Lecture Two - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture Two


Part I. Exemplar case from novel medical device. Part II. Ethics. Safety. Risk. Part III. ... It will be subject to disassembly. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture Two

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  • cwlinx_at_ntu.edu.tw
  • 33665272

  • Part I. Exemplar case from novel medical device
  • Part II.
  • Ethics
  • Safety
  • Risk
  • Part III.
  • Accident/hazard
  • Mishap
  • Failure
  • Reliability
  • Liability

Part I
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Part II
Ethics vs. Moral
  • Ethics from the Greek ethos custom. It is the
    study of right and wrong and of good and evil in
    human conduct. It often means a particular kind
    of study and use morality to refer to its subject
  • Ethics is not concerned with providing any
    judgments or specific rules for human behavior
    but rather with providing an objective analysis
    about what individuals ought to do.
  • Moral from the Latin word for custom. It is the
    codes of conduct of a society. It often becomes
    part of what people believe to be right and good
    and the reasons they give for it. For example,
    tell truth, pay debt

Engineering Ethics.
  • The development of new technologies for modern
    health care has posed new and troubling moral
    dilemmas for medical professionals, the
    biomedical engineering, and society at large.
    Therefore, we need to re-examine some of the
    moral questions related to the use of new medical
  • The objective, however, is not to provide answers
    or recommendations for these questions. Rather,
    the intent is to demonstrate that each
    technological advance has consequences that
    affect the very core of human values.

IEEE Code of Ethics
  • The Fundamental Principles
  • Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor
    and dignity of the engineering profession by
  • I. Using their knowledge and skill for the
    enhancement of human welfare
  • II. Being honest and impartial, and serving with
    fidelity the public, their employers and clients
  • III. Striving to increase the competence and
    prestige of the engineering profession.

The Fundamental Canons
  • 1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety,
    health and welfare of the public in the
    performance of their professional duties.
  • 2. Engineers shall perform services only in the
    areas of their competence.
  • 3. Engineers shall continue their professional
    development throughout their careers and shall
    provide opportunities for the professional and
    ethical development of those engineers under
    their supervision.
  • 4. Engineers shall act in professional matters
    for each employer or client as faithful agents or
    trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest
    or the appearance of conflicts of interest.
  • 5. Engineers shall build their professional
    reputation on the merit of their services and
    shall not compete unfairly with others.
  • 6. Engineers shall associate only with reputable
    persons or organizations.
  • 7. Engineers shall issue public statements only
    in an objective and truthful manner.
  • 8. Engineers shall consider environmental impact
    in the performance of their professional duties.

  • We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of
    the importance of our technologies affecting the
    quality of life throughout the world, and in
    accepting a personal obligation to our
    profession, its members and the communities we
    serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest
    ethical and professional conduct and agree
  • to accept responsibility in making engineering
    decisions consistent with the safety, health and
    welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly
    factors that might endanger the public or the
  • to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest
    whenever possible, and to disclose them to
    affected parties when they do exist
  • to be honest and realistic in stating claims or
    estimates based on available data
  • to reject bribery in all its forms
  • to improve the understanding of technology, its
    appropriate application, and potential
  • to maintain and improve our technical competence
    and to undertake technological tasks for others
    only if qualified by training or experience, or
    after full disclosure of pertinent limitations
  • to seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of
    technical work, to acknowledge and correct
    errors, and to credit properly the contributions
    of others
  • to treat fairly all persons regardless of such
    factors as race, religion, gender, disability,
    age, or national origin
  • to avoid injuring others, their property,
    reputation, or employment by false or malicious
  • to assist colleagues and co-workers in their
    professional development and to support them in
    following this code of ethics.

The Belmont Report
  • Basic Ethical Principles
  • Respect for Persons
  • Individual autonomy
  • Protection of individuals with reduced autonomy
  • Beneficence
  • Maximize benefits and minimize harms
  • Justice
  • Equitable distribution of research costs and

Source Melody Lin, Ph.D.
IRB Decision Matrix
BENEFICENCE Risk/Benefit Analysis Experimental
Design Qualifications of PI
JUSTICE Subject Selection Inclusion/Exclusion
Informed Consent Surrogate Consent Assent
Protection of Subjects (especially vulnerable
Source Melody Lin, Ph.D.
Basic Protections
  • The regulations contain three basic protections
    for human subjects
  • Institutional Assurances not FDA
  • IRB Review
  • Informed Consent

