Title: Furlough Salary Reduction
1Furlough/Salary Reduction
- Implementation Guidelines for Administrators
2Workshop Presenters
- Cindy Ponce, Academic Personnel
- Coni Edick, Human Resources
3Please Note!!
- Information presented here is based on what we
know at this time - Details are emerging on a daily basis
- Watch for campus D-list and PPS listserv memos
- Check our website for all updates
- http//hr.ucsb.edu/budget/Furlough-Salary-Reductio
4Workshop Topics
- Plan Description
- Included Excluded Employees
- Banding Determining amount of furlough salary
reduction - PPS Implementation System
- PPS Implementation Departments
- Furlough Exchange Program (FEP)
- Furlough Usage Reporting
- Resources Contacts
5Plan Description
- Creates salary savings by reducing an employees
pay with a corresponding number of furlough days
off - 12-month period
- September 1, 2009 August 31, 2010
- Pay reductions range from 4 to 10
- Total furlough days range from 7 to 26
- Based on salary and program type
- Employees who earn more absorb a larger pay cut
than those who earn less
6Who is included?
- All full- and part-time UC employees, including,
but not limited to - Non-represented Staff (99)
- Career
- Limited
- Per Diem
- Academic
- Academic Senate Faculty
- Non-Senate Academic
- Employees whose pay is entirely funded by
research extramural funds - Student employees
- Postdoctoral scholars
- Visa holders (H-1B, H-2, H-3 E-3)
- Employees on START program
8Joint Appointments
- Furlough/Reduction will be prorated based on the
included title/fund source - Academic Coordinator / Lecturer
- SAO IV / Lecturer
9Exclusion by funding
- Extramural funds (EMF) are excluded from the cuts
- Employees funded 100 on EMF will not participate
in the program - Employees partially funded on EMF will receive a
cut only on the non-EMF funded portion of their
salary and will receive furlough hours in
proportion to the cut they receive
10Excluded funds
Funds added to table 9/15/2009
11Visa Holders
- Visa input in PPS
- Update EALN screen when status changes
- Citizenship code
- Visa Type code
- Work permit end date
- Note A change in or out of H status will change
participation in furlough program
12START Employees
- START reduction must be equal to or greater than
salary band reduction - START program ends 6/30/10
- If/when START participation ends, employee needs
to be placed on appropriate furlough reduction - If furlough employee begins START, end furlough
dist line and add new START dist line
13Contract Employees
- Contracts should include conditions of
furlough/salary reduction plan - New Contracts
- Contracts to be renewed or renegotiated
- Existing Contracts (should be amended)
- Exceptions
- If employee is in an exempted category
- If employees participation is precluded by law
- Departments with Contract employees have been
contacted by HR - Melinda Crawford, HR-Employment, x5781
14Union-Represented Employees
- Participation in furlough/salary reduction plan
dependent on collective bargaining
15Determining furlough/reduction
- Salary reductions and furlough accruals are based
on a sliding scale of 7 salary bands - Banding is based on an employees January 2009
Next Year Medical Contribution Base (MCB) - Monthly Covered Compensation Rate x 12
- Hourly Covered Compensation Rate x 2088
- Non-Faculty Academics 9/9 Monthly Covered
Compensation Rate x .75 - Rounded UP to next 1000
16Determining furlough/reduction
- The MCB does not change during the year,
therefore the employees furlough band will not
change either, regardless of any salary changes - In PPS, the Next Year MCB is on the IINS screen
(Nxt ContBase)
17IINS Next Year MCB
18Banding Academic Faculty
19Banding Staff Non-Faculty Academics
20Impact on Pay
- Included
- Regular pay (REG)
- Stipends (STP, SAS)
- Leaves with pay (e.g., sabbaticals)
21Impact on Pay
- Excluded (not a complete list)
- Bonus/Incentive Pay
- Shift Differential
- Overtime
- Time on Call
- Summer Additional Compensation
- Severance
- Relocation/Housing Allowance (RIP, EHA, FHA)
22PPS Implementation
- A central system program was used to update
current population in PPS - Week of September 7th
- Salary cut distribution lines were added in PPS,
similar to the START program - Effective date 9/1/09
- First paycheck to be affected 10/1/09
- Departments will be responsible for adding to or
adjusting PPS after system update as appropriate
for the duration of the program
23PPS Implementation
- System program determined affected population and
salary banding for each employee in population - Added distribution with the reduction in
- Reduction is on the percentage of time, NOT the
base rate - DOS codes
- SRB Regular Reduction
- SRS Stipend Reduction
24SRB (REG) Distribution
25SRS (Stipend) Distribution
26PPS EDB Implementation Dept
- Departments will need to manually add or delete a
salary cut distribution line in PPS EDB after the
one-time program is run - Contract employees
- Adjustments
- New Hires
- Transfers
- Changes to or from START participation
- START must equal or exceed furlough cut
- Visa changes
27PPS Implementation Dept
