Title: The Second Phase of SOE
1Chapter 6
- The Second Phase of SOE
- Reform
- 1984-1988
2Main Themes
- New reform strategy
- Seventh Five Year Plan
- Details of major reforms
- Assessment
3Zhao Ziyangs New Reform Strategy in 1984
- Goal to convert Chinas economy to a market
economy by the end of 1980s - How to do it?
- Expand market forces by limiting the scope of
planning, fostering entry, and improving
incentives and autonomy for SOEs - A dual track (plan and market) economy
- Previously, very cautious and uneven adoption of
this strategy - Now push for a coherent and broad implementation
of marketization
4The Reform Package Had Two Concrete Measures
- (1) Enterprise reform
- Renewal and radicalization of incentives to
expand enterprise autonomy - (2) Consolidation and expansion of the dual track
plan and market system - Outside-plan transactions were guided by market
5May 1984 Enterprise Bill of Rights Gave More
- Right to sell above-plan output
- Right to price above-plan output at market prices
(up to - 20 of plan prices) - Right to name own management team (subject to
approval) - Right to promote 3 of workers annually
6In 1985, Zhao Ziyangs Suggestions for 7th Five
Year Plan
- State management of SOEs should be gradually
converted from direct to indirect control by
employing economic and legal measures - Prices of consumer goods with few exceptions will
be gradually decontrolled. - For producer goods, the central control on prices
should be progressively shrunk. - Will gradually adjust planned prices -- to close
the gap between plan and market prices.
- Key was expansion of the scope of the market
endorsed by the Communist Party Congress - For the first time, the official description of
the reform was reasonably concrete and realistic - Again it was based on projection not set-target
8October 1987 13th Party Congress
- Hu Yaobang was ousted no more political
liberalization or bourgeois liberalization - Zhao Ziyang (First Party Secretary) pushed for
the social market system and stressed indirect
management - He reported to the Congress Planning must be
based on commodity exchange and the law of value
9Progress of the Reform
- 1984 A renewed commitment
- 1984-1985 Reorientation of policy at the top of
the political system - 1985-1988 Progressively implemented at the
enterprise level
10What Were Major Enterprise Reforms During This
- Managerial reform
- Labor reform
- Wages and bonuses
- Wage determination within the factory
- Contract labor system
- Cutting redundant workers
- Financial reforms
11Enterprise Bill of Rights (May 1984) Contained
Specific Measures for Enterprise Reform
- Factory manger responsibility system
- Authority to draw production plan
- System for linking total wage bill to profit
- Long-term contracting over profit remittances
between factories and superiors
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13Managerial Reform
- Pushed by Deng Xiaoping
- Restricted partys control of Nomenkalutura
- Removed the party secretarys involvement in
decision making - Controversial -- resistant and worry about the
loss of worker right and there was corruption - Not a smooth ride, but steady progress until
Tiananmen Square Incidence
14Some Notables on Labor Reform
15Notables on Financial Reform
- Adoption of long-term profit contracting
16Financial Reform (continued)--Ownership Reforms
- Experimentation privatization was not
permitted, but local governments were able to
sell enterprises , e.g., in Guangdong and Hebei - Like state firms sold to collectives
- Leasing or contracting of enterprises
- Stock system
17Stock System was Much Discussed in 1980s
18Some Notables on the Dual-Track System
- The plan portion was fixed gt Growing Out of the
Plan! - The system was particularly apparent for raw
material and intermediate good sectors such as
steel and energy - Shortages of energy and raw materials made state
controls necessary - See Figures 6.2 and 6.3 and Table 6.1
19Problems with the Dual-Track System
- Slowed down the tax and price reforms
- Corruption
- Nearly every good had more than one price.
- Income can be made by transforming the status of
a good. - One can purchase a good at low state-set price
and resell at higher market price - Example in 1985, a standard truck sold for a
plan price of 20,000 yuan, but a market price of
35,000 yuan.
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22Overall Assessment of Second Phase
- The dual-track economic system was embraced.
- Progress in reform was identified.
- Second-stage reforms were internally consistent,
and achieved substantial success, - Premier Zhao Ziyang tended toward a piecemeal
approach, but pushed for adoption of quite
radical reforms.
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