Source Melody Lin, Ph.D.
  • The institution must certify that the research
    has been reviewed and approved by an IRB45 CFR
  • Submitted to funding agency

Source Melody Lin, Ph.D.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Membership
  • At least five members of varying backgrounds
  • Sufficiently qualified
  • Not solely of one profession
  • Gender diversity
  • At least one non-scientist
  • At least one non-affiliated member
  • Expertise on vulnerable populations
  • Outside consultants

Source Melody Lin, Ph.D.
Criteria for IRB Approval
  • Risks to subjects are minimized
  • Risks are reasonable in relation to anticipated
  • Selection of subjects is equitable
  • Informed consent is sought from each subject
  • Informed consent is appropriately
    documented continued

Criteria for IRB Approval
  • When appropriate
  • data collection is monitored to ensure subject
  • privacy and confidentiality of subjects is
  • additional safeguards are included for vulnerable

IRB Responsibilities
  • Identify Risks
  • Determine that risks are minimized
  • Determine that risks to subjects are reasonable
    in relation to anticipated benefits
  • Determine that subjects are adequately informed
    about any reasonably foreseeable risks or

Informed consent
  • It is considered to be the most important moral
    issue in human experimentation. It is an attempt
    to preserve the rights of individuals by giving
    them the opportunity for self-determination to
    participate in any experimental effort.

  • Risk The probability of harm or injury
    (physical, psychological, social, or economic)
    occurring as a result of participation in a
    research study. Both the probability and
    magnitude of possible harm may vary from minimal
    to significant. Federal regulations define only
    "minimal risk."

  • Minimal Risk A risk is minimal where the
    probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort
    anticipated in the proposed research are not
    greater, in and of themselves, than those
    ordinarily encountered in daily life or during
    the performance of routine physical or
    psychological examinations or tests

IRB Responsibilities
  • Identify Risks
  • Determine that risks are minimized
  • Determine that risks to subjects are reasonable
    in relation to anticipated benefits
  • Determine that subjects are adequately informed
    about any reasonably foreseeable risks or

Identifying Risks
  • Types of Risk
  • Physical Harms
  • Psychological Harms
  • Social and Economic Harms

Identifying Risks
  • Physical Harm
  • Pain, discomfort, injury or loss of function
  • Direct result of procedure or side effect
  • Permanent or transitory

Identifying Risks
  • Psychological Harm
  • Change in thought processes or emotional state
  • Emotional Distress
  • Psychological Trauma
  • Invasion of Privacy

Identifying Risks
  • Social or Economic Harm
  • Embarrassment
  • Loss of Social Status
  • Loss of Employment
  • Loss of Insurability

Identifying Risks
  • Primary source of social harm results from a
    breach of confidentiality.
  • Confidentiality and anonymity are not the same
  • Names are not the only identifiers
  • Subjects participation in the research may need
    to be kept confidential as well as their data

Identifying Risks
  • Social and Psychological harms are real harms
  • All research interactions, including biomedical
    research, are social interactions with social and
    psychological implications

Identifying Risks
  • IRBs should not rely on investigators to
    identify risks
  • IRBs should do an independent analysis of risk

Minimizing Risk
  • Three ways to minimize risk
  • Precautions
  • Safeguards
  • Alternatives

  • Two kinds of benefits to subjects and to society
  • Evaluation of Risk/Benefit ratio is subjective
  • Risks often underestimated and benefits
  • Should take into account different subject
    populations and individual differences among

Safety is not an option for medical products
  • It is a must in designing and developing a
    medical device.
  • Due to the lag of applicable standards to the
    state of art, merely complying with the
    applicable standards is not enough to assure a
    safe and effective device.
  • Firms that are successful in the marketplace and
    the courtroom, however, are the ones that
    intentionally exceed safety and performance
    standards in their quest for safe, effective, and
    reliable devices.

Considerations of safety
  • Risk assessment
  • What failure could cause harm to the patient or
  • What misuse of the device could cause harm?
  • These failures must be analyzed using such
    methods as fault tree analysis or failure mode
    analysis and must be designed out of the device.
  • Liability assessment
  • Have all possible failure modes been explored and
    designed out?
  • Have all possible misuse situations been
  • Court cases have special punitive judgments for
    companies that have knowledge about an unsafe
    condition and do nothing about it.

