Prsentation PowerPoint - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prsentation PowerPoint


Position: of observation site, used only for the atmospheric extinction correction ... Adjust sigma: the same for a given spectrograph, modify the width of the line ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prsentation PowerPoint

Stage Spectro Observatoire Haute-Provence 21-24
Aout 2007
Installation Tests
  • Library
  • Elements
  • Spectral Type
  • Gnuplot
  • Spectrum

Vspec preferences...
  • Configure Vspec
  • Menu Preferences
  • Working directory
  • Image file preferred format (fits or pic)
  • Header coment
  • Continuum zone
  • Atmospheric lines file
  • Reference preset of 2 calibration line
  • Spectrum directory where is Spectrum.exe
  • Language...
  • Position of observation site, used only for the
    atmospheric extinction correction

Play with the image...
  • Pixel informations
  • Coordinates xy
  • Pixel intensity I
  • Thresholds adjustment
  • Enter the value in the text box
  • Play with the mouse right click cursor as the
    right button in maintained
  • Move up or down increase or decrease the high
  • Move right, left increase of decrease the low
  • Reset come back to the thresholds registered in
    the image header with the "originanl thresholds"

Ouvrir fichier image
  • As simple as "a click"
  • If only one spectrum in the image, correctly
    aligned click on the "Object binning" button
  • Profile informations
  • Move the cursor along the profile
  • Xl position x of the pixel, wavelength (once
  • Intensiy I
  • Sampling in Angström by pixel, profile always
    resampled to linear calibration (A/pixel) (once
  • Prepare the calibration
  • Load the image of the lamp for reference
  • Do "reference binning"
  • The lamp profile is added in the same document,
    it contains 2 series intensity and ref1

  • Document .spc
  • ASCII File readable with notepad, excel,
  • Definded by A.Klotz in 89
  • A header followed by 7 columns
  • Only columns 3, 4, 5, 6 are series
  • Columns 1 and 2 are the abcisses (pixel and
    angstrom once calibrated) and the column 7 was
    used to invalidated pixels
  • A document .spc can record 4 colums in a profil,
    sharing the same abcisses (calibration)
  • Play with the series...
  • Select the "active" serie by clicking on it with
    the mouse or through the drop-down listbox,
    change its color...

Calibration "2 lines"...
  • With the neon...
  • Select the serie Ref1
  • Enter in mode "calibration with 2 lines"
  • If the neon lines are unknown display the lines
    list with "display elements"
  • H-alpha 6562.852 -gt neon lines are on each side
    -gt 6532.882 et 6598.953
  • Select the line, enter the value or click on the
    line in the list
  • Same for the second
  • To validate the entry, do "Enter" or double-click
    in the textbox
  • Calibration done, sampling updated...

Is it enought ?
  • Display the atmopheric spectrum
  • Ask for the H2O correction
  • If atmospheric lines does not perfectly
    superimposed to the one of the calibrated profile
  • Non-linear calibration required

Atmopshere spectrum
  • Superposition of atmospheric line
  • In list element, select the source file "atmos"
  • "export" button

Characteristic atmospheric lines 6500-6600 Ang
Calibration with multiple lines...
  • Calibration multi-line to improve accuracy
  • Multi-line calibration button
  • Select a line
  • Find its wavelength in the element list
  • Look at line intensity, click on a line and look
    at the cursor position on the profile
  • Validate with "Enter"
  • Eventually, re-click in the textbox before
  • Barycenter is computed and the first line is
    added in the calibration line list
  • Take as many lines as you can, well spread

Atmospheric lines identified...
Multi-line calibration...
  • Calibration parameters
  • Pick the polynome degree
  • Regression equation coefficient are not yet
  • The line list can be saved in a .lst file
  • Click on "compute"
  • If there is no inflexion point, the equation
    coefficient are computed
  • Residus are also computed, the smaller they are,
    the better it is...
  • Save the equation coefficient in a .exc file for
    later re-use
  • Profile is calibrated
  • A re-sampling linear is performed with an average
    sampling factor

Vérification avec le spectre théorique
  • Go back to the H2O correction
  • This time, lines are correctly aligned all along
    the profile

