Title: European GHG emissions
1European GHG emissions and the EU ETS Dr.
Andreas Barkman Project manager GHG emissions
and emission trading European Environment Agency
2The European Environment Agency is the EU body
dedicated to providing sound, independent
information on the environment
- European Environment Agency
3EEA member andcollaborating countries
Member countries
Collaborating countries
4EEA work on EU GHG emissions
- Compiles the EU GHG inventory and reporting under
UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol - Assesses progress towards Kyoto and 2020 targets
- Assesses efficiency of polices and measures
- Analyse the application and effect of the EU ETS
and links to total GHG emissions - Provides GHG and EU ETS data in useful formats
data centre
5EU-27 GHG trends 1990-2006
6EU-15 GHG trends 1990-2006
7EU-15 is capable of reaching the Kyoto target
8.but only through using Kyoto mechanisms,
carbon sinks and the EU ETS
9The EU ETS - general
- Cap and trade scheme
- Important instrument for EU to reach Kyoto
commitments and any 2020 commitment - Covers ca 40 of all GHG emission within EU-27
- More than 10500 installations
- Pilot Phase 2005-2007
- Kyoto phase 2008-2012
- Post-2012 design and architecture under
negotiations between European Parliament and
European Council - Any international post-2012 agreement may affect
the EU ETS
10EU ETS brief legal context
The linking Directive (2004)
Registry Regulation (2004/2007)
The EU ETS Directive (2003)
Monitoring and reporting guidelines (2004/2007)
National allocation guidance
Kyoto Protocol
EIT countries
Developing countries
Linking Directive
12EU ETS results CO2 emissions are dominated by
large emitters gt500kt/year
13EU ETS results 2005-2007
14EU ETS results 2005-2007
15(No Transcript)
16EU ETS post-2012 proposal (under discussion)
- Cover all big industrial emitters extension e.g.
to chemical sectors and aluminium - Extension to other GHG nitrous oxide
(fertilisers), perfluorocarbons (aluminium) - Single EU-wide cap instead of 27 caps set by
Member States - More auctioning especially for power generation
- Linear decrease of the cap
- predictable trend-line to 2020 and beyond
- can be adjusted to stricter target
- Aviation to be included in line with political
agreement - Non-compliance penalties (100/ton CO2) to
increase by inflation rate to keep deterrent
effect - Better harmonisation of Monitoring, Reporting and
Verification through stronger legal settings
17Thank you for your attention!andreas.barkman_at_eea.
europa.eu See for more information the EEA web