Title: Pitfalls of Agent Projects
1Pitfalls of Agent Projects
- Borrowed from Nick Jennings
- University of Southampton, UK
2Pragmatics of Agent-Oriented Developments
- Lots of (single and multi-) agent projects
- But pragmatics of agent-oriented development
received little attention. - Here identify number of key pitfalls.
- political
- management
- conceptual
- analysis and design
- micro (agent) level
- macro (society) level
Jennings and Wooldridge
3You Oversell Agents
Political Pitfalls
- Agents are not magic
- If you cant do it with ordinary software,
probably cant do it with agents. - No evidence that any system developed using agent
technology could not have been built using
non-agent techniques. - Agents may make it easier to solve certain
classes of problem - but they do not make the impossible possible.
- Agents are not AI by a back door.
- Agents have not solved all the problems that have
dogged AI since its inception
4Get Dogmatic about Agents
Political Pitfalls
- Agents used in wide range of applications, but
they are not a universal solution. - For many applications, conventional software
paradigms (e.g., OO) are more appropriate. - Given a problem for which an agent and a
non-agent approach appear equally good, prefer
non-agent solution! - Other form of dogma
- believing in your agent definition
- and shoe-horning solution to fit this
5Dont Know Why You Want Agents
Management Pitfalls
- Agents new technology lots of hype!
- Agents will generate US2.6 billion in
revenue by the year 2000 - Managerial reaction we can get 10 of that
- Managers propose agent projects without having
clear idea idea about what having agents will
buy them. - No business plan for the project
- pure research? ? technology vendor? ? solutions
vendor? - Often, projects appear to be going well. (We
have agents!) But no vision about where to go
with them. - understand your reasons for attempting agent
development project, and what you expect to gain
from it
6Want Generic Solutions to 1-Off Problems
Management Pitfalls
- Devising a generic architecture/testbed, when
really need a bespoke system. - Re-use is difficult to attain unless development
is undertaken for a close knit range of problems
with similar characteristics. - General solutions are more difficult and more
costly to develop - often need extensive tailoring to target
7Believe Agents Silver Bullet
Conceptual Pitfalls
- Holy grail of software engineering is a silver
bullet - order of magnitude improvement in software
development. - Many technologies promoted as silver bullet
- automatic programming
- expert systems
- graphical programming
- Agent technology is not a silver bullet.
- Good reasons to believe that agents are a useful
way of tackling some problems. - But these arguments largely untested in practice.
8Forget Agents are Software
Conceptual Pitfalls
- Agent system development is essentially
experimentation - No tried and trusted techniques (at present)
- Encourages developers to forget developing
software - Project plans focus on the agenty bits.
- Mundane software engineering (requirements
analysis, specification, design, verification,
testing) is forgotten. - Result a foregone conclusion
- project flounders, not because agent problems,
but because basic software engineering ignored. - any principled software development technique is
better than none.
9Forget Agents are Multi-Threaded Software
Conceptual Pitfalls
- Multi-threaded software one of most complex
classes of computer system to design and
implement. - Significant background experience in distributed
and concurrent computing areas - Multi-agent system tend to be multi-threaded
- both within and between agents
- need to recognise and plan for things such as
- synchronisation
- mutual exclusion for shared resources
- deadlock
10Dont Ignore Related Technology
Analysis and Design Pitfalls
- Percentage of system that is agent-specific is
comparatively small. - intelligent agents are 99 computer science and
1 AI - (Etzioni,96)
- Important conventional technologies and
techniques are exploited wherever possible. - Dont reinvent the wheel.
- Database technology
- Expert system shells
11Dont Exploit Concurrency
Analysis and Design Pitfalls
- One of most obvious features of a poor
multi-agent design is that amount of concurrent
problem solving is small. - Serial processing in distributed system
- Only ever a single thread of control
- concurrency, one of the most important potential
advantages of multi-agent solutions not exploited.
12You ignore legacy
Analysis and Design Pitfalls
- When building systems using new technology, often
an assumption that it is necessary to start from
a blank slate. - However in many cases, most important components
of a software system will be legacy - functionally essential, but technologically
obsolete software components, which cannot
readily be rebuilt. - When proposing a new software solution, essential
to work with such components. - They need to be incorporated into an agent layer.
