Title: London: Building a Business Case for Walking
1(No Transcript)
2Walk 21 Toronto 2007 Adrian Bell, Transport for
London Building a Business Case for Walking
Adrian Bell Cycling, Walking Accessibility Trans
port for London Walk 21 Toronto 2007
3Structure of Presentation
- Transport case for walking in London
- Peoples case for walking in London
- Establishing an economic case
- Case studies
4Transport for London
- Regional Transport Authority since 2000
- Annual budget (2006/07) 6.2bn
- Responsibility for all transport modes except
heavy rail, shipping and air - Over 22,000 staff
- Mayor is chair of the TfL Board
- Liaison with 33 boroughs, Government and agencies
5Cycling, Walking Accessibility whats our job?
- deliver the Mayors agenda for walking, cycling
and on-street accessibility - direct and manage investment London-wide
- develop, promote, plan, monitor and ensure
delivery - provide technical support and produce best
practice - create the right environment accessible, safe,
convenient and attractive
6London - a changing city
- since 1989 London has been the most rapidly
growing major city in Europe - existing population is 7.2 million
- 700,000 more people (10 increase) by 2016
- economy is also growing
- 636,000 net growth in jobs (14 increase) by 2016
- 27 million trips per day at present
7Transport Case
8Walking trips have grown in line with population
growth, but total walking trips are largely
driven by the growth in public transport trips
Growth in population and walking trips, indexed
to 100
If all walk trips are counted, growth has been
nearly 50 greater 8 since 2000 (these are
not currently counted in TfL's headline walking
Public transport
All walk trips (including walk to access public
transport and pleasure walks)
Walk trips to get from a-to-b have not
experienced the boom that cycling has growth is
in line with population (6 since 2000)
Walk trips to get from a-to-b only
9There are three different types of walking trips
in London
Walk to get from a-to-b
Walk to access public transport
- To and from public transport as part of a longer
- Walk all the way to work or services, e.g. trip
to school, cinema or shops
Walk for pleasure
- Visitors and Londoners strolling around, relaxing
in public spaces and enjoying the sites of London
- Walking for fitness or walking the dog
10The three types of walking add up to 15m daily
trips all increase Londons quality of life,
but the main congestion and CO2 benefits come
from a-to-b walk trips
All walking trips in London 100 15.4m trips
per day
More people out and about makes London a more
enjoyable place to live and visit
Mode-shift potential - more of these reduce
congestion and C02 see next page
Walk to get from a-to-b 35
Walk for pleasure 29
Walk to access public transport 36
These rise in line with public transport trips
11With 70 of trips lt1km already walked, the
potential for mode shift is limited without
changes in land-use to increase the number of
walkable trips
A-to-B walk trips (Million trips per day)
Potential from higher density and more mixed land
use to be quantified
20 switch from bus trips lt2km and 66 of tube
trips that are faster on foot
22 switch from car trips lt2km in Inner Outer
Bus Tube
Population Growth
Impact of land-use changes
2025 Walk Trips including land-use
2005 Walk Trips
2025 Walk Trips
Mode-switch potential
12Walking is an efficient use of space
Over the same road space walking can move 3x
more people than bus
Capacity of street in people per minute per metre
Source London Analytics
13For 2003-2010, TfL has allocated almost 100m to
walking improvements
- This year TfL is spending 3X more on walking than
in 2003/04 - Pressure to continue growth in spending beyond
2007/08, but unclear on what
TfL investment in walking ( m)
14Walking Plan for London
the teams targets, objectives and actions are
guided by the Walking Plan for London, published
in February 2004 the Plan will assist in
meeting the Mayors walking vision for
London to make London one of the worlds most
walking friendly cities by 2015
15what is being done?
- new pedestrian crossing facilities
- new walking routes
- wayfinding and signage schemes
- safer routes to schools programmes
- streetscape improvements
- walking audits
- education for school children (Kerbcraft)
16Better information could shift 13,000 tube trips
within Central London to walking trips many of
these from the most congested parts of the system
108 Central London tube connections are faster on
20,000 trips a day are made along these
66 of passengers surveyed said they would
consider walking instead of taking the tube if
they had better information
17In deprived areas the walk to the station or bus
stop can act as a barrier to access
The DLR is seen as safe Is the DLR safe?
