Title: Operational Amplifier
1Operational Amplifier
2Ideal OP Amp
Circuit model
Two golden rules to perform calculations on op
amps with negative feedback
- iin0, no current flow into op amp.
- VV-
- Typically one end of op amp is connected to
ground, therefore, VV- 0V, virtual ground.
Often V is connected to ground to avoid
stability problem.
3Applications building block for analog systems
- Amplifiers
- Adders and Substractors
- Integrators Differentiators
- Clock generators
- Filters
- Digital-to-analog converters
4Using op-amps
No flexibility
5Lets build a circuitnoninverting amplifier
6When A is very large
Suppose A106, R19R, R2R
- Gain
- determined by resistance ratio
- insensitive to A, temperature, fab variation
7Why did this happen? Negative feedback
e.g. vIN5V Suppose I perturb the circuit (e.g.
force v0 momentarily to 12V somehow Stable point
is when v?v- Key negative feedback ? portion
of output fed to ve input. e.g. Car antilock
brakes ? small corrections
8How to control a high-strung device
9More op amp insights
- Observe, under negative feedback,
- We also know
- i ? 0
- i- ? 0
- ? Yield an easier analysis method (under negative
10Insightful analysis method under negative
11Voltage follower
Why is this circuit useful?
has minimum effects on previous and next circuit.
12Inverting Amplifier
Feedback resistor, always to negative input
13Summing Amplifier Add Circuit
14Non-innverting Amplifier
Feedback resistor, always to negative input
15Differential Amplifier Substractor
Very useful if both signals are corrupted with
noise Electrocardiogram (EKG)