Title: LH2%20Absorber%20Heat%20Load%20and%20Homeostasis
1LH2 Absorber Heat Load and Homeostasis
2What has happened before
- Huge LH2 volumes, low heat deposition Bubble
chambers - Small LH2 volumes, low heat deposition FNAL E866
- here density fluctuations are an issue
- Medium volumes, large heat deposition Sample,
Slac E158
Our challenge
Large heat deposition and beam path is through
entire volume of absorber! 1. Liquid must move
everywhere 2. Need gauge of temperature and
density uniformity
3Sample and E158 Targets
- E158 target 60 liters
Sample target 25 liters - Beam size 2mm defines small turbulence scale,
and is small part of total volume - Calibration was total s measurement
4Muon Ionization Cooling
Multiple scattering
RF cavity
RF cavity
With transverse focussing (solenoid)
Heating term (Mult.Scatt.)
Cooling term
- Need to minimize heating!
5Convection absorber design
Convection is driven by heater and particle
beam.Heat exchange via helium tubes near absorber
wall. Flow is intrinsically transverse.
Internal heat exchange
Output from 2-dim Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) calcs. (K. Cassel, IIT). Lines indicate
greatest flow near beam center.
Qualitatively demonstrated but parameters need to
be measured. Prototyping of this design is being
done by Shigeru Ishimoto et al at KEK.
6Forced-Flow Absorber Design
External Heat Exchange
Mucool 100W (E. Black, IIT) Large and
variable beam width gt large scale
turbulence Establish transverse turbulent flow
with nozzles
- For 8W/cm heat deposition, need to cycle 0.05
volumes/sec LH2 (e.g. 240W/30cm). - Nozzle design complicated - needs prototyping
and testing.
7So far
Three dimensional LH2 flow simulations (W. Lau)
Schlieren testing of convection flow (water)
test at ANL
- Nozzle arrangement
- Heat application
- Cryo tests
Testing 3-dimensional simulations with water
flow test at NIU
8Flow Tests Proposed
Three test modes (E.Black)
- Absorber manifold , two plastic windows
- Absorber filled with water at room temp. the
pattern of flow will be photographed by
circulating water from inlet to outlet using a
luminous die injected at inlet. Hard to get real
window volume flow picture this way.
- Absorber manifold, one plastic windows, one
aluminum window - Absorber subjected to a heat source. Infrared
pictures taken (for forced-flow and convection
absorber type). Distortion from heat distribution
in window.
- Absorber manifold , two thin Al windows,
cryogenic - Absorber integrated into a cryo system,
operating in test mode with extreme temperature
and pressure variations considered for safety. - Yet to have a definitive determination of
adequate probe placement.
9Infrared flow test setup
10Now, the questions
- What computations are helpful?
- Are flow/convection predictions linear?
- What tests will be useful, and how quantitative
can they be? - What level of instrumentation will convince us of
sufficient temperature uniformity? - 5. How will convection and force-flow models be
11At this meeting
- Lets decide what activity to pursue that
- Makes sense for the LINAC Cryo program next year
- Contributes substantively to the MICE tech.
review meeting in Oct.