- Add or end furlough distribution (SRB, SRS)
- Use Action Code 43
- Use comments to describe action
- If new hire
- Process hire/rehire bundle first, update
- Obtain MCB-Nxt from IINS screen
- Enter SRB/SRS distribution line in EAPP
28Determining SRB (REG pay)
- For Employees lt 100
- Distribution x Salary Reduction SRB
- Example Staff lt40K MCB _at_ 50
- Banding 4 reduction
- 50 x 4 2 SRB
- Furlough 5.5 days (based on 11 days _at_ 100)
29Ex Staff lt40K MCB _at_ 50
30Determining SRB (REG pay)
- For Employees with split funding
- Distribution x Salary Reduction SRB
- Example Staff 61K MCB with 75 state funded appt
and 25 extramural appt - Banding 7 reduction (based on MCB-Nxt)
- 75 x 7 0.0525 SRB (state-funded appt)
- Furlough 13.5 days (based on 18 days _at_ 100)
31Determining SRS (stipend)
- Stipend x Salary Reduction SRS
- Example Staff lt40K MCB with 1000.00 stipend
- Banding 4
- 1000.00 x 4 40.00 SRS
- SRS will reduce 1000 stipend by 40
32SRS (Stipend) Distribution
33Furlough Exchange Program (FEP)
- Allows faculty to devote extra time to
extramurally funded projects in exchange for
furlough time - 7/1/09 through 6/30/10 pay period
- All or nothing for percent time and duration
- Must be requested and input prior to September
payroll cut-off
34Furlough Exchange Program (FEP)
- Consult with Sponsored Projects if questions
about fund sources - Can not be applied to stipend payments
- Request form and other information available on
the AP web site at http//ap.ucsb.edu/forms.and.i
35FEP and Release to Grant
- FEP in PPS
- Remove existing SRB distribution
- Leave Prof. appointment at 100 distribution at
the reduced percentage - Add Researcher appointment and distribution with
FEP dos code for period of 7/1/09-6/30/10 at the
percentage time of the furlough percentage - Existing or new release to grant
- Partial release will not be reduced on the grant
funded portion but will be reduced on the
Professorial remaining percentage
36FEP PPS Example
37FEP PPS Example
38FEP PPS Example
39Furlough Usage General
- Furlough accrual will be shown in PTO field on
IHRS screen in PPS - Accrual is in hours, not days
- Should be used as time is accrued
- Use for departmental mandated closures
- Note Non-furloughed employees take vacation,
comp time or leave without pay during closures - Supervisor approval required, similar to vacation
usage - Use it or lose it NO payout for unused hours at
the end of program or at separation, whichever
comes first
40Furlough Usage Faculty
- Accrue on a monthly basis (pay period basis)
- Can take days only during the academic year not
during the summer - May not take instructional days as furlough
- May use the intersession dates as furlough
41Furlough Usage Academic
- Recording leave usage for faculty
- All leave usage must be tracked and reported
- Department is office of record
- Sample time card available at http//ap.ucsb.edu/f
orms.and.information/documents/ - Recording leave usage for non-faculty academics
- Use regular time sheet indicate time as furlough
42Furlough Usage Academic
- Outside Professional Activities (APM 025)
- Allowed on furlough days
- In addition to the 39 day limit
- Must be included on annual report
43Furlough Usage Staff
- Non-Exempt
- May be used in ΒΌ hour increments
- Exempt
- Must be used in full-day increments, whatever a
full day is for that employee, based on schedule - Example For a 50 exempt employee who works 4
hours M-F, a furlough day needs to be 4 hours
44Furlough Time Reporting
- Departments to keep track of furlough usage
- Non-exempt timecard
- Front Use F and number of hours used
- Back Insert column in monthly Vac/Sick/OT/Comp
section - Total usage at bottom
- Exempt timecard
- Insert column to left of Vac/Sick Leave section
- Total usage at bottom
45Furlough Time Reporting
- Departments may report total furlough usage at
end of program or separation, whichever comes
first - Use DOS code FUT to report furlough time taken
- Report in hours
46Furlough Time Reporting
- Pay End 11/30/09 Check Date 12/01/09 Pay Cycle
MO Page 1 of 1 - C
- Seq 00014 Tr LX Per End 113009 Pay Cy M
Dst 22 E A T 2 D Ttl 0355 - LACFPS 8 661510 19900 1 Rate 08273.73
AH A Prorate - DOS Time H DOS FUT Hr
008.00 DOS Hr WSP
- Reporting 8 hours of furlough taken (FUT)
- UCSB Furlough/Salary Reduction
- http//hr.ucsb.edu/budget/Furlough-Salary-Reductio
n-Plan.php - UCSB Budget news
- http//www.ucsb.edu/campus-topics/budget/
- UCOP QA for Administrators
- http//atyourservice.ucop.edu/administrators/emplo
yment/furlough/index.html - Furlough Exchange Program
- http//ap.ucsb.edu/forms.and.information/furlough.
48UCSB Contacts
- Cynthia Cronk, Human Resources
- X8137, cynthia.cronk_at_hr.ucsb.edu
- Coni Edick, Human Resources PPS
- X3197, coni.edick_at_hr.ucsb.edu
- Cindy Ponce, Academic Personnel
- X8332, cindy.ponce_at_ap.ucsb.edu
- Stephanie Macaluso, Academic Personnel PPS
- X3445, stephanie.macaluso_at_ap.ucsb.edu
- Sona Baboolal, Accounting/Payroll
- X3259, sona.baboolal_at_accounting.ucsb.edu
- Jo Ann Stark, Accounting/Payroll
- X2219, joann.stark_at_accounting.ucsb.edu
49Thank you for attending!