Title: Protocol%20Architecture
1Protocol Architecture
- Protocols
- Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Protocols
- OSI Standard Architecture
- TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
- Vertical Communication Between Layer Processes
21. Protocols
3Key Elements of a Protocol
- Syntax
- Data formats
- Signal levels
- Semantics
- Control information
- Error handling
- Timing
- Speed matching
- Sequencing
Standards are rules of operation that allow two
hardware or software processes to work
together Even if they are from different vendors
5Figure 2-1 Standards Govern the Exchange of
- Standards Govern the Exchange of Messages
- Messages must be governed by strict rules
- Because computers are not intelligent
6Figure 2-1 Standards Govern the Exchange of
Messages (Continued)
- Standards Govern Syntax
- Syntax the organization of the message
- Human example Susan thanked Tom
- This sentence has a subject-verb-object syntax
- Standards Govern Semantics
- Semantics The meaning of the message
- Human example Susan thanked Tom
- Humans understand this message easily
7Figure 2-1 Standards Govern the Exchange of
Messages, Continued
- General Message Syntax (Organization)
- General Message Organization (Figure 2-4)
- Primary parts of messages
- Data Field (content to be delivered)
- Header (everything before the data field)
- Trailer (everything after the data field)
- The header and trailer act like a delivery
envelope for the data field.
Data Field
8Figure 2-1 Standards Govern the Exchange of
Messages, Continued
- General Message Syntax (Organization)
- Header and trailer are further divided into fields
Data Field
Other Header Field
Destination Address Field is Used by Switches and
Routers Like the Address on an Envelope
Message with all three parts
9Figure 2-4 General Message Organization,
Data Field
Other Header Field
Destination Address Field
Message without a trailer Usually only data
link layer messages have trailers
10Figure 2-4 General Message Organization,
Message with only a header e.g. TCP
supervisory messages are pure headers (there is
no data field content to deliver)
Other Header Field
Destination Address Field
112.Connection-Oriented andConnectionless
12Figure 2-6 Connection-Oriented and
Connectionless Protocols
Connectionless Protocol
Connection-Oriented Protocol
Message (No Sequence Number)
Message 1 (Seq. Num A1)
Connection-oriented protocols Formal openings and
closings Also have sequence numbers so that the
receiver can put messages in order And so the
receiver can send Acknowledgments for
specific messages
Close Connection
13Figure 2-6 Connection-Oriented and
Connectionless Protocols, Continued
Client PC Browser
Webserver Application
HTTP Request
HTTP is connectionless No Openings No
Closings No Sequence Numbers No Acknowledgments
14Figure 2-6 Connection-Oriented and
Connectionless Protocols, Continued
Client PC TCP Process
Webserver TCP Process
Connection-Opening Messages
Messages During the Connection
Connection-Closing Messages
15Figure 2-7 Advantages and Disadvantages or
Connection-Oriented Protocols
- Advantages
- Thanks to sequence numbers, the parties can tell
if a message is lost. - Error messages, such as ACKs can refer to
specific messages. - Long messages can be fragmented into many smaller
messages that can fit inside packets. - Fragmentation followed by reassembly on the
destination host is an important concept in
16Figure 2-7 Advantages and Disadvantages or
Connection-Oriented Protocols, Cont.
- Disadvantages
- The presence of many supervisory messages
consumes existing bandwidth - The processing of connection information places a
heavy processing load on computers connected to
the network
173. OSI Standard Architecture
18Standards Architecture
- A Standards Architecture is a Broad Plan for
Creating Standards - Break the problem of effective communication into
smaller pieces for ease of development - Develop standards for the individual pieces
- Just as a building architect creating a general
plan for a house before designing the individual
rooms in detail
- Open Systems Interconnection
- Developed by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) - Seven layers
- A theoretical system delivered too late!
- TCP/IP is the de facto standard
20OSI - The Model
- A layer model
- Each layer performs a subset of the required
communication functions - Each layer relies on the next lower layer to
perform more primitive functions - Each layer provides services to the next higher
layer - Changes in one layer should not require changes
in other layers
21Why Layer?
- Breaking up large tasks into smaller tasks and
assigning tasks to different individuals is
common in all fields - Specialization in standards design (EEs for
physical layer, application specialists for
application layer, etc.) - Simplification in standards design for individual
standards - If you change a standard at one layer, you do not
have to change standards at other layers
22OSI Layers
23The OSI Environment
24Protocol Data Units (PDU)
- At each layer, protocols are used to communicate
- Control information is added to user data at each
layer (PDU Control Data) - Transport layer may fragment user data
- Each fragment has a transport header added
- Destination SAP
- Sequence number
- Error detection code
- This gives a transport protocol data unit
25Protocol Data Units
26OSI as Framework for Standardization
27Figure 2.9Layer Specific Standards
284. TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
29TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
- Developed by the US Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency (DARPA) for its packet switched
network (ARPANET) - Used by the global Internet
- No official model but a working one.
