Title: Facilitative Leadership: Optimizing Group Performance
1Facilitative LeadershipOptimizing Group
Ken Van Osdol
2(No Transcript)
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4Groups Meet for Six Reasons
- Receive information in
- Provide information out
- Solve problems
- Make decisions
- Plan
- Socialize
5Structure for effective communication
- Objective
- Reflective
- Interpretive
- Decisional
- Creates a natural progression for discussion
- Involves everyone
- Guides questions
- Adaptable to many group situations
Reference Institute for Cultural Affairs
- What
- Facts
- Details
- History
- Data
- Background
- Presentations and reports
- Round-robin sharing
- Guided recollection
- Timeline
- Develop a fact base
Reference Institute for Cultural Affairs
- Gut
- Feelings
- Emotions
- Responses
- Associations
- Personal experience
- Round-robin sharing
- Discuss in pairs or threes
- Write first, then speak
- Focus on listening, empathy
Reference Institute for Cultural Affairs
- So what
- Values
- Meaning
- Impact
- Significance
- Consequence
- Identify issues
- Brainstorm
- Criteria for success
- Poll everyone
- Outside the box thinking
- Trend analysis
Reference Institute for Cultural Affairs
- Now what
- Options
- Priorities
- Conclusions
- Actions
- Direction
- Future
- Affinity diagram
- Multiple proposals
- Multi-voting
- Action planning
- Straw man
- Polling
- Consensus
Reference Institute for Cultural Affairs
10Divergent vs. Convergent Thinking
Explore data Possibilities Objective Reflective
Prioritize Select Decisional
11Information In
- Come prepared
- Listening environment
- Written, verbal, non-verbal
- Who has it?
- How much?
- Details?
12Information Out
- Who reports?
- To whom?
- About what?
- When?
- How muchhow little?
- How will we talk about what we talked about?
13S-T-P Problem Solving
14What kind of decision is this?
- Command Decision
- --The leader calls it.
- Consultative Decision
- --The leader make the decision with input, ideas
and insights from the group. - Group Decision
- --The group makes the decision and the leader
supports it. - Majority Rule
- --Winners and losers.
- Consensus
- --The leaders voice is no stronger than anyone
15Consensus A decision to act
- Everyone has an opportunity to speak and to be
heard - Everyone feels heard and understood
- It is a fair and open process
- Everyone agrees to support the decision, even if
it is not their first choice
16Make it visual
- Write out options, alternatives or different
views on a flip chart - Identify common ground
17Test for agreement
- Ask the question Do we agree that?
- Straw poll
- Thumbs up thumbs down
- Everyone speak to the issue
- On a scale of 1-5, how strongly do you feel
about? - Create a straw man proposal
18Prioritize with multi-voting
- Dot voting
- Green solid go, lets do it!
- Yellow proceed, but with caution, concerns
- Red no, at least not now
- (use 1/3 as many dots as options)
- 100 votein 20s
- A, B, C list
19Test for consensus
What is your level of support for this decision?
1 2 3
4 5
5 Actively advocate 4 Passively support 3
Neutral or undecided 2 Passively oppose 1
Actively oppose
20Keeping on Track
22- Task issues are about getting the job done.
24Ask Questions
Blah, blah, blah
Yada, yada, yada
Now, let me see if Ive got this right
Then he said
I think that
What we need to do is
26Poll the Group
27Have we hit 80/20?
28- Process issues are about how the job gets done.
29Speak for Yourself
30Listen Actively
31Be a Gatekeeper
32and find agreement
33Use Humor
34Process Checks Whos on Third?
35Build Consensus
36(No Transcript)
37When things arent working
- Check on the processask the group
- Reframe the issues
- Get more information (sometimes)
- Recycle the tools you have already used
- Take a break, maybe even sleep on it
38Blocking Arguing, entrenching, word-smithing,
returning to same old issues
39Withdrawing Quits participating, indifferent,
pushes back from table, daydreams, side
conversations, disinterested
40Unprepared Hasnt read material, didnt bring
data, hasnt thought through issues, bluffs
41Digressing Takes group off point, tells personal
stories, heads off on bunny trails
42Distracting Sighs and other non-verbals, taking
phone calls, joking, inappropriate behavior,
arrives late, leaves early
43Interrupting Talks over people, cuts others off
44Inarticulate Has an idea but can or wont convey
45Dead Cat in the Punchbowl Emotional outburst,
negative spin on a positive meeting, raises
conflict inappropriately, lone naysayer