Title: Dr. habil Erica Melis
1Educational Technologies WS2006
- Dr. habil Erica Melis
- ActiveMath- Group
- Deutsches Forschungszentrum
- für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)
2About the Field and the Course
- Intelligent assistent systems for learning
- components of ITSs
- AI-techniques and related ones
- Practical applications
- Interdisciplinary and empirically validated
- Learn actively!!!
- Test described software on Web if available
- Make suggestions yourself
- Hands-on experience and authoring in projects
3Scheme of the Course
- http//www.activemath.org/teaching/edtechsws0607
- register with Matrikelnummer
- Projects
- Start as soon as possible
- Author interactive script in ActiveMath
- Inform george_at_activemath.org about groups til end
of week - Not everything on the slides
4Approximate Plan of the Course
- 18.10. Introduction and overview
- 25.10. Introduction to ActiveMath
- XML- Knowledge Representation
- 8.11. Student Modelling
- 15.11. Web technologies and security
- 22.11. Tutorial Planning and instructional design
- 29.11. Media Principles
- 6.12. Interactive exercises
- 13.12. Authoring tools, CTAT
- 20.12. Diagnosis model tracing and domain
reasoning -
- 10.1. Diagnosis constraint based
- 17.1. Tutorial dialogues
- 24.1. Action analysis and ML techniques
- 31.1. Cognitive tools
- 7.2. Meta-cognitive support
- 14.2. student projects
5Why Technology-Enhanced Learning ?
- Independent of time place
- Individual tutoring
- better learning (modalities visualization..)
- (Semi)-automatic assessment
- Information for teachers
- cost effective
- Knowledge resources from the Web
- Distance learning
- Virtual Universities
- Training on the job
- Military training
- Training for disabled
6Data1From Statistics Bulletin on Economic
and Social Development in
P.R.China 2004
Admission Proportion for High Education
19 4,200,000
81 17,905,000
7Data 2 From CNNIC (China Network Information
Center) Statistic Report on the Development
Status of Network in China
Increment Rate 18.9
Million Person
199M in America From ComScore
The only purpose of 8.4 (7.89 million) users going online is for education
21.3 users prefer more educational information, 20 million broadband users
8History First Generation of Tutors, CAI
1960ies Programmed instruction 1970ies CAI..
- IF the correct response THEN present new element
ELSE goto - Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) or CAL
- store and retrieve data, exercise bank with
answers - pre-defined branches of problem solving
- no understanding of problems, few anticipated
wrong answers - Independent of students understanding,
preferenes, behaviour - linear (not individualized) progression of
instruction - no diagnosis of errors
9History Second Generation of Tutors, ITS
1970iesScholar Carbonell,Brown
1990iesPACT Anderson
- Internal domain representation knowledge base
- Problem solver, inference engine (XPS)
- -gt cause of errors
- -gt more appr. response
- Exercise bank
- Limited dialogue and QA
- Student modeling
- Domain Expert Module
- Model learners errors
- Tutoring module (intervention modalities)
- Pedcognitive theories developed
- more autonomous student
- Lab- and realistic evaluations
- bandwidth of user interface,
- more variety of responses
- more interaction
10CAIITS1 Architectures
Knowledge Base
Exercise bank
Expert system
User interface
11History Third-Generation Learning Systems
- More student modeling
- emotional, motivational, affective, situational
- learning from massive log data
- Natural language tutorial dialogues
- Explorative, interactive, inquiry learning
- Collaborative learning
- Support of meta-cognition
- Web-based systems
- Multimedia and (adaptive) hypermedia based on
pedagogy - Semantic knowledge representation (semantic web)
- Retention tests, social skills,
performance/learning - AHA, Tectonica, ActiveMath, ELM-ART, Edutella,
Wayang Outpost, iHelp, Algebra Cognitive Tutor,
BEETLE, Help Tutor
12A Generic ITS Architecture
Intelligent Tutorial Component
Curriculum Planner
Problem Selector
Problem Solver
Domain KR
Solution Graph
Action Interpreter
Solution Evaluator
Interaction History
Student Model
Feedback Generator
13Andes Architecture
Authoring Environment
Student Environment
Problem Presentation
Assessor (BN)
Physics Rules
Action Interpreter
Solution Graph
Physics Problem Solver
Student Model
Problem Definition
Help System
tutoring strategy
Procedural help
Conceptual help
Example study help