- Application layer
- Transport layer
- Internet layer
- Data Link layer (Network Access)
- Physical layer
30Hybrid TCP/IP-OSI Architecture
General Purpose Layer Specific Layer Purpose
Application-application communication Application (5) Application-application interworking
Transmission across an internet Transport (4) Host-host communication
Transmission across an internet Internet (3) Packet delivery across an internet
Transmission across a single network (LAN or WAN) Data Link (2) Frame delivery across a network
Transmission across a single network (LAN or WAN) Physical (1) Device-device connection
31Figure 2-8 Hybrid TCP/IP-OSI Architecture,
- Physical and Data Link Layer Standards
- Govern Communication Through a Single Network
- LAN or WAN
32Physical Layer
- Physical interface between data transmission
device (e.g. computer) and transmission medium or
network - Characteristics of transmission medium
- Signal levels
- Data rates
- etc.
33Figure 2-9 Physical and Data Link Layer
Standards in a Single Network
- Physical Layer
- Physical layer standards govern transmission
between adjacent devices connected by a
transmission medium
Physical Link A-X1
Switch X1
Host A
Switch X2
Physical Link X1-X2
34Figure 2-9 Physical and Data Link Layer
Standards in a Single Network, Continued
- Data Link Layer
- Data link layer standards govern the transmission
of frames across a single networktypically by
sending them through several switches along the
data link
Host B
Data Link A-B
Switch X1
Host A
Switch X2
35Figure 2-9 Physical and Data Link Layer
Standards in a Single Network, Continued
- Data Link Layer
- Data link layer standards also govern
- Frame organization
- Switch operation
36Figure 2-9 Physical and Data Link Layer
Standards in a Single Network, Continued
3 Physical Links 1 Data Link 2 Switches
Host A
Data Link A-R1
Physical Link A-X1
Server Station
Switch X1
Physical Link X1-X2
Physical Link X2-R1
Switch X2
Mobile Client Station
Router R1
37Figure 2-10 Internet and Data Link Layers in an
- Internet and Transport Layers
- An internet is a group of networks connected by
routers so that any application on any host on
any network can communicate with any application
on any other host on any other network - Internet and transport layer standards govern
communication across an internet composed of two
or more single networks
38Figure 2-10 Internet and Data Link Layers in an
Internet, Continued
- Internet Layer
- Internet layer standards govern the transmission
of packets across an internettypically by
sending them through several routers along the
route - Messages at the internet layer are called packets
- Internet layer standards also govern packet
organization and router operation
Router 1
Router 2
39Figure 2-10 Internet and Data Link Layers in an
Internet, Continued
Host A
Data Link A-R1
Network X
Network Y
3 Data Links One per Network 1 Route per Internet
Data Link R1-R2
Route A-B
Network Z
Host B
Data Link R3-B
40Figure 2-10 Internet and Data Link Layers in an
Internet, Continued
Frame X
Data Link A-R1
In Network X Two Destination Addresses Packet
Host B (Destination Host) Frame Router R1
Host A
Server Station
Switch X1
Mobile Client Station
Switch X2
Route A-B
Router R1
Network X
41Figure 2-10 Internet and Data Link Layers in an
Internet, Continued
To Network X
Route A-B
Router R1
Frame Y
Data Link R1-R2
In Network Y Two Destination Addresses Packet
Host B (Destination Host) Frame Router R2
Router R2
To Network Z
Network Y
42Figure 2-10 Internet and Data Link Layers in an
Internet, Continued
Frame Z
Data Link R2-B
Switch Z1
Host B
Router R2
In Network Z Two Destination Addresses Packet
Host B (Destination Host) Frame Host B
Switch Z2
Mobile Client Stations
Switch X2
Network Z
43Frames and Packets
- In an internet with hosts separated by N
networks, there will be - 2 hosts
- One packet (going all the way between hosts)
- One route (between the two hosts)
- N frames (one in each network)
- N-1 routers (change frames between each pair of
networks) - There usually are many switches within single
networks - There usually are many physical links within
44Figure 2-11 Internet and Transport Layer
- Transport Layer
- Transport layer standards govern aspects of
end-to-end communication between two end hosts
that are not handled by the internet layer - These standards allow hosts to work together even
if the two computers are from different vendors
and have different internal designs
45Figure 2-11 Internet and Transport Layer
Standards, Continued
Transport Layer end-to-end (host-to-host) TCP is
connection-oriented, reliable UDP is
connectionless and unreliable
Client PC
Internet Layer (usually IP) hop-by-hop
(host-router or router-router) connectionless,
Router 1
Router 2
Router 3
46Figure 2-12 Application Layer Standards
- Application Layer
- The application layer governs how two
applications work with each other, even if they
are from different vendors
Webserver Application
Client PC
47Figure 2-12 Application Layer Standards
- There are more application layer standards than
any other type of standard because there are many
applications - HTTP
- E-Mail
- Database
- Instant Messaging
- Etc.
