Title: Inorganic Chemistry
1Lecture 23 of 26 ?
Coordination Chemistry of Transition Metal (TM)
Ions Electronic structure of TM Properties of
TM Coordination chemistry (Coordination number
and geometry) Isomerism of coordination
complexes Theories of bonding in coordination
complexes Magnetic properties Optical
properties Chemical reactivity
2Crystal field theory weak field configurations
- 4Dq
Crystal field theory strong field configurations
Spin-only magnetic moment mS 2 S(S1)1/2
t2g4 t2g5
t2g6 t2g6eg1
-16DqP -20Dq2P -24Dq3P -18Dq3P
3Physical Parameters for Octahedral
ComplexesSection 10-4-4
Crystal field splitting (distance between d
orbitals) increases with Increasing
coordination number of the metal ion From 3d to
4d to 5d metal ions Coordination number
4Crystal Field Stabilization Energy10-3-3
5Hydration Enthalpies for Transition Metal
Ions(Section 10-3-3)
6Ligand Field Theory for Oh Complexes
Each ligand 1s 2p Metal 3d, 4s, 4p
Gd eg t2g
LGOs 6 x 3 18 LGOs
Gs a1g eg t1u
Gs a1g
Gp t1g t2g t1u t2u
Gp t1u
7Octahedral Complexes with p-Acceptor Ligands
8This diagram is modeled after Figure 10-11 of
textbook. Refer also to sections 10-3-1, 10-3-2,
10-3-4, and 10-4-4.
See also section 10-4-4.
9Topics for Quiz on 5/1/07
- Splitting of d orbitals in an Oh or Td crystal
field - Formula for spin-only magnetic moment
- Types of ligands
- Relationship between type of ligand and ligand
field splitting