Title: Program 3 days Northern Thailand
1Program 3 days Northern Thailand
- Leaving San pa pau at ca. 0730 breakfast picnic
Visit to Golden triangle and Laos
Visit to Mae Sai Burmese border and Thailands
most northern point
Visit to Mae Fah Luang Gardensand Doi Thung Temple
Overnight In Chiang Rai
Visiting Hiltribes
Visit to Doi Mae Salong Chinese village in the
centre of tea plantations
Visit to Thaton mountain with 7 Buddah statues
Overnight in Fang
Visit to orange and lime gardens around Fang
Visit to Doi Angkhang Gardens
Visit to Chang Dao caves
Return to San pa pau
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2Gouden Driehoek
With a Longtailboot a bumpy ride on the Mehkong
river along Burma and Laos visit to Laos
3Visit to Laotion island
4Visiting Thailands most northern point
Burmese border
5Mae Fah Luang Gardens
6Wat Doi Thung
7Visiting 5 Hiltribes
8Doi Mae Salong
The centre of tea production
9Thaton on the Khok river
10Orange gardens around Fang
11Doi Angkhang
12Chiang Dao Caves