Bid Advisory to CSEB for 1500 MW Bhaiyathan Project
Advisor to PGCIL for Tala Transmission
Advisor to GERC for all rules and regulations under EA03 and Gujarat Act
Unbundling Privatization of DVB
4 Current State
The story of future
GDP growth rate 8 will require similar growth in power capacity
Installed generating capacity of 128 GW
Required 200GW / 300GW by yrs 2012/2017
Electricity Act 2003 focuses on reforms, competition
Policies framed under Act reinforce the spirit
All (??) procurement through bidding
No cost-plus projects through MoU (??)
Transparent process
Risk Allocation to Bidder and its Lenders
Incentivization for Efficiency
However, flawed strategy can negate the advantages
Further, no real competition if mines are allocated in non-transparent manner
Difference in Bids where mines are attached vis-à-vis case2 bids is evident
7 Bid Scenario 8 Policy Framework
Section 63 of EA03
..the Appropriate Commission shall adopt the tariff if such tariff has been determined through transparent process of bidding in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government.
Tariff Policy issued in Jan 2006 under Section 3 of EA03
9 Bidding Guidelines
Case I Location, technology or fuel is not specified
Example GUVNL bid
Case II Location specific projects
Example UMPP, Bhaiyathan, Jhajjhar
Standard bid documents prepared
However, these should not be taken as the Holy Grail..
10 Bidding Guidelines
Guidelines binding on procurers and deviations to be approved by ERC
Role of SERCs extremely important
Appropriate deviations should be approved keeping in view special situations (eg qualification criteria in case of bhaiyathan umpp overleveraging)
11 Bidding Guidelines
A 2 part tariff (Capacity and Energy charges) for long term procurement. Combined allowed
Tariff to be in Indian Rupee only (except)
Capacity charges may have separate escalable and non-escalable components.
Min/Max capacity Charges gt 0.7
How feasible is it?
12 Bidding Guidelines
Energy Charges
Fixed in Base Year and indexed
May have separate escalable and non-escalable components
OR fixed for each of the years
No provision for heat rate degradation, ambient conditions
13 Bidding Guidelines
Energy Charges for Imported Coal
Base Energy Charge to be escalated
Imported fuel in USD/kWh
Transportation in USD/kWh
Inland fuel in Rs/kWh
Each of above may have escalable and non-escalable
Different Strategies adopted by Bidders recently
14 Bidding Guidelines
Combined Capacity and Energy Charges permitted
No escalations above those quoted allowed
Min offtake to be specified in Bid dox
15 Bidding Guidelines
Indices for bid evaluation by CERC
Discounting rate for levelised tariff calculation to be specified by CERC
Current Rates are as follows
16 Evaluation Rates by CERC 17 Developers Perspective
Case Studies
18 Bidding Steps
Extremely important to have pre-bid tie-ups in place
Commitment on major costs
Time period for financial close
Interest rates risk?
Escalation Currency provisions on EPC?
Bids not required to be underwritten
19 Bidding Steps
Imported Coal as Fuel
Bidding Strategy and appetite for risk are more important
Recent bids have clearly underlined this fact
Mix of Indexed and non-indexed costs much more important
More sensitive to variation in quality
20 Imported Vs Domestic 21 (No Transcript) 22 Bidding Scenario 23 Lenders Views
Paradigm Shift in financing
Move from Payment Security based lending to Competitive Tariff based lending
Avoids mistakes of the past
Unbundling, Open Access Provisions drive lenders comfort
Encouraging Response from ECA/ECB
24 Lenders concerns
Buy Out Provisions
Evacuation Transmission Risk
Time Frame to achieve Financial Closure
1 year from date of signing of PPA
Environmental Concerns
ECA/ECB financiers
Third Party Sale
Cure Period- Resumption of supply
Force Majeure
Land acquisition
Procurers responsibility!!
Change in Law, still
25 Lenders Perception
Imported Coal as Fuel
Take or pay only at 65 on imported fuel
Lenders see the above as a risk in long term contracts.
What would a developer do??
26 Case Studies
Imported Coal
27 UMPP Mundra GUVNL Bids
For UMPP Bids for Mundra, Tata Power and Reliance had different bid strategies
TPL bid numbers were broken into escalable and non-escalable components
Reflects clear direction of owning mine and ships (or equivalent long term contracts) while retaining limited risk
28 UMPP Mundra GUVNL Bids
Reliance has bid all numbers as escalable
Reflects strategy of procurement on spot basis for coal and transport
No upsides possible unless captive mines / long term contract on different terms
Was it conservative or aggressive?
29 UMPP Mundra GUVNL Bids
For GUVNL bid that was all-inclusive, Adani had bid based on imported coal
Tariff for each year fixed and no escalations
Risk of international coal price, transportation cost, forex variation borne by bidder
Possible only with ownership / long term contracts for coal transport
What about exchange rate risk??
30 UMPP Mundra GUVNL Bids
How does Adani bid address goals of bidding?
Risk sharing
31 UMPP Krishanapatnam
Significant change in Reliance Strategy
What do the numbers tell?
32 Summary 33 For SERCs
Take a pragmatic view on deviations from bidding documents
Bidding Strategies Take a call on appropriate risk sharing mechanism