Atmospheric lines elimination
  • Spectrum adjustment
  • Smoothing factor (link to the spectro)
  • Intensity (linked to spectro and to quantity of
    water vapor in the atmophere at the moment of the
  • Display the result by looking at the division
  • Adjust sigma the same for a given spectrograph,
    modify the width of the line
  • Interactive adjsutment of intensity
  • Image A intensity too low
  • Image B intensity too high
  • Image C correct

Save the result
  • Save the corrected profile
  • Corrected profile is the serie "Division"
  • Temporary serie -gt if you save as is, the serie
    will be recorded...
  • Move the serie as a fix serie, like "intensity"
  • Serie fixes Intensity, Ref1, Ref2, Norm
  • Save the profile under another name
  • Comparaison Before-After
  • We can always do better, try...

Calibration of another spectrum
  • Star Delta Sco - Be
  • Do the binning
  • Calibration with multi-line
  • Charge the equation from Altaïr
  • Sync with only one line
  • Put the polynome constant at zero
  • Pick one of the atmospheric line and enter its
  • Click on Apply in the equation frame
  • The new constant is computed from the reference
  • Close...
  • H20 correction
  • Chack the calibration is correct superimpose the
    atmospheric spectrum
  • Adjust parameters and look at "see the division
  • Click on OK when adjustment is correct
  • Move the division serie to the intesity serie
  • Save, that's it...

Flux correction
  • Altaïr, reference star...
  • Because we have a "corrected" spectral in
    relative intensity
  • Not too many lines, A type
  • Scale continuum to 1
  • Database of "corrected spectrum"
  • UVES, from l'ESO
  • Pickles (5Ang/pixel) in Vspec not suitable for
    sampling lt0.5
  • Divide the raw spectrum by the "corrected"
    spectrum from library/database
  • I raw I rep I corr
  • I rep I raw / I corr
  • Result green serie, to be smoothed...

Response curve
  • Extract the continuum
  • Menu radiometrie, "extract the continuum"
  • Select the zone wich contains lines
  • Right click "Remove"
  • Once all zones cleared, button "Run"
  • Filter coefficient dialog box adjust the cursor
    to match the continuum trend
  • Close the smoothing dialog box
  • Save the new serie as the THE instrumental
    response of your instrument, over this spectral

Response correction...
  • For a star ...
  • Load the response profile and the star profile
  • Do a division
  • That's it...

  • Two assistants
  • From menu Assistant
  • 0b_to_1c
  • From image to calibrated and corrected from
    response profile
  • Processing needed for BeSS
  • 1b_to_2b
  • From calibrated profile to profile corrected from
    the instrumental response, atmospheric lines and
    continuum removed

0b_to_1c from image to corrected profile
1b_to_2b additional corrections
Assistant images to profile calibrated and
  • With images and instrumental response profile
  • Not specific to LHIRES
  • Neon or lamp lines shall correspond to the line

Assistant corrections
  • Link the corrections
  • Instrumental Response
  • Atmospheric lines
  • Division by the continuum
  • Each correction can be disabled
  • Required files
  • Instrumental Response profile .spc
  • Object profile with extension "_1b"
  • Interactivity...
  • Atmospheric lines
  • As for the correction stand-alone function,
    adjust the width and depth of the theoretical
    atmospheric spectrum
  • Continuum
  • As for the "divide by continuum" stand-alone
    function, remove the area where lines are and
    adjust the smoothing coefficient (spline)

Spectral line database
  • Version courte du CRC Handbook of Chemistry
    Physics - Only element up to Iron are included
  • VI/16 Line Spectra of the Elements (Reader
    1980-1981)Reader J. Corliss Ch.H.lt61st ed.,
    CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (1980--81)gt
  • Catalog of spectral lines in star spectrum
  • VI/71A Revised version of the ILLSS Catalogue
    (Coluzzi 1993-1999)COLUZZI R 1993ltBull. Inf.
    CDS 43, 7gt

Spectral Type
  • Search the spectral type of a star
  • Using SIMBAD... if internet connection
  • With Vspec, using the Bright Star catalog

