Title: Faculty Members
- Faculty Members
- (High School, Middle, Elementary)
- Board of Education Members
- SBDM Parent Members
- Business Leaders
- Higher Education Leaders
- Central Office Administrators
2When I Become A Teacher
When I Become A Teacher video
3The Business Forum on Kentucky Education
- Education is an investment, not a cost.
- It is a debt the present owes to the future.
4- The relationship between
- educational excellence and
- economic growth
- is more critical today than it has ever been.
5- too many states are outpacing Kentucky at
educating their young people
6- the improvement isnt happening quickly
enough - Either we mount an aggressive effort to build on
our accomplishments, or we reduce our state to
continued mediocrity.
8Kentucky leads the nation in the of college
dropouts after the first year of college.
9WHY do we need to change schools?
WHAT needs to be done?
HOW do we do it?
10Are we preparing our students for the world in
which they will live as adults?
Cat Herder video
11Most recent Census DataMARSHALL
COUNTYPopulation 30,000
12Most recent Census DataMARSHALL
COUNTYPopulation 30,000
High School Graduates
8 never attended high school
15 dropped out of high school
13Most recent Census DataMARSHALL
COUNTYPopulation 30,000
B.S. or higher degree
6 above B.S. degree
14Most recent Census DataMARSHALL
COUNTYPopulation 30,000
Speak a language other than English at home
15Most recent Census DataMARSHALL
COUNTYPopulation 30,000
Families Below the Poverty Level
17(No Transcript)
18We Think Were Doing It Right, But Are We Really?
19Are We Really Getting What We Think Were Getting?
20CATS Testing
CATS Testing
21Dr. Willard Daggett
- International Center for Leadership in Education
- Successful Practices Network
- www.LeaderEd.com