Title: FAUST
2Before the Gretchen tragedy there are two
scenes that have great show value Auerbachs
Tavern in Leipzig and The Witchs Kitchen.
- Auerbachs Tavern is a student drinking
establishment - The original Faust is said to have visited the
tavern in 1526 - Over a century later, two crude frescoes in the
tavern were painted depicting Faust drinking with
the students and then flying off on a wine barrel - Those paintings were still there when Goethe
studied in Leipzig and visited the tavern - But Goethes Faust remains withdrawn, and only
has two short lines in the entire scene - The theater tradition uses this scene for its
satirical and slapstick comedic value - This is the only scene in Faust I that names a
real location and time - This is Mephistopheles world Faust disdains the
3Witchs Kitchen
- Here we see Faust is about 50, and shaves off
around 30 years by drinking the witches potion - Interpreters have spent a couple hundred years
trying to derive deep meaning from the witchs
incantations, but the latest consensus is that
most of it is nonsense - Faust is appalled and disgusted by the witch and
the baboons - The contrast with the enchanting female image in
the mirror sets the path toward the great power
of the play the female principle - Some critics see connections between the beastly
behavior of the students in Auerbachs Tavern and
the Marmosets crudeness. - The ritual of the book, music, torches and brew
also represents a grotesque parody of Christian
religious rites.
4The Gretchen Tragedy
- At a superficial level, the scenes involving
Gretchen are high melodrama - No matter how innocent, Gretchen feels complicity
for a number of wrongful deaths her little
sister, her mother, her brother, and her own
child. - In the larger context, Gretchen assumes far
greater significance, and is instrumental in
Fausts ultimate salvation - Through her authentic love, Gretchen becomes the
embodiment of the Feminine, that principle which
defines the highest object of Faustian desire and
redeems Faust in the end
5- A street
- A neat little room
- A promenade
- The neighbor's house
- A street
- A garden - A garden house
- Forest and cavern
- Gretchen's room - Martha's garden
- At the well -The ramparts -The street before
Gretchen's door. - Cathedral
6Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Faust. A Tragedy. Part
II (11559-11586)
A chain of marshes lines the hills, Befouling all
the land retrievement To drain this stagnant
pool of ills Would be the crowning last
achievement. Id open room to live for
millions Not safely, but in free resilience. Lush
fallow then to man and cattle yields Swift crops
and comforts from the maiden fields, New
homesteads near the trusty buttress-face Walled
by a bold and horny-handed race. A land of Eden
sheltered here within, Let tempest rage outside
unto the rim,
7And as it laps a breach in greedy riot, Communal
spirit hastens to defy it. Yesthis I hold to
with devout insistence, Wisdoms last verdict
goes to say He only earns both freedom and
existence Who must reconquer them each day. And
so, ringed all about by perils, here Youth,
manhood, age will spend their strenuous
year. Such teeming would I see upon this land, On
acres free among free people stand. I might
entreat the fleeting minute Oh tarry yet, thou
art so fair! My path on earth, the trace I leave
within it Eons untold cannot impair. Foretasting
such high happiness to come, I savor now my
strivings crown and sum.
8All that is changeable Is but refraction The
unattainable Here becomes action. Human
discernment Here is passed by Woman Eternal Draw
us on high.