Title: Shrinking the Footprint Conference
1Shrinking the Footprint Conference
- Lambeth Palace
- 11th June 2009
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3Threats to Life on Earth
- Water Conservation and Contamination
- Resource Depletion and Pollution
- Population Growth
- Global Consumerism
- Climate Change (Global Warming)
41984 - 2009
- Devon Churches Green Action
- Devon Christian Climate Change Coalition
- Devon Climate Action Network (Devon CAN!)
- Cathedral Environment and Social Justice Group
- Shrinking the Footprint
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6Greenhouse Gas Contributors
- Power production
- Buildings
- Transport
7Diocese of Exeter Shrinking the Footprint Team
Property and Plant Transport and
Travel Procurement and Supplies Personal
Lifestyles Theology and Worship
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9Transport TravelChanging the ways we move
- Old Deanery Staff Travel clinic and plan
- Audit of senior staff travel
- Introduction of personal travel plans
- Discouraging excessive car use at church events
- Encouragement of eco-driving and sharing
transport - More use of Diocesan bike!
- Review of air travel?
10Procurement and SuppliesBuying more ethically
and sustainably
- Purchasing electricity from 100 renewable
supplier (green energy fund?) - Stationery from recycled or sustainably sourced
materials - Discouraging bottled water
- Supporting local shops, farms and producers
- Recycling and composting at Old Deanery
- LEAF for 1,100th Anniversary events
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12South West Dioceses
- Identifying good practice
- Sharing resources (ecumenism)
- Bulk purchase
- Climate campaigning
- Changing legislation
13Social LifestylesReviewing how we live
- Encouraging more sustainable lifestyles
- Justice for poorer communities and countries
- Doing more with less
- Suggestions for home and church action
- Critique of global consumerism
- Training Workshops (Summer 2009)
- Sharing more in Transition Communities
14Transition Communities
- A Transition Initiative is a community working
together to look Peak Oil and Climate Change
squarely in the eye and plan differently for the
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16Theology and WorshipRediscovering Faith and
- Talks and presentations
- Training events and modules
- Ministerial Reviews?
- Articles on God and Creation
- Eco liturgy resources
- Special services
- New Green Christian Institute
17Green Theology
- Creation Covenant Web of Life
- Sacrament of Creation holiness of Earth
- Stewardship of Life sustainability
- Shabbat principle limits to growth
- Shalom wholeness and completion
- Peace through Justice the prophetic
18How do we understand and interpret Climate Change
in theological terms?
19Exeter Cathedral
- Fairtrade
- Recycling system
- Energy biomass heating and solar PV
- Story-telling with Nightchurch
- Earthhour lights switch-off
- Copenhagen campaigning
- Redevelopment of Cathedral Green
- New Institute??
20Developing Partnerships
- Exeter Cathedral Social Justice Environment
Group - Transition Communities Devon Climate Action
Network - Local Energy bodies DARE, RE4D, WEA, GAP
- Other players local authorities, Met Office,
Universities - Other churches and faiths communities
21Future Action
- Networking Devons Green Churches
- Follow up Energy Studies
- Build on Cathedral Good Practice and Study
- Community Climate Choices
- Transition Theology
- Diocesan Carbon Management Plan
- South West Region projects
- Theological Audits!
22How to grow
- Co-operate with others
- Be visionary and imaginative
- Live differently
- Tell stories
- Share deeply and extensively
- Express solidarity
- Worship and reflect
- Have fun!
- Our Christian tradition affirms that as human
beings we are part of a covenant of
connectedness with each other, with the Earth
and with God, but our behaviour is causing this
web of life to fracture and fragment. We
urgently need to re-assess our priorities as a
species and change for the sake of future life on
the Planet. - Today we find our economic and political
institutions are greatly in need of radical
reform, nonetheleast because of the impact of
human activity on the processes which support
life on Earth. Surely we need to change our
thinking and our living and to contribute to
making a better world possible. - In Exeter Diocese we are implementing a serious
programme of reducing our energy use through
conservation and efficiency measures, by
increasing the production of our own sustainable
energy and through engagement with radically
changing our community lifestyles" - Â
24Shrinking the Footprint Conference
- Lambeth Palace
- 11th June 2009