Title: Presentacin de PowerPoint
1A joint project by World Resources
Institute (WRI) World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Sustainable
Procurement of Wood Paper-Based Products
UN-FAO/ECE Forest Communicators
Network Communication Opportunities, Challenges
Strategies 13 May 2008, Bilbao, Spain James
Griffiths, WBCSD
- Introduction to the Sustainable Procurement (SP)
of Wood and Paper-Based Products project - What is it?
- Who developed it...why.and for whom?
- What are its key elements?
- How to use it.
- How to get SP project materials.
- Summary.
31. What is the Sustainable Procurement (SP)
- Information guides
- designed to help customers develop their own
procurement policies for wood and paper-based
products - Decision support tools
- provides credible simple information on
existing approaches to the responsible
procurement of wood and paper-based products from
legal sustainable sources
41. SP project three components
- Introduction to Sustainable Procurement
- Executive Summary (20 pages)
- An introduction for senior purchasing executives
responsible for paper procurement policies -
outlines key issues - Released October 2007
- Sustainable Procurement Guide and Resource Kit
- Guide and Resource Kit (ring binder, 100 pages)
- A procedures manual for the purchasing officer
who implements paper procurement decisions - Detailed guide to 23 existing approaches,
extensive glossary and references - Released April 2008
- Website www.SustainableForestProds.org
- Hosted by WRI with additional information sources
- Ongoing revisions and updates of the Guide
52. Who developed it?
- World Resources Institute (WRI)
- Information and policy NGO based in Washington
DC, USA - Practical solutions to move society to live in
ways that protect the Earths environment and its
capacity - www.wri.org
- World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) - Business NGO based in Geneva, Switzerland with a
significant forest, paper and packaging member
cluster - 210 global companies committed to making a
difference through sustainable development - www.wbcsd.org
- Financial Support from Bank of America WBCSD
62. Why did we develop it?
- Responding to requests from suppliers and
customers on how to understand and use the many
existing approaches claiming to support the
responsible procurement of sustainable wood
paper-based products
72. For whom?
- Wood Paper-based product marketers
- Sales Marketing Information tool
- Private and Public sector customers who
- Are significant users purchasers of
- wood, pulp, paper paper packaging
- Do not have in house wood paper product
processing expertise - Concerned or confused by the proliferation of
approaches - Want to source on a responsible sustainable
basis and are seeking a procedures guide
82. Two key objectives
- Assist wood paper customers understand, select
and use relevant existing approaches with
confidence. - 2. Help expand the market for sustainable wood
paper-based products.
93. Key elements - Introduction released in Sept 07
- Introduction to Sustainable Procurement
- 10 key questions
- Two summary tables mapping 23 approaches (wood
paper) - Supply chain
- Geography
- Main issues addressed
- Characterization
- Contacts
- Glossary Website
103. Ten key issues related to sustainable
113. Guide Resource Kit April release
- Ten key issues and questions when formulating a
sustainable procurement policy for paper-based
products. - Comparative information on the (23) existing
approaches and their relevance and utility in
addressing each of these key procurement issues. - Plus extensive information on many topics,
including traceability, supply chain management,
eco labels, legality, recycling, plantations,
special places, climate change, pollutants - Additional resources on SFM and sustainable
production procurement - Terminology Acronyms Glossary de-mystifying
sustainable forest management jargon and
terminology for lay customers - References
123. Scope Paper Approaches highlighted
133. Selecting approaches key factors
- Which organizations are behind the program?
- Sector specific (NGO, government or industry) or
multi-stakeholder - What is the scope of initiative/tool?
- Alignment with the users supply chain, product
focus or geographic scope? - What are the stated goals and mission of the
initiative/tool? - Consistent with the users business strategy and
long term vision? - What opportunities are there for user input into
future decisions about the initiative/tool? - Does it take a holistic approach, covering a
sufficiently broad array of issues associated
with sustainable procurement ?
143. Special website hosted by WRI
- www.SustainableForestProds.org
- Download or Order-on-line the Introduction
Guide - Additional resources
- Ongoing updates on new approaches and changes to
existing approaches - Three new paper product approaches since
September!! - Envelope Manufacturers Association - Paper
Envelop Environmental Awareness Tool kit CD ROM - WWF Guide to Buying Paper
- New Zealand Government Paper Procurement
154. How to use the SP Guide
- Wood Paper customers can use it to
- Formulate their own sustainable procurement
policies. - Select use with greater confidence those
existing approaches that are relevant to their - Wood Paper purchasing needs
- Core company values
- The expectations of their customers
164. SoCustomers can
- Use all or select key issue questions to frame
their sustainable procurement policy, defining
their specific requirements - Select relevant existing approaches to implement
their sustainable procurement decisions - Access background information as needed.
175. How to get SP project materials
- Hard copies of Introduction 2 samples of the
full Guide here today - Order or Download either Introduction and the
Guide Resource Kit from WRI, WBCSD or SFP
websites (free) - Visit www.SustainableForestProds.org for
additional resources and ongoing updates
186. Summary the project
- Expand market for sustainable wood and
paper-based products - Information Decision support tools for major
customers suppliers and other users - Provides impartial, simple credible information
on key issues existing approaches - Help customers to formulate and implement their
procurement policies and requirements
196. Summary - Future issues
- Ongoing proliferation of approaches will
continue - Three new approaches since September!!
- Sustainable procurement is a lot more than
simple forest certification - Processing impacts Life Cycle of products
becoming important - Carbon emissions next focus!!
- Social issues emerging rapidly
- Global scale customers will increasingly use a
portfolio of approaches e.g. - certification CO2 emissions special
206. Summary project design
- World Resource Institute
- Independent technical assessment
- Liaison with approach managers/owners NGOs
- Involve customers in content design
- Time Inc (paper), KCC (specialty fiber), P G
(packaging) - 2 types of publication (Intro and Manual) plus
website access - Targeted promotion
- User events over the next 12 months
- Translation of Intro in Portuguese, Spanish
Chinese - Generic trade publication article
- Continuity next 3 years
- Process and resources to update for amended new
21For more information
- www. sustainableforestprods.
- org