Title: Polymer Nomenclature
- Chem 351- Polymer Chemistry
- Dr. Jeff Seyler
- University of Southern Indiana
List of Some Commonly Encountered Polymer
Classes Polyacrylics Polyarylenes Polyimidazole
s Polysilazanes Polyimides Polysiloxanes Polyimi
nes Polybenzothiazoles Polysulfides Epoxy
resins Polyketones Polysulfonamides Fluoropoly
mers Polybenzoxazoles Polyolefins Polysulfones
Phenolic resins Polybenzyls Polyacetals Polycarb
odiimides Polyoxides Polyacetylenes Polycarbonate
s Polyoxyarylenes Polycarboranes
Polythioethers Polycarbosilanes Polyalkylenes
Polythiophenylenes Polydienes Polyphenyls
Polyureas Polyurethanes Polyphosphazenes Polyam
ides Polyesters Polypyrroles Polyamines
Polypyrrones Polyanhydrides Polyethers
- variations in chain length
- Mw/Mn (PDI)
- stereocenter patterns
- iso-, syndio, attactic, etc.
d-l-d-l-d-l-d-l - copolymer arrangement/pattern
- regular, random, block, etc. A-B-A-B-A-B
- structure irregularities
- branching, impurities
- imperfections
- head-to-tail, head-to-head, mmmm, etc.
- Source name (more common use)
- based on monomer name (polystyrene)
- Structure based (more systematic)
- emphasizes actual structure (polymethylene)
- IUPAC, constitutional repeating unit
- used in both source and structure names
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- PMMA poly(methyl methacrylate)
- Trade names
- marketing and technological literature
5Source Based (homopolymers)
- Use name of actual monomer
- polymonomer, i.e. polyethylene
- common names may be used for monomer
- Use ( ) when two words or substituents
- poly(vinyl chloride), poly(1,2-difluoroethylene)
- Use ( ) in cycle as needed
6Source Based (copolymers)
- Infixes or connectives
- -co- (unspecified arrangement), poly(A-co-B)
- -ran- (Bernoullian distribution), poly(A-ran-B)
- -stat- (obeys statistical laws), poly(A-stat-B)
- -alt- (alternating)
- -per- (ordered sequence for gt2 monomers)
- poly(A-per-B-per-C)
- -block- Polyacrylonitrile-block-polybutadiene
- -graft- polyisoprene-graft-poly(methacrylic acid)
- nonlinear, blends, cross-link, and network
- star- (prefix), -comb-, -blend-, -n-, net-
(prefix) - poly(acrylic acid)-comb-polyacrylonitrile
7Structure Based (homopolymers)
- IUPAC nomenclature prevalent
- complete repeating group (CRU) is named as a
bivalent organic group according to IUPAC - Identify, orient, and name the CRU
- based on seniority and direction
- 1. heterocyclic rings (ring size over of
hetero) - 2. Heteroatom (O, S, N, P, Si)
- 3. carbocycles (unsaturated over saturated)
- 4. carbon chains
- polyoxy(1-methylethylene)
1. Poly(1-acetoxyethylene) - structure 2.
Poly(vinyl acetate) - source 1.
Poly(but-1-ene-1,4-diyl) 2. Polybutadienea 1.
Poly(1-cyanoethylene) 2. Polyacrylonitrile 1.
Poly(methylene) 2. Polyethene polyethylene 1.
3,4-diyl)(1-phenylethylene) 2. Poly(maleic
9Common Trade Names
Selected examples Crystalor
(polymethylpentene, Phillips) Dowlex
(LDPE/LLDPE, Dow) Forar (HDPE, Amoco) Kevlar
(aramid fiber, DuPont) Lexan (polycarbonate,
G.E.) Lucite (acrylic, DuPont) Mylar
(poly(ethylene terephthalate), DuPont) Nylon
(polyamides, variations) Olevac
(polypropylene, Amoco) Petrothene (polyethylene,
Quantum) Saran (poly(vinyl dichloride),
Dow) Teflon (tetrafluoroethylene,
DuPont) (www.plasticsusa.com/tradename.html)
10Common Abbreviations
Selected examples ABS (acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene) LLDPE (linear low density
polyethylene) PA66 polyamide (Nylon) 66 PC
(polycarbonate) PET poly(ethylene
terephthalate) PMMA poly(methyl
methacrylate) PS (polystyrene) PVC poly(vin
yl chloride) TP (thermoplastic elastomer
polyolefin) (www.plasticsusa.com/tradename.html