Title: Some results, 2005
1Some results, 2005
- Sugarbeets -- Italian fertilizer with Sta.-G
- Clover-grass --- Sta.-G powder
- Tomato exp. --- Glass-house
- Tomato exp.- open land 2004 and 2005
- Onions --- Italian fertilizer with Sta.-G
- Cress exp. -- Italian fertilizer with Sta.-G
grown in an Italian soil
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3The effect of Stalosan G on yields and quality
parameters incuts of clover-grass (DK 2005, DLG)
4Tomato experiments 2005
- Experiment in a glass-house
- performed with Stalosan G incorporated in an
Italian NPK fertilizer. The plants were grown in
a mixture of peat/soil (1/1).
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7The effect of Sta.-G on weight and numbers of
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10Experiment with Onions 2005
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13Onions stored in plastic bags for 4 monthLeft
Without Stalosan G, the onions were decayed by
fungiRight With Stalosan G, the onions were
still in good quality
14SummaryThe effect of Stalosan G incorporated in
an Italian fertilizer on the yields of onions in
a small test experiment
- Results of Stalosan G
Increase in weight of onions 20.9
Increase in weight of top
Increase in diameter of
onions 8.6 - Main a good quality of the onions
- Experimental conditions The fertilizer was
Italian NP2O5K2O -71520 without and with
Stalosan G (2) The fertilizers were applied
25th. May 2005. The plant height was about 20 cm.
The control plot received 86 g/1,15 m2 equivalent
to 750 kg fertilizer per ha. The plot with
Stalosan G recieved 86 g fertilizer with Stalosan
G incorporated equivalent to 750 kg fertilizer
per ha and 15 kg Stalosan G per ha, respectively.
No other fertilizers have been used and
pesticides were not used. - The crop was harvested 15th July 2005 (area 2.35
m x 1m plots 2 x 1m2).
15Results from experiment 2002 Increase 36.7
16Experiment with Italian soil and Italian
fertilizer with Stalosan G incorporated Purpose
To examine a possible effect of Stalosan G mixed
with a fertilizer containing organic matter
(Fruttoro 4-12-20 10 SO3 0.5 Fe 7.5 C) on
cress plants grown in an Italian
soil. --------------------------------------------
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20Summary of cress plant exp.
- Result After 10 days of growth, the results
shoved that Stalosan G improved the yield of both
the frish weight (36.7) and the dry weight
(82.6). - The dry weight of roots was also increased by
Stalosan G (27.6), although high variation was
seen between the 3 replicated plots receiving
Stalosan G. -
- The results show an improved uptake of nutrients
from the fertilizer and from the soil (soil with
a low content of organic matter).
- Sugarbeets 17.1 sugar
- Clover-grass 8 and 10.4 (dry weight)
- Tomatoes (glasshouse) 30.7 (fresh weight)
- Tomatoes (open land) 2004 6.6
- Tomatoes (open land) 2005 5.6
- Onions 20.9 (fresh weight)
- Cress plants 36.7 (fresh weight)