Title: Securing Success Workshop
1Securing Success Workshop
- The skill of explanation is the key to success in
most subjects at Key Stage Three. - Most children can describe what is happening, but
they need to be able to explain why.
3Describe the process of making toast
- Put the bread in the toaster
- Wait until it pops up
- Spread butter over the toast
- Cut the toast into squares
4Explain the process of making toast
- Put the bread in the toaster which will heat it
until it is cooked. - Wait until it pops up as this means it is ready.
- Spread butter over the toast because this makes
it less dry and it tastes better. - Cut the toast into squares so that it is easier
to pick up and eat.
5Can you change this description of making a cup
of tea into an explanation?
- Fill up the kettle
- Switch the kettle on
- Put the tea bag in the cup
- Fill the cup with the boiling water
- Add milk and sugar
- Stir
- Asking your child WHY they have given a certain
answer in their homework will give them the
opportunity to EXPLAIN their reasoning. - You dont need to know the answer - the process
of explaining is what is important.
7Describe and explain
- Describe deals with what
- Explain deals with why and how.
I want to explain how First Next Then
I want to explain why This is because So
when A further reason is Consequently
Explain how a piece of bread is eaten. Explain
why air causes pressure.
8- I want to explain how a piece of bread is eaten.
- First you place the bread into your mouth.
- Next your teeth chew the bread.
- Then the saliva which is an enzyme starts to
break up the starch. - Finally you swallow the sticky bread pieces.
I want to explain why air causes pressure. This
is because air is made of particles. So when they
move around and hit a surface they push against
it which exerts a force on the surface. A further
reason is that pressure is equal to force divided
by area. Consequently the moving air particles
are causing pressure.
9More explanation!
- Watch this video clip about football referees
- Create a MindMap that explains everything good
and bad about being a football referee
10This demonstrates how pupils can think around a
topic exploring and planning ideas for a detailed
Have to work in a lot of bad weather
You get to work in a team with other officials
Referee Video Clip
- Put these explanations in order of the weakest to
the strongest.
Literacy Evening\fish smell.doc
12Just to recap
- Level 4/5
- Pupils can
- Use appropriate specialist terms
- Use connectives e.g. because
- Link cause and effect
- Include comparative statements e.g.
larger/smaller - Level 6
- Pupils can
- Use appropriate vocabulary confidently, including
specialist terms - Link cause and effect considering a number of
factors - Begin to use models or examples
- Include comparative statements and relate them to
ideas - Level 7
- Pupils can
- Use more ambitious vocabulary including complex
technical terminology - Links processes (how) and explanations (why) to
phenomena (what happens) - Make links with knowledge and understanding from
other areas - Use a model in detail to explain and may refer to
more than one e.g. particles and energy
13Thank you for attending this workshop. We hope
that it has been enjoyable and informative..
14What Kind of Learner are you?
- Have a go at the learning styles questionnaire
which will help you to work out what kind of
learner you are!
15What Kind of Learner are you?
Click here to see the results
- Label each row to indicate whether the answer you
gave was red, yellow or green. - Mostly yellow answers Visual learner (you like
to see something to learn it) - Mostly green answers Audio learner (you like to
hear something to learn it) - Mostly red answers Kinaesthetic learner (you
like to do something active to help you learn) -