Title: Revising for the English SATs
1Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
- will have questions on
- comprehension
- inference
- organisation
- the authors intentions
- how the author has written the text
2Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
The big questions often tell you the answers
- How does the author try to capture our interest
in the events of his story? You should comment
on the effects of - his comments about Spiderman
- his description of the police chase
- his description of the sedan car which was being
3Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
The big questions often tell you the answers
All you do is EXPLAIN them
- which you do like this
- One paragraph for each idea, including
- a. Point (dry stone wall)
- Facts
- Quote (explain it)
- Explain
4Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
How does the author try to capture our interest
in the events of his story? You should comment
on the effects of his comments about Spiderman
Point (dry stone wall) Facts Quote (explain
it) Explain
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Facts Quote (explain
it) Explain
5Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
How does the author try to capture our interest
in the events of his story? You should comment
on the effects of his comments about Spiderman
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Facts Quote (explain
it) Explain
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. Quote (explain it) Explain
6Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
How does the author try to capture our interest
in the events of his story? You should comment
on the effects of his comments about Spiderman
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. Quote (explain it) Explain
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. The author says a
red-and-blue blur, Quote (explain it) Explain
7Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
How does the author try to capture our interest
in the events of his story? You should comment
on the effects of his comments about Spiderman
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. The author says a
red-and-blue blur, Quote (explain it) Explain
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. The author says a
red-and-blue blur, which means he was going very
fast. Explain
8Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
How does the author try to capture our interest
in the events of his story? You should comment
on the effects of his comments about Spiderman
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. The author says a
red-and-blue blur, which means he was going very
fast. Explain
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. The author says a
red-and-blue blur, which means he was going very
fast. This makes him interesting because
9Revising for the English SATs
Reading paper
How does the author try to capture our interest
in the events of his story? You should comment
on the effects of his comments about Spiderman
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. The author says a
red-and-blue blur, which means he was going very
fast. This makes him interesting because
The author tries to capture our interest by his
comments about Spiderman. Spiderman goes on
patrol, he helps the police, he flies through the
air on web-lines. The author says a
red-and-blue blur, which means he was going very
fast. This makes him interesting because
think of 2 ideas