I see a community of believers creating healthy
environments for growth toward Christlikeness.
Where each and every member is fruitful and
fulfilled by making his or her unique
contribution. Where each member is giving and
receiving the love and support he or she needs.
Where unity is built around the essentials of
the faith and the commonly agreed upon
goals. A church that relates to Titusville in
such a way that it will get a good picture of
what God is like.
2Where each and every member is fruitful and
fulfilled by making his or her unique
contribution. Where each member
is giving and receiving the love and
support he or she needs.
3Life change happens within the context of
- We believe life change
priority change, marriage
change, value change,
habit change
happen within the
context of small groups.
4What are the characteristics of Authentic
5Its true that your relationship with God
is very personal,
but it was never intended to be private
- Being connected relationally on a
consistent basis with a
group of believers, having that automatic
sense of accountability, belonging, and
care and experiencing the
natural byproduct of spiritual growth.
7Authentic community is so
important to us because we believe
life change happens in
strategic, intentional, small group
8Our greatest potential as an organization is not
lining up people in pews to hear someone preach.
Our greatest potential happens in our homes
every single week.
9(No Transcript)