Title: SCT%20Services%20and%20Patch%20Panels
1SCT Services andPatch Panels
- Type IV
- PP3
- Type II-III and PP1
- Fibres
- Heaters
- Testing
Workpackage https//edms.cern.ch/document/593278/
2Status of Type IV Cables
- Cables production resumed last week
(KontaktSysteme) - 20 80 doubles harnesses delivered
- 602 double harnesses to complete production
- Still to be tested and inspected
- Installation has very low priority but it is
happening occasionally - ca. 250 harnesses installed out of 460 received
for the USA side - Installation will resume regularly in April
- Connector in situ (CPE)
- All cables in US15 installed and almost completed
with connectors on the PS end - A few racks are tested
- Very good yield
- Rack testing in progress
- CPE will pause at the end of this week
- Work will be resumed in April with racks in USA15
- Encrease cost from both companies
Racks on Level 6 US side
- PP3 units are produced in Melbourne and shipped
to CERN - First 100 units were received in October
- 1000 by December and several subracks of 30
units were assembled - 1759 PP3s fully tested and 55 subracks assembled
as of a month ago - 2113 PP3 units just arrived at CERN
- The total number shipped should be 4103
- But we need more PP3's...4275 total number
- There are spares in the middle of the rack (to
skip PS channels - interlock modularity) and
usually in groups at the top or the bottom - Often top or bottom subracks are not completely
used and we should optimize that occupancy with
empty boxes or mini subracks - Mini subracks of different row-sizes it's not the
best option (too many options) therefore we
should build the standard subracks with the empty
boxes - The empty boxes should be at least 125
- A few subracks of one row of PP3 are necessary
for the very full racks that dont have spares
already at the top or bottom
4PP3 Assembly, Testing,Installation
- Assembly
- 30 PP3 units are assembled in one subrack
- Insulating film applied on individual shield case
- A few drops of silicone to hold them together
- External clamp for rack mounting
- Kapton tape strips to cover screw-heads
- Extra kapton (or insulation film) inside the
clamp - Testing
- Burn-in of 90 units/day
- Installation
- Cables have been plugged in a few dummy Patch
Panels during installation to be placed in the
right (final) position and were tightened to
horizontal bars - Cables will have to be all removed from the
current position and plugged in by groups/rows
when the installation of the real PP3 will occur - 30 PP3 subracks (3 racks) have been installed so
far - Current Plan
- Estimated installation of 90 units per day
limited until now by delivery, testing capability
and problems - Need 200 special PP3s soon to go in the first
rack where bigger connector hood were used -
requires more tolerance (shorter standoffs) - Rework of remaining subracks (10) that dont have
kapton tape on screws either by taking the
subrack apart but difficult at times and risk
of damaging insulation or replacing shield case - Rework subracks that need extra insulation on the
corner unit
5Type II ServicesTimescale
- Sector 5 (top) and Sector 13 (bottom)
- heater cables, and DCS cables
- Just finished
- Sector 9 horizontal towards USA15 is currently
being installed - SCT fibres and SCT power cables (886 cables
spares) - Fibres today
- Barrel cables (side A and C) should start
tomorrow - Sector 3
- was supposed to follow sector 5, but was held up
by problems with arches above detector and muon
chamber installation - Its going to follow Sector 9
- Sequence in a sector is
- Tubes, fibres, heater cables, SCT cables, (Muon
chambers), - TRT cables, pixel cables
6Type II/III PP1 - Status
- INEO/Thurmelec are making double length harnesses
with type II cable and type III spliced, and type
II FCI/JST connectors on both ends as they
receive information about the lengths - Single length cables with FCT connector (PP3) are
also produced - First 60 cables received 60 coming (Sector 9)
- 200/week after to follow
- PPB1 need small clamps, cable tray covers etc.
(mid March) - PPF1 more parts needed. Cable clamp redesigned
by NIKHEF. Other parts on order via RAL.
7Type II/III cables Installation
- We measured with test cables the routing from
cryostat to PP3 racks - Found extra (more than extra) length to trim off
then new lengths were sent to the company - Labels printed and sent to company
- Mapping defined drawings for installation are
made - Mapping for PP1 connectivity transferred to
Nicolas/Sigi - For installation of sector 9
- 60 cables received 60 coming
- 200/week after to follow
- Found 3-4 m extra length on the type III
- Sergei is adding cable tray loop near the PP3
rack - Acceptance test
- DPP1 are used to test cables before installation
(mechanical and electrical tests) - Many use cycles on the very thin gold plating
could create a surface that is too abrasive for
the delicate JST - Use a DPP1 as a test fixture only 20 times, then
swap - First batch of 60 cables fully tested (mechanical
electrical) 100 yield - For future batches we will use a reduced
acceptance test
8SCT Readout Cables - Status
- All 1442 cables for the SCT readout and 2 long
cables which will cut to 38 FSI laser light
delivery cables are at CERN - 18 readout cables (9 side A and 9 side C) will be
installed in sector 9. - SCT readout cable protection
- End-cap bare ribbons at the detector end of the
readout cables will be temporarily protected
using a foam tube. - Barrel bare ribbons at the detector end will be
temporarily protected near the PPB1 area by a
protective plate that is being designed by Andy
Nichols. - The definition of the reference point and lengths
of ribbons from the reference point became
unclear during the tests with a model of PPF1.