Definition of Safety
  • freedom from accidents or losses, or
  • a judgment of the acceptability of risk, with
    risk, in turn, as a measure of the probability
    and severity of harm to human health.
  • Based on the argument that there is no such thing
    as absolute safety, and therefore safety should
    be defined in terms of acceptable losses.
  • This definition of safety implies that hazards
    cannot be eliminated, when they often can.
  • So, "How safe is safe enough?" has no simple

Accident Mishap
  • An accident is traditionally defined by safety
    engineers as an unwanted and unexpected release
    of energy.
  • The term mishap is often used to denote an
    unplanned event or series of events that result
    in death, injury, occupational illness, damage to
    or loss of equipment or property, or
    environmental harm. Thus, the term mishap
    includes both accidents and harmful exposures.

How do engineers deal with safety problems?
  • The earliest approach to safety, called
    operational or industrial safety, involves
    examining the system during its operational life
    and correcting what are deemed to be unacceptable
    hazards. In this approach, accidents are
    examined, the causes determined, and corrective
    action initiated. In some complex systems,
    however, a single accident can involve such a
    great loss as to be unacceptable. The goal of
    system safety is to design an acceptable safety
    level into the system before actual production or
  • System safety engineering attempts to optimize
    safety by applying scientific and engineering
    principles to identify and control hazards
    through analysis, design, and management

  • A safe system is one that does not incur too much
    risk to persons or equipment.
  • A risk is an event or condition that can occur,
    but is undesirable. Risk is measured both in
    terms of severity and probability.
  • Safety only concerns itself with failures that
    introduce hazards.
  • The probability of failure of a device to meet
    its requirements defines its reliability.
  • Safety takes a broader view - The concept of
    safety is not defined in terms of meeting
    requirements, but on a level of risk.

System Safety
  • Every system, no matter how complex it is, should
    be fail-safe, that is, it should be designed to
    fail into a safe and harmless state.
  • A very important part of the design process is
    identifying the safe states. It includes hardware
    and software safety.
  • EX.1 A radiation therapy machine is in a safe
    state when the beam is turned off and all motions
    are stopped.
  • Ex. 2 An automatic drug infusing device is in a
    safe state when the infusion is stopped or,
    depending on the drug, when the infusion rate is
    at some constant, low value.

Verification for Safety
  • A proof of safety involves a choice or
    combination of
  • 1) showing that a fault cannot occur, that is,
    the device cannot get into an unsafe state,
  • 2) showing that if a fault occurs, it is not
  • It has been argued that verification systems that
    prove the correspondence of devices to concrete
    specifications are only fragments of verification
    systems - Verification systems must capture the
    semantics of the hardware, the software code, and
    the system behavior.

Effective Safety Program
  • Any effective safety program requires procedures
    and expertise in formal hazard identification and
    analysis techniques.
  • A truly effective safety program includes
    implementation of internal hazard analysis
    procedures, a firm grasp of regulatory and other
    standards, and an awareness of the current
    industry practices regarding safety controls.
  • Such programs consume considerable time and
    resources, but failing to make the investment
    increases the risk of product recalls for medical
    device manufacturers.
  • Safety analysis begins when the project is
    conceived and continues throughout the product
    development life cycle.

Safety Analysis Program
  • Due to the variety of medical devices with many
    degrees of complexity, the following should be
    included in a safety analysis program
  • Safety review personnel must have a thorough
    understanding of the operation of the device.
    Personnel should review pertinent documentation,
    such as drawings, test reports, and manuals prior
    to the analysis.
  • Make a representative device available for the
    review. It will be subject to disassembly.
  • Use a checklist for the analysis especially
    prepared for the particular device.
  • Address all areas of concern immediately. Safety
    release is not granted until the device has no
    apparent areas of concern.
  • Safety release the device via a release letter
    only after all areas of concern are addressed.
  • Retain the checklist and release letter as part
    of the Product file.

(From Fries, 1991)
Part III
Use related Hazard
Medical Device Use-SafetyIncorporating Human
Factors Engineeringinto Risk ManagementIdentifyi
ng, Understanding, and Addressing Use-Related
  • Guidance for Industry and FDA Premarketand
    Design Control Reviewers,
  • FDA CDRH, 2000
  • http//www.fda.gov/cdrh/humanfactors/index.html

Use-related hazards
  • occur for one or more of the following reasons
  • Devices are used in ways that were not
  • Devices are used in ways that were anticipated,
    but inadequately controlled for,
  • Device use requires physical, perceptual, or
    cognitive abilities that exceed those of the
  • Device use is inconsistent with users
    expectations or intuition about device operation,
  • The use environment effects device operation and
    this effect is not understood by the user, or
  • The users physical, perceptual, or cognitive
    capacities are exceeded when using the device in
    a particular environment.

