Title: P1253814494flgyo
1Symantec Technology Showcase
Nov 9th, 2005
2Driving Innovation for Customer Value
3Office of the CTO
- New and Emerging Technologies
- Architecture Competitive Assessment
- Standards
- Technology Sensing and Scouting
- Technology Strategy
- IP Open Source Strategy
- Symantec Research Labs
- Ensure that Symantec remains a leader
- Avoid the innovators dilemma
- Provide oversight to the product development
teams - Provide an external perspective
- Recruit and retain technical talent
5Symantec Research Labs
- Diverse Team
- Geographically Distributed
- Co-located with development teams
- Strong Customer Context
- Broad research spectrum
6Change as Punctuated Equilibrium
We tend to think of technological progress as
continuous and quantifiable (e.g. Moores Law)
A closer look shows that progress is actually
choppy It takes time for advancements in chips
to lead to advancements in systems
Major advancements in software are even chunkier
and slower
Technological Advancements
7Discussion Implications by Horizon
Must pursue all activities at all times,
otherwise you will be
- Loosing financial capacity to drive growth, or
- Generating ideas, but no new business, or
- Failing to seed for the future
Horizon 3Create viable options
Horizon 2Build emerging businesses
Horizon 1Extend and defend core businesses
The Alchemy of Growth, Mehrdad Baghai, Stephen
Coley, David White
8Q A