Title: IMPRS Lecture Sep 2005
1Jupiter WorkshopToulouse, Oct.
2005Plasma/energetic particle measurements for
a new mission to JupiterN. Krupp et
al.Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung
Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
2Particle measurements in the Jovian system, a
tool to investigate
- the global configuration of the Jovian
magnetosphere beyond Galileo - determination of the charged particle population
(ion composition and charge states as well as
electrons) in the magnetosphere - determination of the neutral particle population
- determination of the global flow patterns of
plasma and energetic particles in the system,
especially in the vicinity of the Galilean moons - the dynamics of the Jovian system beyond Galileo
- interchange motion/radial transport of plasma and
energetic particles - mechanisms of particle injections and its
consequences correlation with auroral emissions - tail dynamics (reconnection, flow bursts, ...)
- up/downstream particles (Jupiter as particle
source) - the interaction of the magnetospheric plasma with
the moons and rings - investigate the local environment of the moons
and rings - investigate existing particle beams along the
flux tubes connecting the moons with the
aurora/ionosphere of Jupiter - determine in detail the structure and composition
of the plasma tori of Europa and Io - determine the surface composition of the moons by
analysing the sputtered material
3Charge Energy Mass Spectrometer (CHEMS) on
Cassini records fingerprints of ion composition
at Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn
Charge states of energetic ions in Jupiters
magnetosphere poorly measured
4Global configuration of Jupiters magnetosphere
neutral and charged particle population
Energetic neutral atom emissions from Jupiter
Cassini/MIMI results (Krimigis, 2001)
Global flow pattern from Galileo/EPD measurements
(Krupp, 2001 Woch, 2002)
5Dynamics in Jupiters magnetosphereEnergetic
Particle measurements correlation to auroral
Most prominent and well defined boundary ?
change in the electron pitch angle distributions
located between 10 and 17 RJ.
Tomas, 2004, 2005
6Dynamics in Jupiters magnetosphereEnergetic
Particle Injections correlation to auroral
24 hour Galileo Energetic Particle Spectrogram
HST Image of Jupiters UV aurora
Mauk et al., 1997 1999, 2000
Auroral manifestation of near-Europa storm
Extreme storm-time dynamics observed in the
vicinity of Europas orbit
7Interchange motion in the inner Jovian
Particle transport of plasma and energetic
particles, changes in phase space density as
indicator of plasma processes in the system.
8Dynamics of the Jovian magnetotailenergetic
particle flow bursts
16 days
Ion anisotropy flow
South-north magnetic field
Location 90-113 Rj
Krupp et al, 2004
Transient periodical disturbances with
repetition period of several days (the most
characteristic 2-3 days) are observed in the
Jovian magnetotail!
9Plasma-moon interaction Discovery of the Europa
torus from charged and neutral particle
neutral density in the Europa-Torus from changes
in the pitch angle distributions of energetic
particles Galileo/EPD results. (Lagg et al.,
10Plasma-moon interactionsDetermination of the
neutral density in the Io-torus
neutral density in the Io-Torus from changes in
the pitch angle distributions of energetic
particles Galileo/EPD results. (Lagg et al.,
After Spencer Schneider 1996
11Possible Instrumentationsimilar to
Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument MIMI on
Cassinibut on rotating platform to get
measurements from all directions in space
- Ion and Neutral Camera
- 3 keV - 3 MeV ions and neutrals
- Charge-Energy-Mass spectrometer3 - 220 keV ions
- Low Energy Magnetospheric Measurement System30
keV - 160 MeV ions15 keV - 5 MeV electrons