Title: Building on BSCS 5E Inquiry Science with Knowledge Building
1Building on BSCS 5E Inquiry Science with
Knowledge Building
Conceptualization of a Collaborative Science
Inquiry Model
- Seng-Chee Tan
- Aik-Ling Tan
- National Institute of Education
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2This paper is about
- Theoretical hybridization of Biological Sciences
Curriculum Study (BSCS) 5E model of inquiry
science with knowledge building approach.
3Why BSCS and KB?
- Both are popular models with impact on classroom
practices - BSCS has over 73,000 curriculum materials
developed - KB has presence in at least 19 countries
- A KB community is epitomized by a scientist
community. - Time to build on
4Science as inquiry
- 1900 Science as a body of knowledge to be
learnt. - 1909 Dewey Too much emphasis on the
accumulation of information. - Not enough done to science as a way of
thinking and an attitude of mind.
5Science as inquiry
- School science should emulate authentic practices
such that students assume the agency of knowledge
constructors and interact with phenomena in
informed, reflective, and critical ways - Rodriguez, 1998
6Science as inquiry
- Students do not come to understand inquiry simply
by learning words such as hypothesis and
inference or by memorizing procedures such as
the steps of the scientific method. - They must experience inquiry directly to gain a
deep understanding of its characteristics. - (NRC, 2000)
7The BSCS 5E model of inquiry (Bybee)
8BSCS 5E - what it looks like
- The effects of forces
- Engage
- two students of different body sizes to push each
other and record what they feel as they pushed
each other. - Exploration
- students to investigate the amount of force
required to move a small weight on four different
types of surfaces - Explain
- students to explain their observations
- Elaboration
- students to take photos of examples of forces at
work in their home environment and propose an
explanation on the forces acting on the object
they have identified. - Evaluation
- feedback from the teacher and peers. Self
9BSCS 5E model
- BSCS takes a cognitive perspective
- Goal is conceptual understanding through inquiry
- Learning through social interactions is not
10Social cultural dimension
- Science learning is a process of socialization
into a professional community, with its canonical
problem niches, standards of explanation, and
modes of discourse for communal sense-making. - (Hawkins and Pea, 1987, p. 294)
11The 6th E (enculturation)
- Foster scientific literacy by enculturating
students into disciplinary practice and
communication (ONeil, 2001) - Engage students in the discourse of the
scientific community and develop awareness of the
values (Barab Duffy, 2000)
12Inquiry with KB
- Brings in social cultural process
- Celebrate diversity and leverage diversity of
ideas for improvement
13KB and BSCS
- KB Principles
- Authentic ideas
- Epistemic agency
- Democratizing knowledge
- Collective cognitive responsibility
- Idea diversity
- Improvable ideas
- Knowledge Building discourse
- Constructive use of authoritative sources
- Rise above
- Embedded assessment
- Symmetric advancement of knowledge
- Pervasive knowledge building
Exploration 1, 5, 7
Evaluation 10
Explanation 5, 7, 8
Engagement 1,2,3,4
Elaboration 5, 6, 7, 9
146 E model
Progress in cognitive dimension
Cognitive goal Improved ideas, Scientific
knowledge Social cultural goal Symmetric
advancement of knowledge
Enculturation through pervasive knowledge
building in iterations of 5E inquiry cycles
Progress in social cultural dimension
Naïve ideas, everyday knowledge from individuals
156E what it looks like
- Engage
- pairs of students to push each other and record
what they feel as they pushed each other.
Students put forth their initial ideas and
questions about forces in Knowledge Forum. - Exploration
- begins with diverse ideas about forces.
- Explanation
- Look up authoritative sources like textbooks or
reference books and engaged in knowledge building
discourse by reading and building on each others
notes in the Knowledge Forum.
166E what it looks like
- Exploration
- Students with common interest were assigned into
groups and to design investigation tasks (e.g. to
investigate the amount of force required to move
a small weight on different types of surfaces) - Explanation
- Students were again engaged in knowledge building
discourse to come up with viable explanations for
their investigation, in Knowledge Forum and in
class. - Elaboration
- The pupils were asked to look for more examples
of forces at work in their home environment
(elaboration). - Evaluation
- Through record of ideas on KF. Evidence of
pupils progress which could be evaluated by the
teacher, by self and by peers.
17Epistemological difference
- pursuit of truth
- KB
- Pursuit of progress (idea improvement)
19Linking inquiry across grade levels
20(No Transcript)
21How does the 5E align with the essential features
of Inquiry?