Title: GIS Lecture 9
1GIS Lecture 9 Spatial Analysis
- Proximity Buffers
- Spatial Joins on Buffers
- Visual Basic Scripts
- Apportionment
3Proximity Buffers
- Buffers Created
- Points
- Lines
- Polygons
Buffer created by assigning a buffer distance
around points
6Green Spaces Near Schools
- Polygon buffer created ¼ and ½ mile around
7Businesses near Convention Center
- Businesses that are with ¼ mile of Convention
8Campus Safety
Polygon buffer 20 around lights in a parking lot
Buffer created by assigning a buffer distance
around lines
10Line Buffer Example
Access-to-Work Study (Pittsburgh Foundation) -
Polygon buffer created around PAT Bus Routes -
Shows 15 minute ride times
11Line Buffer Example
Another buffer shows 30 minute ride times
12Line Buffer Example
45 minutes
13Line Buffer Example
60 minutes
14Line Buffer Example
Street Study - Polygon buffer created ¼ mile
around selected streets
Buffer created by assigning a buffer distance
around polygons
16Parcels within 150 of selected feature
17Buffer is Created
18Polluting Companies within ¼ mile buffer of a
19Spatial Joins on Buffers
- Spatially join Toxic Release sties to buffers
- Count appears in new buffer
20Visual Basic Scripts
21Visual Basic Scripts
- Adding Area and Perimeter to Polygons
- Finding Polygon Centroids
- Exporting to Google Earth
22Area and Perimeter VB Script
- Advanced calculations for finding area,
perimeter, and length of features
23Area and Perimeter VB Script
- Add field in shapefile (e.g. area)
- Use calculator function and Visual Basic Script
to calculate polygon areas
24Area and Perimeter VB Script
- Result is the area of each polygon feature
25Polygon Centroids
- Advanced calculations for finding polygon
centroids - Added as an XY Data Layer
26Point Centroid VB Script
- Adds XY Data to Attribute Table
27Polygon Centroids
- Export attributes as table
- Add as XY Data
28Polygon Centroids
29Export to Google Earth Script
- 1. Go to http//arcscripts.esri.com/details.asp?db
id14273 and download the ArcView script for
exporting. - 2. Unzip the files to a new folder.
- 3. Run the install file called
ExporttoKML_INSTALL.bat. - 4. Launch ArcView.
- 5. Click Tools, Extensions..., and the new Export
to KML extension. A dialog box will appear with a
little globe. If it doesn't appear, right click
on the toolbar and load it from there. - 6. Click the globe and follow the dialog box
prompts to export to Google Earth.
30Shapefiles Added to Google Earth
31Simple Apportionment
32Apportionment Example
- You want to know the population of a ZIP code but
only have census tracts - Approximate the population of zip codes using
Census Tracts
33Population Apportionment
- Begin with census tract population
34Population Apportionment
- Overlay zip codes which are non-coterminous
35Population Apportionment
- Use census tracts to estimate the population in
each zipcode
- Or use census blocks for better estimates
36Other examples of apportionment
Population by voting district
37Other census data to apportion
- SF1 Census Data
- Population (tract, block group, and block)
- Age (tract, block group, and block)
- Race (tract, block group, and block)
- Housing Units (tract, block group, and block)
- SF3 Census Data
- Educational Attainment (tract and block group
only) - Income (tract and block group only)
- Poverty Status (tract and block group only)
- Others?
38Advanced ApportionmentTutorial Example
- Police want to know the number of under-educated
persons (over Age22) in their car beats - Under-educated data is located in Census tracts
(not car beat polygons)
39Apportion Data for Non-CoterminousPolygons
- Apportioning (makes approximate splits) of
each tracts data to two or more car beats.
40Approach to Apportionment
- Better to use census block centroid data
- Areas are smaller than Census Tracts (better
population estimates) - Each centroid has census data attached to it
- ProblemCentroids DO NOThave the
under-educateddata, census tracts do
41The Math of Apportionment
- Zoomed view of 2 car beats and one tract
- Beat 261 and 251
- Tract 360550002100
42The Math of Apportionment
- Tract 360550002100
- has 205 persons aged 25 or older with less than a
HS education - 26 block centroids span 2 beats
43The Math of Apportionment
- Apportionment assumes that the fraction of under
educated persons 25 or older is the same as that
for the general population aged 25 or older - Beat 261 1,177/2,266 0.519
- Beat 251 1,089/2,266 0.481
44The Math of Apportionment
- 205 is the number of under-educated people in
tract 36055002100 - Thus we estimate the contribution of tract
36055002100 to car beat 261s under-educated
population to be (1,177/2,266)x205 106. For
car beat 251 it is (1,089/2,266)x205 99 - To calculate this in GIS, we need to
performintersects and joins
45Apportionment Steps
- Block Centroids
- Add two fields TRACTID and SumAge22
- TRACTID is a the census tract ID numbers (for
later joins to census tracts and summaries) - SumAge22 is the summary of population Age22
(calculating multiple age columns)
46Apportionment Steps
- From the block centroids, create a new summary
table counting the number of persons Age22 for
each census tract
47Apportionment Steps
- Create a new layer intersecting car beats and
census tracts - Fields will include values from both tables
48Apportionment Steps
- Spatially join the new intersecting layer of car
beats and census tracts (polygons) to block
centroids (points) - New points will have beat and census tract data
49Apportionment Steps
- Check Apportionment Weights
- Create apportionment weight denominator
- Join the summary table of Age22 or greater to the
newly created points - The result is the summary of Age22 or greater
population is now on block centroid points
50Apportionment Steps
- Compute Apportionment Weights
- Create new block centroid field called Weight
51Apportionment Steps
- Create new block centroid field called
52Apportionment Steps
- Values should all
- be 1.00
53Apportionment Steps
- Sum Under Educated by Car Beat
54Join Summary Table to Beats
55Map Under-Educated by Car Beat
- Proximity Buffers
- Points
- Lines
- Polygons
- Spatial Joins on Buffers
- Visual Basic Scripts
- Area
- Point Centroids
- Apportionment