Risk Management Activities and Associated HFE
5.1 Device Use Description
  • A hazard is a potential source of harm.
  • Hazards arise in the use of medical devices due
    to the inherent risk of medical treatment, from
    device failures (or malfunctions), and from
    device use.
  • Hazards resulting from medical devices impact
    patients, family members, and professional
    healthcare providers.
  • Hazards typically considered in risk analysis
  • Chemical hazards (e.g., toxic chemicals),
  • Mechanical hazards (e.g., kinetic or potential
    energy from a moving object),
  • Thermal hazards (e.g., high temperature
  • Electrical hazards (e.g., electrical shock,
    electromagnetic interference (EMI)),
  • Radiation hazards (e.g., ionizing and
    non-ionizing), and
  • Biological hazards (e.g., allergic reactions,
    bio-incompatibility, and infection).

Sample flowchart showing risk management of
identified hazards
  • Even before a final design has been developed, a
    preliminary hazard analysis can be conducted to
    establish the baseline hazards associated with a
    device. In essence, the analysis consists of
    listing the major components and operating
    requirements of the device and evaluating their
    potential hazards.
  • The goal is to eliminate all high-severity
    hazards and reduce as many medium- and
    low-severity hazards as possible.
  • The components and operating requirements could
    include raw materials and wastes, hardware,
    monitoring and control systems, human-device
    interfaces, services, and the operating

  • Some potential hazards that may need to be
    evaluated include toxicity, flammability, and
    reactivity of raw materials and wastes
    sensitivity to environmental factors such as
    temperature and humidity mechanical or
    electronic hazards and human factors associated
    with the operator-device interface.
  • The patient-device interface can also be
    hazardous because of unsafe or ineffective
    delivery of energy, administration of drugs, or
    control of life-sustaining functions. Also,
    incorrect information could lead to a
    misdiagnosis or wrong treatment or therapy being

Any item falling into high risk categories (A or
B) should be redesigned.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • When a device contains many mechanical
    components, an FMEA should be considered.
    However, an FMEA is time-consuming and is
    generally applied only to Class III devices or to
    the safety critical portions of devices. For
    those devices that contain many electrical
    components, an FMEA is also a desirable
    methodology. This is another bottom-up approach
    that focuses on a particular component of a
    medical device and explores the various failure
    modes that can occur. For each failure mode that
    results in an undesirable consequence, potential
    causes and existing controls are evaluated, and
    the level of risk can be determined by using a
    risk matrix.

Fault tree analysis FTA
Figure A partial fault tree analysis for a
fault trees are generally best used to compare
risks of various alternatives.
  • FTA is being used by pacemaker manufacturers
    based on FDA guidance for software aspects of
    510(k) notification submissions for medical
    devices. Other computer-controlled medical
    devices will also need to be reviewed using FTA
    as a primary risk analysis tool.

  • For mechanical devices that are used away from
    the patient, such as plasma and blood viral
    inactivation devices, as well as devices for
    preparing intravenous solutions, an FMEA is a
    reasonable choice. However, for associated
    activities such as preparation of disposables,
    which are manual operations, a what-if approach
    is preferred.

Failure and Reliability
  • The term failure refers to the degradation of the
    performance of a device outside a specified
  • The measure of a devices reliability is the
    infrequency of failure over time.

Definition of Failure
  • The nonperformance or inability of a component or
    systems to perform its intended function for a
    specified time under specified environmental
    condition. It must always related to a measurable
    parameter or a clear indication.
  • If there are no definitions for its normal
    functions, there will be no failure.
  • It works under specific environmental conditions,
    temperature, lighting, ambient noise, stress
    level of operator, interference.
  • It happens as an event or behavior that occurs at
    a particular instant in time. Failure may be
    intermittent, degradation after a long period
    time, drift.
  • Failures in components or devices are usually
    listed in terms of a failure rate. The failure
    rate of a component or device is the probability
    of a failure per unit of time for the items still

The practical aspects of Failures
  • Failure is a fact of life. No device or component
    will ever have a perfect reliability. Therefore,
    we must learn to anticipate failure, take steps
    to minimize their occurrence, and optimize the
    operation of the device or component.
  • When developing a medical device, it is of utmost
    importance to design the device to operate
    according to spec, without failure, for a maximum
    period of time.
  • To do this, failure must be analyzed as to
    whether its occurrence will allow the device to
    keep operating at a safe level, or whether the
    device should be shut down to avoid potential
    harm to the patient, user, or the machine.

