Title: Interactive Notebook
1Interactive Notebook
- Your Key to Success
- in Language Arts/Literature
2So, what is the purpose of an Interactive
3Get it together with your
Interactive Notebook
4What is an Interactive Notebook?
- A personalized notebook
- A working portfolio all of your notes, class
work, quizzes, creative activities in one
convenient spot.
Isnt that cool? A place to keep your work, a
place to reflect upon your learning? An organized
portfolio to keep and show your parents what you
have learned!
5Left Side Right Side There is a special place
for everything you keep in your notebook
Next, youll see how to become super organized!
6Left Side
- Left is for learning!
- The left side belongs to Mrs. Lopez
- The left side includes notes, study guides,
vocabulary, worksheets, sample problems, reading
strategies and practice, quizzes and all other
important information I give you.
7Examples of Left Side Assignments
- Articles or short stories to read
- Notes
- Graphic Organizers (Venn diagrams, Frayer model,
etc. ) - Questions
- Reciprocal strategies for reading
- Literary elements
- Examples of important Language Arts/Literature
concepts or ideas
8Right Side
- Right is for reflection
- The right side belongs to YOU!
- This is where you will get to show your CREATIVE
side and show me what you have learned in your
own special way! ?
9Examples of Right Side Assignments
- Questions and answers
- Sketches
- Pictographs/Cartoons
- Letters (Friendly and Business)
- Flow Charts/time lines
- Graphic organizers
- Posters
- News Articles
- Summaries
11Acrostics and other poems
12Comic Strips
13Venn Diagram
14There is so much YOU can do to show me what you
have learned!
- Do you like music? How about creating a rap song,
or writing down lyrics to demonstrate your
I will give you a list of the many choices you
will have for YOUR page!
15Student Materials
- Notebook
- Pencils or erasable pens
- Colored pencils
- Glue stick (optional)
16Maintaining the Interactive Notebook
- No ripped out pages or torn corners
- No doodling that doesnt relate to notes
- Date and number each page
- Keep your notebook NEAT and ORGANIZED
17So, how are the Interactive Notebooks graded?
product) all of the requirements are
evident and EXCEEDED the product is VERY
neatly done and EXTREMELY well organized
the product shows LOTS of creativity and is
colorfully illustrated completed on
time 2 Points - (What is EXPECTED) the
requirements are evident the product is
neatly done and organized the product
shows some creativity and is illustrated
completed on time 1 Point (One or More parts
is missing) few of the requirements are
evident the product is fairly neatly done
and partly organized the product shows
little creativity and few illustrations
completed on time 0 Points - (Does not meet
Standards) Unscorable or no product