Title: at the University of Stirling Library
1m i l l e n n i u m
at the University of Stirling Library
Lynne Kelly Information Services
2- Agenda
- About Millennium
- Millennium at the University of Stirling
- Workflows at the Library
- The Millennium Modules
- Data Exchange
- Control Program
- Millennium Set-up
- Access and Security
- Documentation
3- About Millennium
- Automated library system by Innovative
Interfaces Inc. - Manages library functions such as cataloguing,
circulation, ordering, provides OPAC etc. - System design is modular and web-based
- Web- and Java-based (object-oriented) technology
- Application code is written in C/C and Java
4- Millennium at the University of Stirling
- Current Release 2005
- SUL has the software only and relies on in-house
support for the server and some database
maintenance - Runs on in-house server operating under UNIX,
housed in Library computer room - Vendors III have 24hr access to perform
monitoring tasks etc, e.g. Automated server
monitoring - Library staff access Millennium clients from
their desktop - Library patrons (staff and students) access the
Library catalogue and their patron records
from Internet browser
5- Workflows at the Library
- Bibliographic Services Acquisitions and
Ordering Serials Cataloguing Processing
LEO forms - Lending and Enquiry Services Circulation
Reserve Collections (short term borrowing)
Inter-library Loans - Library Liaison and Training OPAC
(presentation) Authentication to electronic
resources Resource searching
6The Millennium Modules Cataloguing - GUI to
Catalogue Database. Serials - similar to
Cataloguing but for serials and journals. ERM
- management of e-resources licensing, the
librarys coverage. Acquisitions - management
of ordering, receiving, paying, and
funds.Circulation patron record and borrowing
management.OPAC - library catalogue online,
view patron records, place holds.Web Bridge -
creates links to and from the OPAC to online
7The Millennium Modules Admin Administration
module for system admin tasks.Management
Reports - Menu-driven report via the Web. Manual
- Online Millennium documentation accessible via
any login.ALSO Telnet access alternative to
GUI modules for some tasks.
8Data Exchange Import of information to
Millennium Serials Solutions 3rd party vendor
produces monthly batches of MARC records for
electronic resourcesWe FTP-it from their secure
server to ours for processing and uploading into
our catalogueSITS link PL/SQL script extracts
student data, automatically uploads to our
server daily where we load it into Millennium
9- Data Exchange
- Export of information from Millennium
- Plans to deliver student fine information to
Agresso in the next phase of its
implementation - Output of financial information (encumbrances,
fund balances) to Agresso - SUNCAT - Serials UNion CATalogue for the UK -
key tool for locating serials held in UK
libraries and a central source of high-quality
records that can be used by libraries to upgrade
their local catalogues
10- Control Program
- processes all new records and modifications
- writes transactions to database
- interacts with record and record cache tables
updates these tables based on the input from
other programs - monitored through system administration
11Set up Client Set-up remit of DLTS requires
administration privilegesHardware and software
remit of SANS and IIISettings - Menu-driven
system administrations for most, some local
settings can be setLocal Settings set ups per
session or client/user
12Access and Security Accessing The Millennium
Modules via the Client
13Access and Security Accessing the Millennium
Modules via Web including the Manual, Web
Bridge, Management Reports
14Access and Security Accessing the Millennium
Modules via Telnet
15- Access and Security
- Accessing Millennium OPAC
- Patron records are accessible via the OPAC
- Requires their name, library barcode and network
password to access - Verification form uses Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) - Patrons can see their details, current
borrowings and holds - No activity on the keyboard for 300 secs results
in the OPAC logging out the user and returning
to the main OPAC page
16Access and Security Accessing Millennium Web
Server via DreamWeaverAs well as access through
telnet, the Millennium web server and html pages
can be accessed via FTP using DreamWeaver
17Access and Security Database - direct access
to database requires authorisation, currently
restricted. Testing -testing is done on the
production database by suppressing records from
view etc. Web server - web server has a test
area for HTML pages authorisation only to ISD
members serving in Library and SANS.Software
changes to software via patching and upgrades.
18Access and Security Back ups - Automatic full
database backups are scheduled to occur
dailyBackups recorded to disk in main computer
roomCopies are made and held elsewhere on-campus
by SANSAccess to logs and schedules
restricted Firewalls - Access is granted
through our firewall for connections originating
from a list of IP addresses and connecting to
the Secure Shell (SSH) service on our Millennium
19Access and Security Other Developments LDAP -
Universitys central authentication server
linkup real time authentication into patron
records via the OPAC, potential for single sign
on in future Patron Online Registration -
ability to allow non-University patrons to
register with the Library
20- Access and Security
- Summary
- Login and password required for modules via
client, plus initials and passwords to access
a set of functions - Initials required for Web-based functionality
including OPAC and reports - Passwords for clients currently changed twice a
year - Initials currently changed once a year
- Telnet and Web Server access only known to SANS
and two ISD members - Innovative have access to our server for
monitoring, as per our contract with them
21- Documentation
- Guides and Instructions
- Specifications, RFWs, problem calls
- Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
22Thank you for your attention. Lynne Kelly
lk2_at_stir.ac.uk Tel 01786 467219