Spectrum library
Gam Cas, type B0IVclose to B0V
Some calculations...
  • On the H-alpha line
  • Signal to noise ratio
  • Select a region of the profile with no line
  • Ration Mean/Standard deviation
  • Standard deviation Square root of the sum of
    the differences suare between the intensity and
    the mean
  • Mid-Heigth line width, equivalent width
  • Diaolog box of measurement preferences
  • To select the calculation to perform menu
    spectrometry, "measures preferences..."
  • Or to simply compute the already selected values
    button "computations"
  • Display results in infos window
  • Line center, on a reduced zone
  • Switch the profile display to "point mode" to
    accuratly see which points will be included
  • Select "line center" in the "measures
  • For each zone, re-compute using the button
  • In the infos windows, can display header data and
    save the result file "infos.txt" in the Vspec

Reference the relative intensities...
  • Intensities...
  • Depends of the quantity of photons captured
  • Depends on spectro efficiency, on guiding, on
    exposure duration, magnitude, spectral type...
  • Are not "absolute"
  • Which means only function of the magnitude and
    the spectral type
  • Values with no reference, hard to compare with
    other spectra
  • The continuum as reference
  • Zone with no lines
  • Defined in the preferences
  • Or select "on the spot" with the mouse before
  • "Normalisation" or "scaling" or "take a
  • Defined as intensity"1" the mean of the
    continuum zone taken as reference.
  • Divide all profile intensities by this mean
  • Serie "Normalized" as the serie where the
    intesities are relative to 1 on the pre-defined
    continuum zone, pink serie

Equivalent Width
  • Line in emission or absorbtion
  • Reference to "1" the close-by continuum
  • Measures preferences check box LEQ
  • Toolbar "computation" button
  • Results...
  • In the wsndow "infos"
  • Exportable as fichier .txt
  • Link...
  • Open all the profiles
  • For each
  • Select the line
  • Compute the LEQ (EW in french)
  • Export the infos
  • Open with your preferred grapher
  • Fields delimited by "tabulation"

  • You like the consoles and the command lines...
  • Go to mode console !
  • Allows you to pass hard values for parameters
    instead of mouse selection
  • You like the scripts...
  • Link the commands in a text file
  • Follow the syntax of each command
  • Change the extension of the text file to .pgm
  • Can include up to 3 parameters
  • Type Run and the name of the script file
  • File name with no .pgm extension
  • Result in infos window...
  • Not everything is scriptable...
  • Many correction or processing requires user
    interactivity, not everything can be automatic
  • Look at the assistant for the basic processings

BeSS format conversion
  • Export in fits format - BeSS
  • Add keywords BeSS to FITS standard keywords
  • Can check if object name is recognized by Simbad
  • BeSS instrument and observatory can be picked
    from a list
  • List is an ascii test file named list_instru.txt,
    list_obs.txt which shall be in the Vspec
  • BeSS additional default informations in
  • BeSS(2) to fill the BSS_COSM, BSS_TELL and
    BSS_CONT keywords with method description
  • Can keep the default setting of Vspec or
    customized yours

Fits 1D file - BeSS format
Fits keywords concatenation
  • Open fits 1D profile
  • Same open box than spc profile
  • In the drop-down list, pick "fit" instead of spc
  • If click on fits 2D file a warning message is
  • Fits header
  • To see the full FITS header
  • Click on the brown line between white graphic
    zone and window title
  • Right click with the mouse for the pop-up menu,
    pick Header display

Graphical exportation with Gnuplot...
  • Executable Gnuplot
  • Executable .exe
  • Command file "gnu.bat" used by Vspec
  • Scritp file written by Vspec "gnup.txt"
  • Scripts used by gnuplot to format the plot,
    editable, used by Vspec "std.gnu"
  • Other style file can be created and picked from
    the dialog box in Vspec
  • Customize the plot with a Vspec dialog box
  • Title, Scale, output file format (depends on the
    style file used .gnu)
  • Vspec automatically generate a .dat file of the
    active serie if this file does not exist to pass
    it to gnuplot

Graphique Gnuplot
  • Graph gnuplot
  • Depends on the stype file
  • With std.gnu, displayed on the screen
  • If click on OK, exit from gnuplot
  • And a .png file is written on disk