14ActiveMath MVC Architecture
15What is an IST for a Learner
- Intelligent features
- Personalization
- Interactive problem solving
- Error diagnosis and feedback
- Mixed-initiative control
- Tutorial dialogue
- Open learner model
- Interactions
- Tools (search)
- Personalization of
- Content sequencing
- Presentation
- Generated suggestions
- Feedback
16Some Intelligent Systems
- Cognitive Tutors (Koedinger et al)
- ELM-ART (Weber et al)
- Andes, Atlas-Andes (vanLehn et al)
- Cabri-Geometre (Balacheff et al)
- Wayang Outpost (Wolff,Arroyo,Murray)
- ActiveMath www.activemath.org (Melis et al)
- Belvedere (Suthers)
- I-Help (Greer et al)
- Tectonica, AHA (Murray et al, deBraAroyo)
- AutoTutor, BEETLE (Graesser et al, Moore et al)
- Help-Tutor (Aleven, Koedinger)
17Interdisciplinary Field
Cognitive Psychology
Web-Technology Multimedia
18Contributions of AI
- Knowledge representation
- User modelling
- Intelligent user interfaces
- Presentation planning, intelligent sequencing
- Diagnosis
- Data mining, Machine Learning
- Problem solving systems/automated reasoning
- Agent-based (help) systems
- Adaptive hypermedia
19AI User modeling
Probability distribution events, causes,
evidences conditional dependences diagnostic/causa
l update
20AI Knowledge Representation
Frames in Cognitive Tutors
Problem WME
(make-wme composed-cen-insc isa problem
key-quantities (angle-KHP-measure arc-KP-measure
angle-KQP-measure) key-reasons
(angle-KHP-measure ...) questions (question1)
given-relational-quantities (central-angle-KHP
inscribed-angle-KQP) table composed-cen-insc-tab
le )
Relation WME...
inscribed-angle... inputs (arc-KP-measure) output
Quantity WME ...
21AI Knowledge Representation
- Semantic networks
- DAML/OIL/OWL decision logics for
XML-Representation - Meta data (publ, mathematical, pedagogical)
22 Web-Languages and Technologies
- IMS Global Learning Consortium
- Apple
- Cisco
- Microsoft
- Sun
- WebCT
- Universities
- .
- Open e-Book
- Meta data
- Interoperability of services
- Interoperabilty of content (ontologies)
- Architectures
- Presentation of content
- Wiki
- Security
23Contributions from Pedagogy
- Goals
- Content sequence
- Strategies, Methods
- Media, tools
- Competencies
- Didactic
- Socratic
- Inquiry
- Discovery
- LearnNew
- Rehearse
- Collaborate
Handling errors Frequent mistakes Feedback Multipl
e solutions
user modeling (competencies)
24Bloom taxonomy of educational objectives
25PISA Competencies
- Compute
- Apply
- Model
- Argue
- Solve problem
- Collaborate
- Use tools
- Meta-cognition
26Contributions Cognitive Psychology
- Behaviourisms vs. constructivisms Piaget,
Vygotski - Feedback
- motivation personalized, self-guided, social,
active DecyRyan... - zone of proximal development Vygotsky
- gender-specific
- meta-cognition White
- adaptive support Mandl...
- multi-modality
- structured presentation of solutions Catrambone
Effective design vs on-line book with animations
27Cognitive Psychology Multimedia Learning
- Multimedia Principle
- Integration Principle
- Modality Principle
- Redundancy P.
- Coherence Principle
- Personalization P.
- Learner control
28Cognitive Psychology some results
- Self-explanation of worked-out examples
Renkl,Chi,Merrinboer,Siegler - Why does tutorial dialog help? Chi etal 2001
- even if human tutors dont know tutoring
- no-content prompts
- ask, dont tell ?
- students own communication?
- Learning from errors/impasses only (?)
- Conceptual change (Vosniadou)
- Influence of motivation, self-efficiacy Bandura
- Evaluation of systems
- Pursue learning
- Learn actively and believe in yourself
- Ask questions if you dont understand
- Discover the world of research
30Student Projects
- 1.Visualization of the pedagogical knowledge
domain - Analyze and visualize the structure of
pedagogical tasks - 2. SLOPERT exercise generator
- Explore the problem space and create a ActiveMath
exercises. - 3. Learner Model for iCMap
- Catch and analyze events generated by iCMap
- 4. Domain Viewer
- Render an ActiveMath domain (concepts, relations)
- 5. Exercise generation with extended randomizer
- to support intervals and (adaptive) randomizing
over a set of elementary functions and their
31Student Projects
- 6. Mathematical Rendering Tester
- Support authors by rendering mathematical
formulae on the fly - 7. Analyzing Online Collaborative Data
- Generate Machine Learning classifiers from log
data - 8. E-Portfolio Viewer
- Implement an interactive viewer for the IMS eP