Title: Presentacin de PowerPoint
1The best way to make minors responsible
By Jaime Gil-Robles Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
General Manager
2Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Alcohol Spain
Mediterranean Habits Social consumption takes
place in HORECA (more than 300,000 hotels,
restaurants, bars, pubs and discos) 70 of
alcohol sales are made in HORECA Mediterranean
Consumption 95 of Spanish adults consume
alcohol moderately and responsibly
3Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Spanish Environment
Legal / Social Pressure Currently, there are 17
regional laws and 54 cities that regulate alcohol
policy Whos in charge of alcohol policy? 95
of spanish adults consume alcohol moderately and
4Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Whats FAS?
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad is a non-profit
organization founded in 2000 by the Spanish
spirits sector Our main aim is To implant
responsible alcohol consumption habits,
especially among the most sensitive groups
(minors and drivers)
5Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
ALBA Project
The need to come up with realistic and practical
solutions to the phenomenon of alcohol
consumption by adolescents has been a constant
feature of our work right from the beginning It
is therefore important to recognize that our aims
are dependent on our target
6Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Main Goals
Delay the age of alcohol consumption Reduce the
number of young alcohol consumers Reduce the
amount of alcohol among young consumers
7Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Main Phases
2001 Design of the first White Book about the
Relationship Between Alcohol and Teenagers in
Spain Creation of the Adolescents Alcohol
Educational Programme (AAEP) to establish
responsible habits in minors 2001-2004 Effort of
the AAEP among 12- and 18-y-o Spanish teenagers.
Evaluation (16,500 interviews) and improvement
of this each year 2005 Production of the second
White Book about the Relationship Between
Alcohol and Teenagers in Spain Production of
the definitive AAEP
8Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Main Characters Tools
Public Affairs Guides Specific Lectures Monitors-C
oordinators Interviews
9Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Main Characters Tools
10Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Main Results
50 of young people who are aware of the
consequences of alcohol abuse change their
opinion about alcohol consumption 78 of these
teenagers are more careful, 18 stop drinking and
33 share alcohol information with their friends
The Students Guide is rated 3.88 out of 5 and
the work of monitors 7.39 out of 10
11Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
Main Results
There are less alcohol consumers among students
who received the AAEP than those didnt (57 vs
Teenagers who received the AAEP drink less
alcohol than those who didnt (17.38 units/month
vs 22.03 u/m)
450,000 students and 1,500 schools rated the AAEP
4.51 out of 5
12Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
New Improvements
AIM Create a dynamic tool to change the
methodology and contents of the Educational
CREATORS United Kingdom, Czech Republic and Spain
13Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible
New Improvements
TARGET Teenagers aged from 11 to 16 years old
CONTENT Alcohol information for Young people
(games), Families (advice) and Teachers
14Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
The best way to make minors responsible