They are presently being clarified so that
hopefully today we know the precise lengths. - The installation of the first end-cap cables
should start today
9SCT Fibre Cable Testing
- No acceptance test will be done before the cable
installation to avoid spoiling the heavy duty
rigging (Cables tested by Fujikura). - After the cable installation, two test will be
done - Test of fibre attenuation
- TOF for all TTC fibres in cables
- Both attenuation and TOF test systems (described
at http//agenda.cern.ch/askArchive.php?baseagend
acatega055165ida055165s0t70/transparencies )
have already been tested at CERN.
10ID Heater Cable Production and Installation
Cryostat Cables Only
Type Sec5 Sec13 Sec9 Sec3 Sec7 Sec1 Sec11 Sec-15 Totals
B 48 49 8 10 8 4 127
C 22 22 10 11 23 88
D 29 29 29 29 116
E 44 44 78 80 46 58 58 408
F 4 4 4 4 4 20
G 4 4 4 4 4 20
Totals 56 115 82 135 136 81 87 87 779
Heater Pads (TE,IDEP.)
PIX Evaporative Power
SCT Evaporative Power
ID Service FeedThu T
ID Service FeedThu P
Ready to go
Type III cut and ready to finish
- Total Cables Installed 56 115 82 253
- Cables Tested 56 115 171
- There are 2 Italian technicians here next week
working on E-cables - There is a German technician here this week
working on C cables.
Type Damaged so far
B 6
E 2
11SCT DCS Cables
- 128 type II and 40 type IV
- All cables for the barrel are in the pit
- 12 cables on sector 5 and 12 cables on sector 13
are installed and tested - 3 cables in sector 5 were damaged during
installation (caught on sharp edge of cable tray)
repaired - 24 Cables in sector 9 installed and tested
12Installation Testing
Type IV Sandra TC team installation
Acceptance SCT
After Installation SCT In PP3 racks
After Connectors Petr SCT In US/A at PS end
Type II/III Sandra Lars-Erik installation
Acceptance Martin Pepe Only samples of double harness batches of cables are tested
After Installation SCT Cables are tested row by row as they are installed on tray
PP3 Shaun
Burn-in SCT
Assembly Installation Melbourne SCT 2 techs required
Fibres Kamil, Bilge Martin at the RODs end
Heaters Steve 1 tech SCT
DCS Richard Lars
13What to do
- http//www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/si-bin/sctworkplanner
.cgi - To sign up for shifts (and contact me because of
unexpected changing in rate delivery/testing
problems) - Safety courses
- 1) basic safety training course (level 1-2-3
video in B55) - http//safety-commission.web.cern.ch/safety-commi
ssion/SC-site/sc_pages/training/basic.html - 2) Level 4 for working in US15 Oxybox (we have
them) - If you have an AIS LOGIN (used for EDH
documents), you can follow the course from
anywhere - (even outside CERN) with AIS login by accessing
http//sir.cern.ch. - If you have no AIS LOGIN, you need to register at
the following address level4.training_at_cern.ch - 3) Level 4A mandatory to enter the ATLAS
underground areas - This course is composed of 4 modules Cryogeny,
Evacuation, Installation and Magnet. Each of
these modules is followed by a small test which
you have to take and pass. - If you do not yet have an AIS login, please
contact the ATLAS secretariat and ask
for this AIS account (they must be registered
with ATLAS). If this is not possible, we will
organise special training at CERN. - 4) make the access request on EDH
- 5) get your safety boots helmet (or borrow
14Equipment IDs for MTF DB
- All equipment must have an MTF id to be installed
in the pit (US/A or UX) - Unique 14 character alpha numeric code
- Discussion with ID people about the equipment ID
for MTF - Fully digital code from SCT (and Pixel)
production DB is acceptable - All other ID equipment should have a code like
20ISDAQ0001234 - Defining Power Supply and ROD items
- Each subsystem should have a contact person for
15LINKS Summary
- SCT Cables Web page
- http//www-atlas.lbl.gov/ciocio/SCTcables/
- Mapping, technical appendices, cables related
documents - https//edms.cern.ch/document/624679/1
- Shifts
- Shift planner (developed by D. Robinson) works
very well for planning the activities and have
people to sign up - http//www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/si-bin/sctworkplan
ner.cgi - Safety courses
- Level 1-2-3 basic course for access underground
and point 1 - http//safety-commission.web.cern.ch/safety-commis
sion/SC-site/sc_pages/training/basic.html - Level 4 with AIS login http//sir.cern.ch.
- Level 4A AIS login
- Overall Safety and Health Procedure Document
PPSPS - https//edms.cern.ch/document/593278/
- Rack Wizard
- http//atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/TCOORD/Activities/I