Title: Gravitational waves and fundamental physics
1Gravitational waves and fundamental physics
- Michele Maggiore
- Université de Genève
- DGFest, Pisa 26/1/06
2What can we hope to learn about fundamental
physics from the observation of GWs
- Neutron stars and the ground state of QCD
- Coalescing binaries and dark energy
- Stochastic backgrounds and the Big-Bang
3What is the true ground state of QCD?
- TltTc quarks and gluons confined into hadrons
- seems obvious we only see confined matter around
us - ? hadrons bound into nuclei
- ? why so little 56Fe ? Coulomb barrier
- strange quark matter hypothesis
- at high density, deconfined u,d,s mixture.
- The price payed to deconfinement and to ms is
compensated by the opening of a third Fermi sea
4The energy barrier could be overcome in the core
of NS
10 km
Crust lattice of heavy nuclei
8 km
n, p, e, µ superfluid
QCD regime quark-hadron mixed phase ?
2 km
? 1 GeV/fm3 ? high-density QCD ? hybrid
stars, quark stars ?
5- astrophysical processes can induce non-radial
oscillations of NS (e.g. SN?NS) - the normal modes decay by emission of GWs
- their frequency depends on the internal
structure of the NS - ? GWs can probe the core of a NS
6Benhar, Ferrari and Gualtieri, 2004
7Coalescing binaries
- First experimental proof of the existence of GWs
and precise confirmation of - General Relativity
- Cosmological standard candles
- ? dark energy
8Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar (PSR191316)
9Timing residuals affected by variouseffects due
to special and general relativity
- Fitting the timing formula (with 27 yrs of
data!) - all Keplerian parameters are known very precisely
- a1 sin ? 2.341774(1) s , e
0.6171338(4) - T0 (MJD) 46443.99588317(3) , ? 226.57518(4)
deg - P27906.9807807(9) s
- 3 post-Keplerian parameters
- d? / dt 4.226607(7) deg/yr, ?
0.004294(1) - dP/dt -2.4211(14) 10-12
10- d? / dt , ? fixed by GR in terms of mp and
mc - mp 1.4408(3) M? , mc 1.3873(3)
M? - dP/dt fixed by the quadrupole formula for
- GW emission, once mp and mc are known
- (dP/dt)exp / (dP/dt)GR 1.002 0.005
11Hulse-Taylor, Nobel Prize 1993
12- double pulsar PSR J0737-3039
- orbital period 2.4 hr !
- after one year of data, test of GW emission at
a comparable precision - We know that GW exist !
13Binaries as standard candles
(Gc 1)
?We get the distance r !
14for sources at cosmological distances
- luminosity
distance -
- For a spatially flat Universe
15- having dL(z) (and with a measure of z) we get
a - gravitational standard candle
- out to what distance ? At the level of
Advanced VIRGO/LIGO - NS/NS coalescences, at least O(40)/yr, out to 2
Gpc - BH/BH coalescences, 10 M , out to z ? 2-3
- At LISA, supermassive BHs with 106 M , would
be visible out to z 10
16- With type Ia Supernovae, measure of dL(z) up to
z 1.7 - p w(z) ? ,
- relativistic matter, w1
- non-relativistic matter, w0,
- cosmological cosntant , w -1
- From SN Ia, acceleration of the expansion
of the Universe, and w(z) lt - 0.55 - Gravitational standard candles can extend to
higher z, and have different systematics - ? cosmological constant/ dark energy
17GWs are a unique probe of the early Universe
- Decoupling from the primordial plasma
- two scales ? (interaction rate)
- H (Hubble expansion
rate) - ? gtgt H ? equilibrium
- ? lt H ? decoupling
- A stochastic background carries a snapshot of
- the Universe at time of decoupling
18- ? n s v n T3 v 1
- HT2/MPL (during radiation
dominance) - e.m. interaction
- s drops at (re)combination
- T eV, t370 000 yr
- neutrinos
- T MeV , t 1 s
- gravitons
- T MPL 1019 GeV, t tPL
10-44 s !! - A picture of the Big-Bang
itself ? -
19(No Transcript)
20Slow-roll inflation
21Pre-big-bang cosmology (Brustein, Gasperini and V
22Electroweak phase transition in the NMSSM
Apreda, Nicolis, MM, Riotto
23- Predictions of cosmological backgrounds of GWs
are difficult - physics beyond the Standard Model
- early Universe cosmology
- at first generation detectors it is unlikely to
see something - advanced interferometers can penetrate deeply
into an unknow region, where a number of examples
indicate that it is plausible to expect some