Title: winning hearts and minds: advocacy, motivation
1winning hearts and minds advocacy, motivation
customer services
the power of personal branding kathy
ennis senior adviser department of knowledge
2session outline
- context
- advocacy
- marketing
- basic principles
- personal branding
- the art of marketing yourself
3marketingthe basic principleswith special
thanks to louisa myatt
4what is marketing? (1)
- marketing is the management process responsible
for identifying, anticipating and satisfying
customer requirements profitably. - Chartered Institute of Marketing
5 what is marketing? (2)
the art and science of choosing target markets
and getting, keeping and growing customers
through creating, delivering and communicating
superior customer value. Philip Kotler
6what is marketing? (3)
- . the aim of marketing is to make selling
unnecessary, to know and understand the customer
so well that the product or service fits him and
it sells itself. Ideally marketing should result
in a customer that is ready to buy. All that
should be needed then is to make the product or
service available. - Peter Drucker
7marketing is
- the management of the 7 Ps
- product (or service)
- price
- place
- promotion
- people
- process
- physical evidence
- in the right mix to meet customer needs,
profitably (or with perceived value for money)
The development of products or services to meet
customer needs
the Biro the worlds first practical ballpoint
pen invented by Laszlo Jozsef Biro in 1943
making the product or service available at the
right price
the Model-T Ford went on sale in October 1908 for
950. 15.5 million cars sold
making the product or service accessible to
marketing channel for a Mars chocolate bar
- making the customer aware of the product or
services existence and its benefits to them
the worlds best known brand
- the quality of the customer service provided and
the attitude and behaviour of staff
known for excellent customer service uses it to
differentiate itself from its competitors
- the ease of purchasing products and using
- services
amazon is focused on making the process of
selecting and buying products as easy as possible
one of the reasons its so successful
14physical evidence
- adding creditability to intangible services so
that customers are reassured about their quality
Hong Kong and Shanghai bank built in 1986,
designed by Norman Foster
15promotional techniques
- promotional literature
- advertising
- events
- sales promotion
- public relations
- e-marketing / websites
16 17personal brandingthe art of marketing yourself
18what is branding?
- in marketing terms branding is the image
created in the minds of people when they see or
hear a name, a product or a logo
19what is personal branding?
- personal branding borrows the marketing concept
to shape the perceptions and expectations people
have of you - personal branding is about recognising your
personal and professional values - who you are
- what you stand for
- what you can contribute
21impression management
- Erving Goffman the presentation of self in
everyday life (1959) - a process by which people in social situations
manage the setting and their dress, words and
gestures to correspond to the impressions they
are trying to make or the image they are trying
to project
23first impressions the 93 rule
55 appearance body language
38 tone, pitch pace of your voice
7 what you say
24at work
- 90 of the impression you give of being capable
is based on perception - 30 - presentation of work
- 30 - presentation of self
- 30 - being seen to be doing a good job
- doing a good job accounts for 10 of the
impression you give
- the brand of your organisation
26a personal marketing mix
- the personal marketing Ps
- product
- price
- place
- packaging
- perception
- promotion
- and the USP
- your personality
- your temperament
- your values
- what motivates you
- the things you are good at
- the things you are bad at
- your reputation
- the price is the market value for what you do
- do you know what others doing the same job as you
are earning? - are there differences?
- why are there differences?
- the place is where you work, who you work with
and who you work for
- is there a match or a miss-match between your
values and the values of your organisation? - a set of matching values often ensures a happier
working environment
- the packaging is how you express your personality
through your appearance
- people make snap decisions on what they see, and
often cling to these decisions even when we have
done our best to convince them otherwise
- the perception is the judgement others make of
- the promotion is the awareness raising that you
- to ensure that people know
- who you are
- what you do
- what you stand for
- what do you have that others do not have?
- what makes you unique?
- qualifications
- skills
- experience
- knowledge
- publications
- contacts
- or the fact that there is only one of you with a
particular skill-set in an organisation
- the USP is what makes you special
34promotional techniques
- personal marketing
- networking
- internal
- external
- professional involvement
- writing
- reports
- articles
- books
- blogging
- speaking
- marketing
- public relations
- sales promotion
- promotional literature
- advertising
- e-marketing/websites
- events
- what is your personal marketing message?
For more information contact Kathy Ennis e
kathy.ennis_at_cilip.org.uk t 020 7255 0500