Gnuplot style file
Fichier style "std.gnu" Visual Spec propose un
fichier de script par défaut "std.gnu" il
génére à la fois le graphique à l'écran et un
fichier gif. Le fichier .gif est enregistré dans
le même répertoire que le fichier
Script de trace GnuPlot des profils
spectro de Visual Spec
Paramtre 1 nom du
fichier Paramtre 2 intitul du titre
Paramtre 3 valeur min en Y Paramtre 4
valeur max en Y Paramtre 5 valeur min en X
Paramtre 6 valeur max en X Paramtre 7
valeur ticks en X Paramètre 8 nom du fichier
png Exemples call "std.gnu"
"140699.dat" "88Her" 6500 7000 .2 1.8 call
"std.gnu" "140699.dat" "88her"
(echelle automatique)
set terminal windows
"Arial" 9 -gt doit afficher le graphique sur
l'écran set xlabel "" -gt défini les étiquettes
x, ici aucune set ylabel "" -gt défini les
étiquettes x, ici aucune set yrange 23 -gt
défini les bornes de l'axe Y set xtics 6 -gt
défini l'espacement entre les graduations en
X set xrange 45 zone libre -gt défini
les bornes de l'axe X set tmargin 2 -gt défini
les marges autour du graphique set grid -gt
affiche une grille d'arrière-plan set title '1'
,-0.5 -gt affiche le titre du graphique plot "0"
notitle with lines -gt trace le graphique à
partir du fichier et maintenant le fichier set
terminal gif small size 640,480 -gt doit afficher
le graphique dans un format gif set output '7'
-gt sauve le graphique dans le fichier set xlabel
"" set ylabel "" set yrange 23 set xtics
6 set xrange 45 zone libre set tmargin
2 set grid set title '1' ,-0.5 plot "0" notitle
with lines
  • "style" file std.gnu in Vspec
  • Can be customized...
  • Refer to gnuplot website for command syntax and

  • Synthesis of a star spectrum using an atmophere
  • From R.O.Gray
  • Other simulation software exist
  • A lot of astrophysical hypothesis underlying...
    Shall be used carefully
  • Can be used to generated very high resolution
    spectrum, to better indentify the lines
  • But, what a sport !
  • You'll discover that many lines are blended...

Star atmosphere models...
  • Atmosphere models
  • By Kurucz
  • File name coding
  • Xxx temp eff
  • Yy log(g)10
  • Kx microturbulence
  • Pxx metallicity M/H referenced to the Sun
  • Example 82045k4p00
  • 8200K T Eff
  • 4.5 log(g) gravity log(g)4.5cm/s²
  • k4 is the microturbulence speed, 4km/s
  • p00 is the ratio metallicity M/H equal to 0.0
    for the Sun abundance or m05 for M/H-0.5 for
    0.32 time the sun abudance or p05 for M/H0.5
    for 3.2 time the sun abundance
  • Correspondance table between spectral type and
    atmosphere parameters
  • For indicative use... Each star has its history,
    the one we are looking for...

Simulation Altaïr spectrum
  • Get its spectral type
  • With the bright Star catalog (excel file in vspec
    directory, provided)
  • Menu tools, item "Spectral type"
  • Using the table...
  • A7V would corresponds to a model
  • T Eff 8000K
  • Log(g) 4.5cm/s2
  • If by default we pick k0 and p00
  • 80045k0p00
  • Not all the models are working...
  • Erreur spectrum 1, excuting under DOS, we could
    see the reason of spectrum abort
  • Generate the spectrum
  • With the diaolog box interface Visual Spec
  • Select the model, the wavelength range, and the
  • Enter the outpu file name, With the .dat
    extension !

Simulation Altaïr spectrum
  • Spectrum.exe
  • Run in DOS, with a command file
  • Command file B.bat, written by Vspec with a batch
    file for Spectrum "b.rsp" in the spectrum
  • If computation are going well, the wavelength and
    intensities are displayed in the DOS window
  • Vspec automatically display the theoretical
  • With cut and paste, the 2 profiles can be
  • Normalize to "1" on the same continuum zone
  • The interpretation is another story...
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