Title: Connecting you to the world
1- Connecting you to the world
2Global Marketing
- Global Listing Exchange -GLX
- Global Referral Network
- three essential tools for success
- in todays market
3The starting point
4Your personalized profile
5Preferences for GLX
613 language profile in the Global
Referral Network
7Customized 13 language IDX
8This is what GLX does for You
9An Immobel GLX page
10A Florida Realtor showing Paris
1117,ooo Paris Listingsin English, with contact
info just to you
12Be in the center of more transactions
- Show your clients that you are open for
- International business
- Be their resource for all real estate needs
- anywhere
13International professionals show your listings,
in their local language
14French broker showing Miami
15GLX Associations have a serious commitment to
opening markets
16GLX Associations develop business opportunities
for their members
17The Global Referral Network
- 500,000 real estate professionals
- working together to create more contacts
- more leads, more referrals
- More Sales
18Connecting you to a world of opportunity
19Make a referral to other markets here,or abroad.
20Refer to a qualified professional
21Refer in a secure environment
- The Immobel Global Referral Network
- is approved to use the ICREA
- referral forms and guarantees
22You contact them in your language,they read it
in theirs
23Receive pre-qualified referrals
24Referrals are tracked and recordedfrom the
start to the payment of commission
25See incoming, out bound and open referrals all in
one place
26Rate your referral partner
27TRC, CRS or 4 Star rating network with the best
in the world
28Unique services to help you close more sales
2913 language client management
30 Market your Listings on the 1 International
311 in France
321 in Germany
331 in Russia
34- Realtors earned over 2.6 billion dollars last
- year in commissions from sales to
- international buyers
- Are you satisfied with your share?
35Harness the power of Immobel
- More selling agents for your listings
- More views for your listings
- More potential buyers
- More referrals
- More sales
- Isnt it time you got more?
- Where the World Does Business