Title: Internet Connectivity Among Czech Occupational Health and Safety Community
1Internet Connectivity Among Czech Occupational
Health and Safety Community
Petr Markl, AIHCE 2001 New Orleans, LA
- The Czech OHS community is ready to use the
Internet to exchange current occupational health
and safety information
3Czech Republic - Basic Data
- A small country - in the Heart of Europe
- More than 10 million inhabitants
- Workforce of 5.5 million people
- About 10,000 OHS practitioners
- European Union (EU) membership candidate
4Czech Occupational Health and Safety Authorities
- Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of the Interior
- Ministry of the Environment
5Main Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
- The Labor code
- The Fire Prevention code
- The Public Health Prevention code
- The Chemical Substances and Mixtures code
- Harmonization with EU directives
6Czech Internet today
- About 25 of population have access
- Usual speeds vary from 28.8 to 256 kb/sec
- Fast growing wireless technology
- Huge investments in telecommunications
- 'Internet in every school' program
7Who and What Is on the Web?
- Czech Office of Work Safety - no pages!
- Ministry of the Interior - regulations
- Ministry of Health - focuses on hygiene
- Limited information on chemicals
- No norms or standards available online
8CZSAFETY - mailing list
- Established in Fall 1996
- Started with 4 members
- Promoted via OHS magazines in 2000
- 4 to 5 new members monthly
- Now a total of 96 members
- 86 members are from the Czech Republic
9Safety News Newsletter
- Established in Summer 1999
- Provides free safety info by e-mail
- Promoted via OHS magazines in 2000
- 15 to 20 new members monthly
- Now a total of 398 members
10Who are members of CZSAFETY List?
- 70 local OHS practitioners
- 10 members of local OHS authorities
- 4 OHS practitioners from abroad
- 8 are actively participating
- 20 are OHS consultants
11CZSAFETY List membership
12CZSAFETY membership expectations
- Accommodate 200 members by 2003
- Become a premier tool for exchanging OHS
13'Safety News' membership structure
- 60 OHS practitioners nationwide
- 20 small and middle sized companies
- 20 other interested parties
- 'Safety News' is a good alternative
14'Safety News' membership
15'Safety News' expectations
- 600 members by the year 2003
- Change to web-based electronic newsletter
- Start a new web-based safety magazine in 2002
- Be an alternative choice to paper OHS magazines
16Internet questionnaire
- Standard electronic form
- Filled upon request
- Filled while subscribing to 'Safety News'
- A total of 132 responses received
17Questionnaire results ...
- What information is missing?
- Concise OHS information
- Easy access to safety regulations
- Basic hazard summaries for chemicals
- Risk assessment methods
18Questionnaire results
- What information is needed most?
- Risk assessment in workplaces
- OHS program management
- Confined space entries
- Selection of the PPE
- Ergonomics
19Questionnaire results
- Most have difficulties with searches
- 95 are unable to read English
- 30 dislike long waiting-times
20Questionnaire results
- 25 use Internet to search for OHS info
- 80 is willing to share OHS experience
21OHS on-line experience
- e-business is growing fast but
- the OHS audience is small
- The Czech OHS community is ready to use the
Internet to exchange current occupational health
and safety information