LITERATURE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... points up its relationship to other serial arts such as music, dance, and film. ... In order to perceive it, we must be aware of what is happening now, remember ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Introduction to Humanities

LiteratureChapter 7
  • Literature is an art whose medium is language
    used to affect the imagination.
  • Words themselves can evoke a response even when
    they are spoken independently of a grammatical
    setting, such as a sentence.
  • Fiction writers and poets share many of the
    techniques of literature because their effects
    depend on universal language art.

Literature as spoken language
  • Treating literature as spoken language points up
    its relationship to other serial arts such as
    music, dance, and film.
  • Literature happens in time.
  • In order to perceive it, we must be aware of what
    is happening now, remember what happed before and
    anticipate what is to come.

A Work of Literature
  • A work of literature is, in one sense, a
    construction of separable elements like
  • The details of a scene, a character or event, or
    a symbol pattern can be conceived of as the
    bricks in the wall of literary structure.
  • If one of these details is imperfectly
    understood, out understanding of the total
    structure will be imperfect.

The Literary Theme
  • The theme (main idea) of a literary work is
    usually structural, comparable to an
    architectural decision
  • Is it a house, church, urban mall, airport, or
  • Once we have explored some of the basic
    structures of literature, we will examine some of
    the more important details.

Literary Terms
  • But in a work of literature language is rarely
    that simple.
  • Language has denotation a literal level where
    words mean what they obviously say,
  • And connotation a subtler level at which words
    mean more than they obviously say.

Literary Terms
  • The symbol, simile, metaphor, images, and diction
    (word choices) are the main details of literary
    language that we will examine.
  • All these details are found in poetry, fiction,
    drama, and even the essay.

  • The Narrative and the Narrator
  • The narrative is a story told to an audience by a
    teller controlling the order of events and the
    emphasis those event receive.
  • Most narratives concentrate upon the events.
  • But some narratives have very little action
  • They reveal depth of character through responses
    to action.

Narrative Structures
  • The term episodic narrative describes one of
    the oldest kinds of literature,
  • Often used in the epic, as in Homers Odyssey.
  • The overall structure of the story centering on
    the adventures of Odysseus, but each adventure is
    almost a complete structure in itself.

Narratives contd
  • We develop a sense of the character of Odysseus
    as we follow him in his adventures, but this does
    not always happen in episodic literature.
  • Often the adventures are completely disconnected
    from one another, and the thread that is intended
    to connect everything the personality of the
    main character (protagonist) is not strong enough
    to keep thing together.

Narratives contd
  • The organic narrative connects every action and
    every character in subtle ways so that as the
    narrative unfolds,
  • the reader is given more and more information
    about all the events of the story.

  • The quest narrative is simple enough on the
    surface a hero sets out in search of a valuable
    treasure that must be found and rescued at all
  • Such, in simple terms, is the plot of almost
    every adventure yarn and adventure film ever

The Quest Narrative
  • The quest structure in Ralph Ellisons Invisible
    Man is so deeply rooted in the novel that the
    protagonist has no name.
  • We know a great deal about him because he
    narrates the story and tells us about himself.
  • He is Black, southern, and as a young college
    student, ambitious.

  • His earliest heroes are George Washing Carver and
    Booker T. Washington.
  • He craves the dignity and the opportunity he
    associates with their lives.
  • But things go wrong. He is dismissed unjustly
    from his college in the south and must, like
    Odysseus, leave home to seek his fortune.

  • He imagines himself destined for better things
    and eagerly pursues his fate, finding a place to
    live and work up North, Beginning to find his
    identity as a black man.
  • He discovers the sophisticated urban society of
    New York City, the political subtleties of
    communism, the pains of black nationalism, and
    the realities of his relationship to white
    people, to whom he is an invisible man.

  • Yet he does not hate the whites, and in his own
    image of himself he remains as invisible man.
  • The novel ends with the protagonist in an
    underground place he has found and which he has
    lighted, by tapping the lines of the electric
    company, with almost 200 electric light bulbs.

  • Despite this colossal illumination, he still
    cannot think of himself as visible.
  • He ends his quest with out discovering who he is
    beyond this fundamental fact he is invisible.
  • Black or white, we can identify in many ways with
    this quest, for Ellison is showing us that
    invisibility is in all of us.

  • The lyric structure, virtually always a poem,
    primarily reveals a limited but deep feeling
    about something or event.
  • The lyric is often associated with the feelings
    of the poet, although we have already seen that
    it is not difficult for poest to create narrators
    distinct from themselves and to explore
    hypothetical feelings.

  • If we participate we find ourselves caught up in
    the emotional situation of the lyric.
  • Poets can understand and interpret emotions
    without necessarily undergoing them.
  • The lyric has feeling emotion, passion, or mood
    as basic in its subject matter.

  • An image in language asks us to imagine or
    picture what is referred to or being described.
  • Most images appeal to our sense of sight, but
    sound, taste, odor, and touch are often involved.
  • One of the most striking resources of language is
    its capacity to help us reconstruct in our
    imagination the reality of perceptions.

The Metaphor
  • Metaphor helps writers intensify language.
  • Metaphor is a comparison designed to heighten our
    perception of the thing compared.
  • Poets or writers will usually let us know which
    of the things compared is the main object of
    their attention.

The Symbol
  • The symbol is a further use of metaphor.
  • Being a metaphor, it is a comparison between two
    things but unlike most perceptual and conceptual
    metaphors, only one of the things compared is
    clearly stated.
  • The symbol is clearly stated, but what it is
    compared with (sometimes a very broad range of
    meanings) is only hinted at.

Symbols contd
  • For instance, the white whale in Herman
    Melvilles novel, Moby Dick, is a symbol both in
    the novel and in the mind of Captain Ahab, who
    sees the whale as a symbol of all the malevolence
    and evil in a world committed to evil.
  • We may believer that the whale is simply a beast
    and not a symbol at all.

Symbols contd
  • Or, we may believe that the whale is a symbol for
    nature, which is constantly being threatened by
    human misunderstanding.
  • Such a symbol can mean more than one thing.
  • It is the peculiar quality of changing.
  • Symbols are usually vague and ambiguous.

  • Well, son, Ill tell you
  • Life for me aint been no crystal stair
  • Its had tacks in it,
  • And splinters,
  • And boards torn up,
  • And places with no carpet on the floor - -
  • Bare.
  • But all the time
  • Ise been a Climbin on
  • And reachin landins,
  • And turnin corners
  • And sometimes goin in the dark
  • Where there aint been no light.
  • So boy, dont you turn back.
  • Dont you set down on the steps
  • Cause you finds its kinder hard.
  • Dont you fall now
  • Ise still climbin,
  • And life for me aint been no crystal stair.

Symbols contd
  • The most important thing to remember about the
    symbol is that it implies rather than explicitly
    states meaning.

  • Diction refers to the choice of words.
  • To be, or not to be.
  • The careful use of diction can sometimes aid a
    satirist, whose intention is to say one thing and
    mean another.

  • Literature is not passive it does not sit on the
    page. It is engaged actively in the lives of
    those who give it a chance.
  • Reading aloud a literary piece clarifies this
  • The authors are especially interested in two
    aspects of literature its structure and its
  • composed of an overall organization that
    gathers details into some kind of unity

Summary continued
  • Before we can understand how writers reveal the
    visions they have of their subject matter we need
    to be aware of how details are combined into
  • The use of image, metaphor, symbol, and diction,
    as well as other details, determines the content
    of a work of literature.
  • -30-
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