Articulated Body Dynamics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Articulated Body Dynamics


fxi is the sum of external forces acting on that link ... t is vector of forces acting on the articulated body ... i, then the subtree acts as a single rigid ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Articulated Body Dynamics

Articulated Body Dynamics
  • Chris Oates
  • 03/29/04

  • Articulated Series of rigid links connected by
    movable joints
  • Body Not just particles need to be concerned
    with angular velocity and momentum
  • Dynamics Want to know about the forces acting on
    the articulated body more than kinematics

Two Problems
  • Forward Given a set of forces and torques on the
    joints, calculate accelerations
  • Inverse Given an end effector trajectory,
    calculate joint forces and torques
  • (Didnt I say three problems in my preview?)

Historical Motivation
  • Traditionally comes from field of robotics.
    There, you have a robot arm with certain joints
    controlled by motors
  • You cannot necessarily control the position of
    the motors, just the force applied
  • ABD needed to understand how to apply the forces
    to get the robot arm in the desired position

My Motivation
  • Want to be able to simulate part of human body
    given the position of the head and the hand, what
    are the most likely positions for the
    intermediate body parts?
  • This can be seen as a complicated (10
    degree-of-freedom) robot arm if we ignore
    soft-body nature of human tissues

Canonical Robot Arm
  • Easiest to focus on canonical case, the 6-DoF
    robot arm
  • This example has 4 1-DoF rotational joints, and1
    2-dof joint, but other configurations possible
  • Focusing on this makes concepts easier, but does
    not restrict future extension

Some Basic Language
  • Linki Links start at 0 and go to N
  • Jointi Connects Linki-1 to Linki some papers
    have this defined differently, so be careful
  • Base Link0 Fixed link, root of hierarchy/chain
  • End-Effector LinkN final link in chain,
    sometimes called wrist of robot arm

More Basic ideas
  • Links in a robot arm may be much more complicated
    than simple lines, so some extra notation was
    created to describe the various fixed and
    variable parameters between links and joints in
    as few numbers as possible
  • See Denavit-Hartenberg notation
  • We have computing power now to just treat
    everything as homogeneous 4x4 matrix transform,
    so I will do that for simplicity

On to the Math
But Before we do that, a few more terms and
  • Spatial Vectors
  • 6 1 vector of both linear and angular
  • Spatial Inertia Matrix of a link
  • 6 6 matrix
  • System Mass Matrix
  • N N matrix mapping joint accelerations to
  • Used in Forward Dynamics simulation

  • Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm
  • Solves inverse dynamics problem in linear time
  • Composite-Rigid-Body Algorithm
  • Generates a matrix to solve the forward
    simulation problem
  • Articulated-Body Algorithm
  • Also gives matrix for forward simulation

Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm (RNEA)
  • Consider link i in a chain. Link i-1 is the
    parent of link i.
  • vi is the velocity of link i. vji is the
    velocity across joint i
  • vji vi vi-1
  • Can also be derived as
  • vji hiqi
  • hi is 6 x d matrix, the motion freedom subspace
    of joint i. for our one-dof joints, this is a 6
    1 vector representing the joints axis of motion
  • qi is a d x 1 vector of joint positions. In our
    case, a scalar. So, qi is the joint velocity,
    and qi is the joint acceleration

  • Combining, we can say
  • vi vi-1 hiqi
  • For accelerations
  • ai ai-1 hiqi hiqi
  • (just the product rule derivative of the above)
  • Can compute hi as vi hi
  • As an algorithm, just compute from the base out
    to the tip iteratively

More More RNEA
  • This gives us velocity and acceleration of the
    links given velocities and accelerations of the
    joint variables plus the velocity and
    acceleration of the base
  • Thats not really inverse dynamics, is it?
  • But, we can calculate the forces from the
    accelerations simultaneously by making a few

Calculating forces
  • fi is the net force applied to link i through the
  • fxi is the sum of external forces acting on that
  • Ii is the 6 x 6 spatial inertia matrix of link i
  • fi fxi Iiai viIivi
  • fji is the force applied to link i through joint
  • fi fji fji1
  • fji Iiai viIivi fxi fji1

Almost done
  • So we have the spatial joint force vector for
    link i, just need to convert it to joint force
  • ti hTifji
  • Lastly, lets do the whole thing in link
    coordinates. Need to transform by matrices
  • xmi is the coordinate transform from link i-1 to
    link i for motion vectors, and xfi is the
    transform for force vectors

RNEA Pseudocode
  • for (i 1 i lt N i )
  • vi xmivi-1 hiqi
  • ai xmiai-1 hiqi hiqi
  • fji Iiai vi Iivi fxi
  • for (i N i gt 0 i --)
  • taui hTifji
  • if (i-1 ! 0)
  • fji-1 xf-1ifji

