Title: Vector Chiral States in Low-dimensional Quantum Spin Systems
1Vector Chiral States in Low-dimensional Quantum
Spin Systems
- Raoul Dillenschneider
- Department of Physics, University of Augsburg,
Germany - Jung Hoon Kim Jung Hoon Han
- Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University,
Korea - arXiv 0705.3993
2Background Information
Control of ferroelctricity using magnetism
- Magnetic Control of Ferroelectric Polarization
(TbMnO3) - T. Kimura et al., Nature 426 55, 2003
Connection to Magnetism
- Magnetic Inversion Symmetry Breaking
- Ferroelectricity in TbMnO3
- Kenzelmann et al., PRL 95, 087206 (2005)
3Background Information (2)
- Conventional magnetic order
4Microscopic Spin-polarization coupling
Inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM) type
Chirality (?ij) can couple to Polarization (Pij)
5Is a (vector) Chiral Phase Possible?
T, frustration
Spiral Magnetic
Collinear Magnetic
6Search for Chiral Phases Previous Works
- Nersesyan et al. proposed a spin ladder model
(S1/2) - with nonzero chirality in the ground state
Nersesyan PRL 81, 910 (1998)
- Arrows indicate sense of chirality
7Search for Chiral Phases Previous Works
- Nersesyans model equivalent to a single spin
chain (XXZ model) with both NN and NNN spin-spin
8Search for Chiral Phases Previous Works
- Hikihara et al. considered a spin chain with
nearest - and next-nearest neighbour interactions for S1
Hikihara JPSJ 69, 259 (2000)
- Define spin chirality operator
- DMRG found chiral phase for S1 when jJ1/J2 is
sufficiently large
No chirality when S1/2
9Search for Chiral Phases Previous Works
- Meanwhile, Zittartz found exact ground state for
the class of anisotropic spin interaction models
with NN quadratic biquadratic interactions
Klumper ZPB 87, 281 (1992)
- Both the NNN interaction (considered by
Nersesyan, Hikihara) and biquadratic interaction
(considered by Zittartz) tend to introduce
frustration and spiral order - Zittartzs ground state does not support spin
10Search for Chiral Phases Previous Works
- All of the works mentioned above are in 1D
- Chiral ground state carries long-range order in
the chirality correlation - of SixSjy-SiySjx
- No mention of the structure of the ground state
in Hikiharas paper - only numerical reports
- Spin-1 chain has a well-known exactly solvable
model established by - Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tesaki (AKLT)
- What about 2D (classical quantum) ?
- How do you construct a spin chiral state?
- Applicable to AKLT states?
11Search for Chiral Phases Recent Works (More or
- A classical model of a spin chiral state in the
absence of magnetic order was recently found for
Jin-Hong Park, Shigeki Onoda, Naoto Nagaosa, Jung
Hoon Han arXiv0804.4034 (submitted to PRL)
- Antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular
lattice with - biquadratic exchange interactions
12Search for Chiral Phases Recent Works (Park et
Order parameters
New order parameter
2N degenerate ground states
13Search for Chiral Phases Recent Works (Park et
- With a large biquadratic exchange interaction (J2
), a non-magnetic chiral phase opens up
- Paramagnetic
- (Non-magnetic)
- Nonchiral
- Non-magnetic
- Chiral
- Nematic
14Search for Chiral Phases Recent Works
(Dillenschneider et al.)
- Construction of quantum chiral states
- Start with XXZ Hamiltonian
Raoul Dillenschneider, Jung Hoon Kim, Jung Hoon
Han arXiv0705.3993 (Submitted to JKPS)
Include DM interaction
15Search for Chiral Phases Recent Works
(Dillenschneider et al.)
- Consider staggered DM interactions
- Staggered oxygen shifts gives rise to
staggered DM interaction - staggered phase angle, staggered flux
- We can consider the most general case of
arbitrary phase angles
16Connecting Nonchiral Chiral Hamiltonians
- Define the model on a ring with N sites
- Carry out unitary rotations on spins
- This is possible provided
- Hamiltonian is rotated back to XXZ
17Connecting Nonchiral Chiral Hamiltonians
- Eigenstates are similarly connected
18Connecting Nonchiral Chiral Hamiltonians
- Correlation functions are also connected. In
- It follows that a non-zero spin chirality must
exist in
- Eigenstates of are generally
19Generating Eigenstates
- Given a Hamiltonian with non-chiral eigenstates,
a new - Hamiltonian with chiral eigenstates will be
generated with non- - uniform U(1) rotations
20AKLT States
- Well-known Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT)
ground states - and parent Hamiltonians can be generalized in
a similar way
Arovas, Auerbach, Haldane PRL 60, 531 (1988)
- Using Schwinger boson singlet operators
21From AKLT to Chiral AKLT
- Aforementioned U(1) rotations correspond to
- Chiral-AKLT ground state is
22Correlations in chiral AKLT states
- Equal-time correlations of chiral-AKLT states
easily obtained as - chiral rotations of known correlations of AKLT
23Excitations in Single Mode Approximations
- Calculate excited state energies in single-mode
approximation - (SMA) for uniformly chiral AKLT state
24Excitation energies in SMA
25Summary and Outlook
- Created method of producing ground states with
nonzero vector spin - chirality
- Well-known AKLT states have been generalized to
chiral AKLT - states.
- Excitation energy for the uniformly chiral AKLT
state has been - calculated within SMA along with various
correlation functions.
- Need to search for a quantum spin model with
long-range vector - spin chirality correlation (without
artificial DM interactions)