13Want Your Own Architecture
Agent Level Pitfalls
- Architecture design for building agents.
- Many have been proposed over the years.
- Great temptation to imagine you need your own
- not designed here mindset
- intellectual property.
- Problems
- architecture development takes years
- no clear payback.
- Recommendation buy one, take one off the shelf,
or do without.
14Use Too Much AI
Agent Level Pitfalls
- Temptation to focus on intelligent aspects of
the application. - an agent framework too overburdened with
experimental AI techniques to be usable. - fuelled by feature envy
- Resist temptation to believe such features are
essential in your system - build agents with a minimum of AI
- success is obtained with such systems,
progressively evolve them into richer systems.
15No AI
Micro (Agent) Level Pitfalls
- Dont call your on-off switch an agent!
- Be realistic
- find everyday distributed systems referred to as
multi-agent systems. - Web pages with any behind the scenes processing
as agents. - Problems
- lead to the term agent losing any meaning
- raises expectations of software recipients
- leads to cynicism on the part of software
16See Agents Everywhere
Macro (Society) Level Pitfalls
- Pure A-O system everything is an agent!
- agents for addition, subtraction,
- Naively viewing everything as an agent is
inappropriate. - choose the right grain size.
- more than 10 agents big system.
17Too Few Agents
Macro (Society) Level Pitfalls
- While some designers imagine a separate agent for
every possible task. - Others dont recognise value of a multi-agent
approach at all. - Create system with very small number of agents
doing all the work - fails software engineering test of coherence.
- result is like OO program with 1 class.
18Implementing Infrastructure
Macro (Society) Level Pitfalls
- Presently, no widely-used software platforms for
developing agents - Such platforms provide basic infrastructure
required to create a multi-agent system. - The result everyone builds their own.
- By the time this is developed, project resources
gone! - No effort devoted to agent-specifics.
19Agents Interact too Freely
Macro (Society) Level Pitfalls
- Numerous systems interacting with one another can
generate behaviour more complex than sum of parts - good exploit this emergent functionality to
provide simple, robust cooperative behaviour - bad emergent behaviour akin to chaos
- restrict way agents interact
- simplest possible protocol for achieving set
20System Lacks Structure
Macro (Society) Level Pitfalls
- Common misconception is that agent systems
require no real structuring - throw together agents and see what happens!
- While this may be true in some cases,
- in majority of situations, considerable amount of
system-level engineering takes place - especially for large scale systems or where need
some commonality of purpose - structure helps
- reduce systems complexity
- increase efficiency
- more accurately model problem at hand
- Agent technology is immature and largely
untested. - Agent system developers often fall into the same
traps. - Described what we perceive to be most common and
most serious of these pitfalls. - Thereby shift attention to pragmatics of agent
system engineering.
22Further Reading
- N. R. Jennings, P. Faratin, A. R. Lomuscio, S.
Parsons, C. Sierra and M. Wooldridge (2001)
Automated negotiation prospects, methods and
challenges Int. J. of Group Decision and
Negotiation 10 (2). - F. Zambonelli, N. R. Jennings, and M. Wooldridge
(2001) "Organisational rules as an abstraction
for the analysis and design of multi-agent
systems" Int J. of Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering. - N. R. Jennings, P. Faratin, T. J. Norman, P.
O'Brien and B. Odgers (2000) Autonomous agents
for business process management Int. Journal of
Applied Artificial Intelligence 14 (2) 145-189. - N. R. Jennings, P. Faratin, T. J. Norman, P.
O'Brien, B. Odgers and J. L. Alty (2000)
Implementing a business process management
system using ADEPT A Real-World Case Study Int.
Journal of Applied AI 14 (5) 421-465. - N. Vulkan and N. R. Jennings (2000) Efficient
mechanisms for the supply of services in
multi-agent environments Int Journal of Decision
Support Systems 28(1-2) 5-19. - M. Wooldridge, N. R. Jennings, and D. Kinny
(2000) The Gaia methodology for agent-oriented
analysis and design Journal of Autonomous Agents
and Multi-Agent Systems 3 (3) 285-312. - M. J. Wooldridge and N. R. Jennings, (1999)
Software engineering with agents pitfalls and
pratfalls IEEE Internet Computing 3 (3) 20-27.