Last Words on RNEA
  • Can work on trees, not just chains
  • i-1 terms become parent of link i
  • i1 terms become set of children of link i
  • So long as links are ordered so that parent node
    lt child node, the iterative nature of algorithm
    produces correct answer

Forward Dynamics
  • Total forces can include positional, velocity and
    acceleration-based forces
  • Positional and Velocity-based forces are constant
    w.r.t. joint accelerations
  • Given small time steps, joint accelerations have
    linear relationship to joint forces
  • Mq F q M-1F
  • M is the System Mass Matrix

Mass Matrix
  • Mq C(q,q) t
  • t is vector of forces acting on the articulated
  • C is a vector of those components of tau not
    dependent on acceleration
  • Notes t is different from RNEA t, which was
    joint forces (size d) this t is spatial vector
    of size 6n
  • Also This is forward dynamics, so t is known
    and q is what we want to find

More Mass Matrix
  • Using inverse solver (like RNEA) we can find Mq
  • Mq D(q,q,q) D(q,q,0)
  • q terms cancel, leaving
  • Mq D(q,0,q) D(q,0,0)

More More Mass Matrix
  • Artificially construct q vectors di for each
    d.o.f. of the articulated body such that the ith
    element of di 1, di 0 elsewhere
  • So, Mdi is the force that causes a unit
    acceleration along that d.o.f.
  • Mdi is the ith column of M
  • O(N2) yuck

Composite-Rigid-Body Algorithm (CRBA)
  • If we give the body an acceleration of di, then
    the subtree acts as a single rigid body with
    acceleration of hi, the rest of the tree is
  • Call the moving subtree Ci, has inertia matrix
  • ICi is just the sum of the individual inertia
  • fCi is the force required to impart acceleration
    of hi to Ci

  • For every element Mji where j lt i and j is on the
    chain from the root to i
  • Mji hjTfCi
  • For every Mji where j lt i but not an ancestor of
    I, set to 0
  • For every Mji where j gt i, Mij because M is
    symmetric (in fact, M is positive definite)

CRBA Pseudocode
  • M 0
  • for (i 1 i lt N i )
  • ICi Ii
  • for (i N i gt 0 i --)
  • fCii ICihi
  • for (j i j lt N j ) Mij
  • if (i - 1 ! 0)
  • ICi - 1 xf-1iICixmi
  • for (j i j lt N j )
  • fCji-1 xf-1ifCji

Last Words on CRBA
  • Isnt this O(N3) ?
  • Yes, but for small N, small order terms dominate
  • Like RNEA, can change pseudocode to work on
    trees, but better off to go to original
    Featherstone / Orin paper, which has general form

Articulated Body Algorithm (ABA)
  • If we apply a test force of f to one link in an
    articulated body, we get
  • a Ff b
  • a is the bodys new acceleration
  • b is the acceleration if f were 0
  • F is a 6 6 matrix that transforms forces into
    motions (sound familiar?)

More ABA
  • Invert equations to get
  • f IAa pA
  • IA is F-1 Articulated-Body Inertia (ABI) of the
    link that receives the test force
  • pA is IAb Bias Force
  • Need to compute the ABI and bias for each link
    per frame, then compute accelerations
  • Can be done for each link independent of other
    links in the body, so this is overall O(N)

ABA high-level
  • Starting at the tip, compute for each link
  • pi vi Iivi fxi
  • paj pAjIAjhjqj
  • IAi Ii ?(j in children of i)(IAj
  • pAi pi ?(j in children of i)(pajIAjhj(hjTIAjh
  • Then, compute q for each link
  • qI (hiTIAihi)-1(ti hiT(IAiai-1 pai))

Kinda More ABA
  • Featherstone does not give any pseudocode for
    this in his 2000 paper, and his earlier papers
    are difficult to find (his 1987 book is checked
    out of the library right now)
  • However, just last week at GDC, Kokkevis of Sony
    presented a paper that improves on the ABA and
    includes a full pseudocode and extensions for
    arbitrary constraints and joint limits

  • RNEA is still standard for inverse dynamics, good
    O(N) runtime
  • CRBA is fairly easy to understand, but only good
    for smaller chains
  • ABA is more efficient than CRBA for N gt 9, but
    improvements to ABA make it better than CRBA for
    N gt 6
  • Research still going on as we speak!

  • Featherstone, R. and Orin, D. Robot Dynamics
    Equations and Algorithms 2000
  • Craig, John J. Introduction to Robotics
    Mechanics and Control 1986
  • Kokkevis, Evangelos. Practical Physics for
    Articulated Characters 2004
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