RLabs discovery
- avoid reinventing an existing remote lab
10 Localization Transparency
11What if we put Rlabs in front of the real
thing ?
- Obviously, something is missing !
12Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
within RLabs
- CSCL is a way of teaching that emerged with
modern learning theories (constructivism)? - CSCL is ... concerned with ... the pratices
of meaning-making in the context of joint
activity... (Koschmann 2002)? - Although they are used in distance learning for
courses and exercices, it is mostly ignored in
current Rlabs platforms.
13CRLab Collaborative Remote Labs
- Hands-on approaches contain cooperation but also
collaboration (in the way Dillenbourg defined
these terms Dillenbourg 1999) - From our experience, students claim that
Collaborative Rlabs ( CRLabs ) are enhancing
their distance learning experience (82 of
14Exposing (C)Rlabs online
- We presented some guidelines for the evolution of
Rlabs - Nevertheless, there is still a pending issue How
to expose (C)Rlabs online ? - Usually, (C)Rlabs are exposed through dedicated
web applications or stand alone clients - Whereas lectures and online exercices are both
exposed through Learning Management Systems - Obviously, Rlabs should converge on LMS, for a
better follow-up of students activities from
lectures to hands-on approaches.
- From our point of view, the future or Rlabs will
consist in - Reusability
- Interoperability
- Synchronous collaboration among students
- Convergence with Learning Management Systems
- Some works already iniate the debate on these
problems, there's although still so much to do !