Title: PBM
- Berbasis Multimedia
- Bambang Ariantara
- Review PBM
- Strategi PBM
- Pemanfatan Teknologi Multimedia untuk
Meningkatkan Efektivitas PBM.
3Review PBMWhat is Teaching?
- Memfasilitasi mhs untuk belajar (learning)
- Proses interaktif
- Materi (content) dirancang/dipersiapkan untuk
mencapai tujuan (goals).
4Review PBMContent of Teaching
- Fakta
- Prosedur atau metode
- Keterampilan (skill)
- Gagasan (ideas)
- Nilai-nilai (values).
5Review PBMGoals of Teaching
- Pengajar
- Menambah Pengetahuan
- Menambah Keterampilan
- Memperdalam Pemahaman
- Mengasah Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Masalah
- Mengubah Persepsi, Sikap dan Perilaku.
- Mahasiswa
6Review PBMEffective Teaching
- Memiliki keterampilan yg terus dikembangkan dan
diperluas - Mampu menganalisis topik
- Memilih pendekatan yang tepat
- Menerapkan strategi
- Menyiapkan materi
- Mengorganisasikan gagasan, informasi
- Mengkomunikasikan materi dan gagasan
- Memberi motivasi.
7Review PBMWhat is Learning?
- Tidak ada metode yang umum
- Tiap individu menerapkan strategi berbeda untuk
berbagai tujuan - Keterbatasan strategi.
- Orientasi
- Mencari ilmu/pengetahuan (knowledge seeker)
- Memperoleh pemahaman (understanding seeker).
8Review PBMKnowledge Seeker
- Adds to store facts, concept, etc.
- Collects skill, procedures, methods
- Breakdown problems into sub-units
- Make links within units of knowledge
- Uses memorization skill
- Work methodically
- Analyses
- Systematic trial and error
- Evaluates data.
9Review PBMUnderstanding Seeker
- Tries to relate information to own experience
- Makes links to other bodies of knowledge
- Restructure for personal meaning
- Synthesizes
- Likes to works from whole picture
- Searches for underlying structure, purpose, and
meaning - Intuitive use of evidence
- Uses analogies.
10Strategi PBMLecturing
- Cakupan (coverage)
- Pemahaman (understanding)
- Motivasi (motivation, interest).
11Strategi PBMProcess of Lecturing
- Karakteristik dosen mhs
- Modus komunikasi
- Materi kuliah (content of the lecture subject).
12Strategi PBMModel of Exploring Lectures
Lecturer Transmits
13Strategi PBMModel of Exploring Lectures
- Intentions
- Transmission
- Receipt
- Output.
14Strategi PBMModel of Exploring Lectures
- Intentions Target yang ingin dicapai (goals of
lecturing) - Mengcover topik kuliah (provide coverage of a
topic) - Membangkitkan pemahaman (generate understanding)
- Mendorong, merangsang interest (stimulate
15Strategi PBMModel of Exploring Lectures
- Transmission Penyampaian kuliah oleh dosen
- Verbal message
- Extra-Verbal
- Non-verbal
- Alat Bantu Audio Visual.
16Strategi PBMModel of Exploring Lectures
- Receipt Penerimaan oleh Mhs.
- Informasi, makna
- Perhatian mhs (attention)
- Network of concepts, facts
- Transfer dari short-term memory ke long-term
17Strategi PBMModel of Exploring Lectures
- Output Respon Mhs.
- Bukan hanya catatan kuliah
- Reaksi terhadap proses kuliah
- Reaksi terhadap dosen.
- Perubahan sikap, pemahaman (long term changes of
attitudes and understanding).
18Strategi PBMThe Skill of Lecturing
- Menjelaskan, menerangkan (explaining)
- Menyajikan informasi (presenting information)
- Membangkitkan minat (generating interest)
- Menyiapkan kuliah (lecture preparation).
19Strategi PBMSelecting Media
- Outcome
- Karakteristik Mhs
- Kendala
- Metode Instruksional.
20Strategi PBMContoh
- Telephone techniques could be introduced in an
ordinary classroom situation by role playing, and
it could be reinforced by showing a number of
techniques on a video - Training someone how to face the public as a
receptionist may be helped by presenting examples
on film, video, or simply by role playing - The grammar part of English language is generally
covered in a classroom situation. To make the
training session more interesting overhead
transparences are also suitable media to use.
21Strategi PBMThe Cone of Learning
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- Masalah PBM adalah masalah komunikasi
- PBM selalu membutuhkan multimedia baik itu
konvensional maupun computerized - Pemanfaatan teknologi multimedia harus
meningkatkan effektivitas PBM.
25SumberTeaching Improvement WorkshopEngineering
Education Development ProjectDitjen
DIKTITeaching and Learning Process
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