. But the walk to the DLR station is perceived
as unsafe at night Is it safe to walk to the DLR
Dont know
Accessing the DLR, especially in the dark, is
seen to be a risk
18Investments in large-scale public realm projects
are expensive but boost footfall and can create
new tourist icons for the capital
South Bank
Trafalgar Square
- 25m investment under World Squares for All
project - 300 increase in visitors
- 3rd most popular attraction in London
- Sustained investment over 20 years
- Now walked by 70 of visitors to London
- Top attraction for Chinese tourists
19Emerging recommendations walking
- Consistent, clear signage, in Central London
integrated with the public transport system - Work and school-place travel planning combined
with local walking-maps to encourage shift from
car for short trips - Targeted marketing, emphasising the benefits of
walking e.g. health and journey-time advantage - Improvements to walking routes around bus stops
and rail/tube stations to ensure access,
especially in deprived areas
20Peoples Case
21Accessibility - Outside Central London A-to-B
walking trips radiate around town centres
A-to-B walk trip
1 km radius around town centres
Metropolitan centre
Major centre
District centre
Source LATS 2001
22Economy spending power
Weekly spend in Londons town centres by access
Frequency of visits to Londons town centres by
access mode
People walking to town centres spend on average
91 per week
50 of people walking to town centres did so 5 or
more days per week walkers contribute
disproportionately to the vibrancy of the town
23For our own good
of adults obese
Source Prof Nick Cavill - National Travel
Survey Health Surveys for England
24To get away
- saying stressful applies to each mode
Source Main TfL segmentation survey for all
Londoners April/May 2005
25Air and climate
Results from public consultation on the Air
Quality Strategy suggest 71 believed that air
pollution is a problem in London 66 of
respondents believed that it affected their
quality of life 43 thought air pollution in
London had actually got worse in the last five
CO2 Emissions
26How do we capture all of this?Economic case
27Sources of data
- Casualties
- Time (personal values of time)
- Quality environment/regeneration
- Quality - location specific
- Health
- Mode shift - congestion relief and pollution
28Data - casualties
Deaths and serious injuries
- London Road Safety Unit
- Metropolitan Police
- London Road Safety Plan
- Regular reporting
- Trends
- Performance
29Time savings
- Forecasting new micro simulation models
- Values of time (dependencies)
Source Legible London Business case
30Pedestrian Environment Review System
Source Valuing Urban Realm Business Cases for
Public Spaces ,September 2006 Colin Buchanan for
31WAVES Willingness to Pay
Source Willingness to Pay for Improvements to
London's Strategic Walks - SWN, 2005
- Department for Transport values based on 30
minute/day threshold - Two part assessment
- Value of increased life from avoiding preventable
death 0.0001 x statistical value of a life - Value of decreased absenteeism from work 6-32
reduction in short term absenteeism
33Mode shift - flows
- Data available through new counting technology
- Field tests of various approaches giving output
data from scheme implementation - Initial results suggest 95 accuracy possible
- Air/Noise
- NATA New Approach to Transport Assessment, Dept
for Transport
34Assessing walking benefits Case Study
35Case study Legible London
- Wayfinding proposal for London. Initial business
case assessment for central area considering
transfer from Underground - SCOPE
- Time savings to existing pedestrians
- User surveys
- Data on pedestrian trips in London
- Time savings to pedestrians shifting from LU
- AIG study
- RODS data
- Quality benefits
- Confidence
- Legibility, obstructions, security, quality of
environment, maintenance - Health benefits
36Quantified Benefits
37Appraisal summary results
38Case Study Initial Conclusions
- Gives an indication of value for money of Legible
London, with encouraging results - BCR ranges from 1.51 to 5.31
- This is with only a partial evaluation of
benefits a number of other scheme benefits have
not been quantified (regeneration, environmental
benefits etc) - Only focuses on Central London and on-street
applications of Legible London
39Walking Business Cases
- Work in progress
- New data (output and outcomes)
- Can argue case on several fronts
- Policy ambition now has a benefitcost ratio