Title: Chapter 8 Yield Management Revenue Management
1Chapter 8 Yield Management(Revenue Management)
2Ticket Fares to Las Vegas!
3Yield Management
- A set of strategies used in the service industry
to maximize revenue from operations. - Core Concept of Yield Management
- The right service / product
- To the right customer
- At the right time
- For the right price
4Yield Management
- History
- - Late 1970s Deregulation of the Airline
Industry - - Late 1980s Hotel Industry
- Goal of Yield Management
- Maximize profit for Guest Room Sales
- Maximize Profit for Hotel Services
- Often used with the perishable commodity.
5Characteristics of Yield Management
- Perishable Inventory
- Relatively Fixed Capacity
- High Fixed Costs, Low Variable Costs
- Advance Reservations
- Time Variable Demand
- Appropriate Cost and Pricing Structure
- Segmentable Markets
6Yield Management
- Perishable Commodity
- Airplane Seats
- Hotel Rooms
- Rental Cars
- Cruise Ship Cabins
7Yield Management Strategies
As demand exceeds supply
Increase Rates to Maximize Profits
As supply exceeds demand
Decrease Rates to Maximize Occupancy
8Yield Management Threshold Curve
Threshold Curve
9Yield Statistic
actual rooms revenue potential rooms revenue
(Every room sold at full rack rate)
Yield is the percentage of income that could be
secured if 100of available rooms were sold at
full rack rate
10Yield Exercise
- Hotel ABC has 500 rooms available, it sells 200
rooms at 85 with a rack rate of 100. - Whats the yield of Hotel ABC?
actual rooms revenue potential rooms revenue
(Every room sold at full rack rate)
11Occupancy versus Yield
number of rooms occupied number of rooms available
Occupancy Rate
actual rooms revenue potential rooms revenue
(Every room sold at full rack rate)
12Occupancy versus Yield
- Hotel ABC has 500 rooms available, it sells 275
rooms at 80 and 125 rooms at 120 rack rate.
What is the occupancy rate? What is the yield? - Hotel XYZ also has 500 rooms available, it sells
125 rooms at 80 and 275 rooms at 120 rack rate.
What is the occupancy rate? What is the yield?
13Lecture Review
- Core Concept of Yield Management
- Goal of Yield Management
- Yield Management Strategies
- Yield Management Threshold Curve
- Yield Statistic