Title: Learning Objectives Chapter 7
1Learning Objectives Chapter 7
- Discuss the function of a company's
organizational structure. - Explain the concepts of accountability,
authority, and delegation. - Define four types of departmentalization.
- Describe the five most common forms of teams.
- Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of
working in teams. - List the characteristics of effective teams.
- Review the five stages of team development.
2Organization Structure
- Framework for division of responsibilities.
- Effectively distribute the authority.
- A way to help hold employees accountable.
3Organizational Chart
- Provides a visual representation of how employees
and tasks are grouped. - Shows how the lines of communication and
authority flow.
4Chain of Command
Unbroken line of authority, connects each level
of management to the next.
Makes clear who is responsible for each task.
Makes clear who has the authority to make
official decisions.
All Employees Have
Delegation Powers
6Common Chain of CommandLine-and-Staff
7Span of Control
- Wide Span of Control Large number of individuals
report to that person. - Flat organizations associated with wide span of
control. - Narrow Span of Control Few individuals reporting
to supervisor. - Tall organizations associated with narrow span of
8Tall versus Flat Organizations
Source Business Today, Ninth Edition, Mescon,
Bovee Thill, Prentice Hall Publishers.
9Four Common Ways of Departmentalizing
- Function
- Division
- Matrix
- Network
10Functional Departments
- Efficient use of resources.
- Encourages development of skills.
- Enables unified direction.
- Enhances communication and coordination
- Slow response to change.
- Hindering of effective planning.
- Overemphasizing work specialization.
11Departmentalization by Function
Source Business Today, Ninth Edition, Mescon,
Bovee Thill, Prentice Hall Publishers
12Typical Department
- Product Divisions
- Process Divisions
- Customer Divisions
- Geographic Divisions
13Product Divisions
Time Warner
Entertainment Group
Publishing Division
Music Group
14Matrix Departmentalization
15Horizontal Organization
- Rejects the separation of people and work into
functional departments. - Uses the team concept.
- Biggest benefit, everyone works together.
16Vertical Chain of Command
- Is a tried and true method for organizing.
- Decision making authority is often located up the
management hierarchy. - May be slow to react to change.
- May overlook ideas generated at lower levels.
17Types of Teams
- Problem solving teams.
- Self-managed teams.
- Functional teams.
- Cross functional teams.
- Virtual teams.
18Effective Teams
- Generally the optimal size is 5-12 members.
- Structure is a major consideration.
- Needs to satisfy its members needs for social
well being.
19Four Possible Team Member Roles
- Task Specialist Help team reach its goal.
- Socioemotional Focus on supporting the teams
emotional needs and social unity. - Dual Roles Concern with task and emotional
needs. - Non-participators Contribute little to team
goals or emotional needs.
20Characteristics of Effective Teams
- Clear sense of purpose.
- Open and honest communications.
- Creative thinking.
- Focused.
- Decision by consensus.
21Five Stages of Team Development
- Forming Period of orientation and breaking the
ice. - Storming More personalities can become more
assertive, conflict and disagreement often arise. - Norming Conflicts are resolved, team harmony
develops. - Performing Members are really committed to the
team goals. - Adjourning Issues are wrapped up and the team is
22Causes of Team Conflict
- Competition for scarce resources.
- Disagreement about who is responsible for a
specific task. - Poor communication.
- Differences in values, attitudes and
personalities. - Pursuit of different goals.