Title: The Road to an International Occupational Health
1The Road to an International Occupational Health
Safety Management System Standard ISO
45001U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO
Project Committee 2832/12/2014
- June 2013, a New Work Item Proposal to establish
an Occupational Health and Safety Management
System (OHSMS) was approved by ISO creating
Project Committee 283 (PC 283) - September 2013, a U.S. Technical Advisory Group
to the ISO PC 283 established - The scope is to develop a global occupational
health and safety (OHS) standard to provide
effective, real-world solutions for worker
safety. This is historic work to protect not
only Americas workers, but also that of the
global workforce. It will continue to shape the
HS profession and directly impact how we manage
and deliver health and safety both in and out of
the workplace.
3The most compelling reason for an ISO OHSMS
This comes from the NWIP. Would like to update
this with global or U.S. Data
- UKs Health and Safety Executive has the
following data for 2010/11 - 1.2 million working people were suffering from
a work related illness - 175 workers killed at work
- 115000 injuries were reported
- 200000 reportable injuries (over 3 day absence)
occurred - 26.4 million working days were lost due to work
related illness and workplace injury - Workplace injuries and ill health (excluding
cancer) cost society an estimated 22.8 - billion (in 2009/10)
- Similarly, the figures from the 2005 statistics
released at the 17th World Congress on Safety and
Health at Work showed that 2.2 million workers
were fatally injured as the result of a
work-related accident, which was an increase of
10 from three years previously. The figures
equate to around 6,000 cases per day.
4NWIP Scope of the proposed deliverable
- This International Standard specifies
requirements for an occupational health and
safety (OHS) management system, to enable an
organization to control its OHS risks and
improve its OHS performance. It does not state
specific OHS performance criteria, nor does it
give detailed specifications for the design of a
management system. This International Standard
is applicable to any organization that wishes to - establish an OHS management system to eliminate
or minimize risks to personnel and other
interested parties who could be exposed to OHS
hazards associated with its activities - implement, maintain and continually improve an
OHS mgmt system - assure itself of its conformity with its stated
OHS policy - demonstrate conformity with this International
5NWIP Scope of the proposed deliverable
- The International Standard is intended to provide
- organizations with the elements of an effective
OHSMS that can help organizations achieve OHS
and economic objectives. - alignment the revisions of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
and the application of Annex SL, Appendix 2 of
the Supplement to ISO Directives Part 1 (High
level structure, identical core text and common
terms and core definitions for use in Management
Systems Standards) - requirements that can be incorporated into any
OHS management system. The extent of the
application will depend on such factors as the
OHS policy of the organization, the nature of
its activities and the risks and complexity of
its operations.
This International Standard is not intended to
address other health and safety areas such as
employee wellbeing/wellness programs, product
safety, property damage or environmental impacts.
6Who is Involved
- 43 Participating Countries
- and
- 15 Observing Countries
7Participating Countries
- Secretariat United Kingdom
- Argentina Austria Belgium Botswana Burundi
- Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica
- Czech Rep. Denmark Egypt Finland France
- Germany Ghana Iraq Ireland Israel
- Italy Japan Malaysia Morocco Namibia
- Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania
- Rwanda Singapore S. Africa Sprain Sri Lanka
- Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey Uganda
- UK United States Uruguay
8Observing Countries
- Armenia Belarus Brazil
- Cyprus Hong Kong India
- Indonesia Iran Jordan
- Korea New Zealand Papua New Guinea
- Saint Lucia Serbia Slovakia
9US TAG to PC 283 Organizational Structure
10Timeline (key dates) 3 Years (N68)
- Terms
- Working Draft (WD) First draft developed by the
Project Committee and experts (US will have TAG
input) - Committee Draft (CD) First public draft for
circulation to public for comments - Draft International Standard (DIS)
- Final Draft International Standard (FDIS)
11Timeline (key dates) 3 Years (N68)
- 02/28/14 Comments due on WD1
- 03/31/14 PC Meeting drafts Committee Draft 1
(CD1) - 06 /2014 CD1 released for comment/ballot
- 11 /2014 PC Meeting drafts Draft International
Standard (DIS) - 01 /2015 DIS released for translation
- 06 /2015 DIS Ballot
- 11 /2015 PC Meeting drafts Final DIS (FDIS)
- 01 /2016 Final draft of FDIS ? ISO processing
- 07 /2016 FDIS Balloting
- 09 /2016 Publication of ISO 45001
12What does the draft look like so far.ISO/WD
45001 ISO/PC 283/WG 1 N 09
- Section 1 Scope
- Section 2 Normative References
- Section 3 Terms and Definitions
- Section 4 Context of the Organization
- Section 5 Leadership
- Section 6 Planning
- Section 7 Support
- Section 8 Operation
- Section 9 Performance Evaluation
- Section 10 Improvement
13What does the draft look like so far.ISO/WD
45001 ISO/PC 283/WG 1 N 09
- Followed by Annex A Informative
- Likely will see references to
- ANSI Z10 Occupational Health and Safety
Management Systems - ANSI/ASSE Z590.3 2011 Prevention through
Design Guidelines for Addressing Occupational
Hazards and Risks in Design and Redesign Process - OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health Safety
Management System
14PC 283 2014
- 2014
- Committee Meeting in Washington, D.C. Jan. 15-16
- Reviewed Comments to WD 1
- Next International Meeting Mar. 31 Apr. 4 in
Morocco attended by U.S. Delegates - Anticipating release of Committee Draft 1 by
summer - Continued review and comments
15Thank you!
- Questions?
- American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
- 1800 East Oakton Street
- Des Plaines, IL 60018
- 847/768-3411
- TFisher_at_ASSE.Org