48Some Protocols in TCP/IP Suite
495.Vertical Communication Between Layer Processes
50Figure 2-18 Layered Communication on the Source
The process begins when a browser creates an HTTP
request message
Application Process
HTTP Message
Passes Message Down to Transport Process
Transport Process
HTTP Message
Encapsulation of HTTP Message in Data Field of
TCP Segment
51Figure 2-18 Layered Communication on the Source
Host, Continued
- When a layer process (N) creates a message, it
passes it down to the next-lower-layer process
(N-1) immediately - The receiving process (N-1) will encapsulate the
Layer N message, that is, place it in the data
field of its own (N-1) message
52Figure 2-18 Layered Communication on the Source
Host, Continued
Transport Process
HTTP Message
Internet Process
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Encapsulation of TCP Segment in Data Field of IP
53Figure 2-18 Layered Communication on the Source
Host, Continued
Internet Process
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Data Link Process
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Eth Hdr
Eth Trlr
Encapsulation of IP Packet in Data Field of
Ethernet Frame
54Figure 2-18 Layered Communication on the Source
Host, Continued
Data Link Process
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Eth Hdr
Eth Trlr
Physical Process
Physical Layer converts the bits of the frame
into signals.
55Figure 2-18 Layered Communication on the Source
Host, Continued
The following is the final frame for a an HTTP
message on an Ethernet LAN
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Eth Hdr
Eth Trlr
Notice the Pattern From Right to Left L2, L3,
L4, L5, maybe L2 This makes it easier to remember
the order of headers and messages Dont forget
the possible trailing L2 trailer
56Figure 2-19 Decapsulation on the Destination Host
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Eth Hdr
Eth Trlr
Data Link Process
Physical Process
57Figure 2-19 Decapsulation on the Destination
Host, Continued
Internet Process
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Eth Hdr
Eth Trlr
Data Link Process
Decapsulation of IP Packet from Data Field of
Ethernet Frame
58Figure 2-19 Decapsulation on the Destination
Host, Continued
Transport Process
HTTP Message
Internet Process
HTTP Message
IP Hdr
Decapsulation of TCP Segment from Data Field of
IP Packet
59Figure 2-19 Decapsulation on the Destination
Host, Continued
Application Process
HTTP Message
Transport Process
HTTP Message
Decapsulation of HTTP Message from Data Field of
TCP Segment
60PDUs in TCP/IP
61Figure 2-20 Layered End-to-End Communication
Routers Have Three Layers --- Each
Router Port Has Two Layers (12)
Switches Have Two Layers --- Each Switch Port Has
One Layer (1)
Source and Destination Hosts Have 5 Layers
Source Host
Destination Host
Switch 1
Switch 2
Router 1
Switch 3
Router 2
62Figure 2-21 Combining Horizontal and Vertical
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol
Internet Protocol
Destination Host
Source Host
Switch 2
Router 1
Switch 3
Router 2
Switch 1
63Telnet Data
TCP Header Telnet Data
64IP Header TCP Header Telnet Data
Ethernet Frame Header IP Header TCP Header
Telnet Data
65Example Header Information
- Destination port
- Sequence number
- Checksum
66Figure 2-23 OSI and TCP/IP
Standards Agency or Agencies
ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) ITU-T (International Telecommun
ications Union Telecommunications Standards
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
67Figure 2-23 OSI and TCP/IP, Continued
Nearly 100 dominant at physical and data link
70-80 dominant at the internet and
transport layers.
Documents are Called
Mostly RFCs (requests for comments)
68Figure 2-26 Characteristics of Protocols
Discussed in the Chapter
Connection- Oriented /Connectionless
Reliable/ Unreliable
5 (App)
4 (Transport)
Connection- oriented
4 (Transport)
3 (Internet)
2 (Data Link)
Note Only TCP is connection-oriented and reliable