MD related failures
  • Hardware Failure
  • One group of failure particular to hardware is
    the time related failure. Time related failure
    may be classified into three groups early
    failure, chance or random failure and wearout
  • Software Failure
  • Due to no time-related degradation in software,
    therefore, the causes of software failure are
    significantly different from those of hardware
    components. There are four basic causes of
    software failure specification errors, design
    errors, typographical errors and omissions of
  • Failures Due to Human Error
  • Since it is impossible to anticipate all
    contingencies, which might cause failure, the
    best that can be done is to review all the
    procedural controls initially and modify them as
    their inadequacies become known. The only way to
    do the latter is to insist that all human errors
    be reported and prevent the natural tendency to
    relax once the design part of the problem appears
    close to solution.

The Definition of Reliability
  • the probability, at a desired confidence level,
    that a device will perform a required function,
    without failure, under stated conditions, for a
    specified period of time.- IEEE Standard
  • required function the function must have been
    established through such activities as customer
    and/or market surveys.
  • to perform without failure the normal operation
    of the device must be defined, in order to
    establish what a failure is.
  • to perform under stated conditions the
    environment in which the device will operate must
    be specified.
  • to operate for a specified period of time the
    life expectancy of the device must be defined as
    well as the typical daily usage.

Types of Reliability
  • Electronic reliability
  • Infant Mortality
  • Useful Life
  • Wearout
  • Mechanical reliability
  • Aging
  • Software reliability.

Quality vs. Reliability
  • The term quality is defined in ISO 8402 as the
    totality of features or characteristics of a
    product or service that bear on its ability to
    satisfy stated or implied needs.
  • The definition refers to this totality at a
    particular instant of time.
  • Thus, we may speak of the quality of a component
    at incoming inspection, the quality of a
    subassembly in manufacturing testing, or the
    quality of a device at setup.
  • Reliability, on the other hand is quality over a
    specific time period, such as the five year
    expected life of a device or an eight hour
    operation. It has been described as the science
    of estimating, controlling and managing the
    probability of failure over time.

Reliability's Effect on Medical Devices
  • Subjecting a medical device to a reliability
    program provides a structured approach to the
    product development process. It provides
    techniques that improve the quality of the device
    over a period of time as well as reduce
    development and redevelopment time and cost.
  • It also assures regulatory requirements are
    satisfied and gives confidence that regulatory
    inspections will produce no major discrepancies.
  • Reliability techniques also reduce the risk of
    liability by assuring safety has been the primary
    concern during the design and development
  • Most importantly, the inclusion of reliability
    gives development personnel a feeling of
    confidence that they have optimized the design to
    produce a device that is safe and effective for
    its intended use and will remain that way for a
    long period of time.

Reliability Assurance
  • Reliability Assurance is the science that
    provides the theoretical and practical tools
    whereby the functionality of a component or
    device may be evaluated with a certain
  • Establishing reliability in design by use of
    failure-free or failure-tolerant principles
  • Verifying reliability by well-designed test
  • Producing reliability by proper manufacturing
  • Assuring reliability by good quality control and
  • Maintaining reliability by proper packaging and
    shipping practices
  • Assuring operational reliability by proper field
    service and appropriate operations and
    maintenance manuals
  • Improving reliability throughout the life of the
    device by information feedback on field problems
    and a system to address these issues.
  • These functions of Reliability Assurance form a
    structured approach to the life cycle of a
    medical device.

  • A significant risk device is a device that
    presents a potential for serious risk to the
    health, safety, or welfare of a subject and
  • 1) is intended as an implant,
  • 2) is used in supporting or sustaining human
    life, and/or
  • 3) is of substantial importance in diagnosing,
    curing, mitigating, or treating disease or
    otherwise preventing impairment of human health.

  • Limiting legal liability is one of the goals of
    system safety.
  • The three most common theories of liability for
    which a manufacturer may be held liable for
    personal injury caused by its product are
  • Negligence Under the theory of negligence, a
    manufacturer that does not exercise reasonable
    care or fails to meet a reasonable standard of
    care in the manufacture, handling, or
    distribution of a product may be liable for any
    damages caused.
  • Strict liability the critical focus in a strict
    liability case is on whether the product is
    defective and unreasonably dangerous.
  • Breach of warranty

Discussion cases take home
  • Role playing of manufacturer and gatekeeper
  • Tissue adhesive
  • Intermil
  • Brain ?
  • Oral protective agent
  • Rincinol
  • Implantable drug delivery system

Thanks for your attentions!
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