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Lecture Eight


Conventional theory of finance an extension of Fisher's Theory of Interest (1930) ... Initial 'bad news' reports ignored as firm 'reverts to mean' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture Eight

Lecture Eight
  • Finance Theory
  • The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • A Keynesian Critique
  • A Keynesian Alternative

  • Breakdown of Phillips curve
  • Rise of neoclassicism
  • Critiques of logical foundations of neoclassical
  • Today
  • Neoclassical foundations of finance theory
  • Some problems
  • An alternative view
  • Fishers Debt-Deflation theory of Great
    Depressions elaborated
  • Minskys Financial Instability Hypothesis
  • Peters Fractal Markets Hypothesis
  • Prospects for US

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Problem How to predict the behaviour of capital
  • Solution extension of economic theories of
    investment under certainty...
  • to investment under conditions of risk
  • Based on neoclassical utility theory
  • Investor maximises utility subject to (s.t.)
  • Utility is a
  • Positive function(ive fn) of expected return ER
  • -ive fn of risk (standard deviation) sR
  • Constraints are available spectrum of investment

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
Investment opportunities
Z inferior to C (lower ER) and B (higher sR)
Indifference curves
Border (AFBDCX) is Investment Opportunity Curve
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • IOC reflects correlation of separate investments.
    Consider 3 investments A, B, C
  • A contains investment A only
  • Expected return is ERa,
  • Risk is sRa
  • B contains investment B only
  • Expected return is ERb,
  • Risk is sRb
  • C some combination of a of A (1-a) of B
  • ERcaERa (1-a)ERb

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • If rab1, C lies on straight line between A B

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • If rab1, C lies on straight line between A B

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • If rab1, C lies on straight line between A B

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • If rab0, C lies on curved path between A B

This is zero
Hence this is zero
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • If rab0, C lies on curved path between A B

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • If rab0, C lies on curved path between A B

Straight line relation
Hence lower risk for diversified portfolio (if
assets not perfectly correlated)
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Sharpe assumes riskless asset P with ERPpure
    interest rate, sRP0.
  • Investor can form portfolio of P with any other
    combination of assets
  • One asset combination will initially dominate all

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
Efficiency maximise expected return minimise
risk given constraints
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Assume limitless borrowing/lending at riskless
    interest rate return on asset P
  • Investor can move to anywhere along PfZ line by
  • Problem
  • P the same for all investors (simplifying
  • But investor perceptions of expected return,
    risk, investment correlation will differ
  • Solution
  • assume homogeneity of investor expectations
  • utterly unrealistic assumption, as is assumption
    of limitless borrowing by all borrowers at
    riskless interest rate. So...

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Defended by appeal to Friedmans
    Instrumentalism (next lecture)
  • the proper test of a theory is not the realism
    of its assumptions but the acceptability of its
  • Consequence of assumptions
  • spectrum of available investments/IOC identical
    for all investors
  • P same for all investors
  • PfZ line same for all investors
  • Investors distribute along line by
    borrowing/lending according to own risk

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Next, the (perfect) market mechanism
  • Price of assets in f will rise
  • Price of assets not in f will fall
  • Price changes shift expected returns
  • Causes new pattern of efficient investments
    aligned with PfZ line

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
Range of efficient assetcombinations after
market price adjustments more than just one
efficient portfolio
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Theory so far applies to combinations of assets
  • Individual assets normally lie above capital
    market line (no diversification)
  • Cant relate between ERi si
  • Can relate ERi to systematic risk
  • Investment i can be part of efficient combination
  • Can invest (additional) a in i and (1-a) in g
  • a1 means invest solely in i
  • a0 means some investment in i (since part of
    portfolio g)
  • Some alt0 means no investment in i
  • Only a0 is efficient

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Slope of IOC and igg curve at tangency can be
    used to derive relation for expected return of
    single asset
  • This allows correlation of variation in ERi to
    variation in ERg (undiversifiable, or systematic,
    or trade cycle risk)
  • Remaining variation is due to risk inherent in i

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Efficient portfolio enables investor to minimise
    asset specific risk
  • Systematic risk (risk inherent in efficient
    portfolio) cant be diversified against
  • Hence market prices adjust to degree of
    responsiveness of investments to trade cycle
  • Assets which are unaffected by changes in
    economic activity will return the pure interest
    rate those which move with economic activity
    will promise appropriately higher expected rates
    of return. OREF II

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • Crux/basis of model markets efficiently value
    investments on basis of expected returns/risk
  • Modigliani-Miller extend model to argue valuation
    of firms independent of debt structure (see OREF
  • Combination the efficient markets hypothesis
  • Focus on portfolio allocation across investments
    at a point in time, rather than trend of value
    over time
  • Argues investors focus on fundamentals
  • Expected return
  • Risk
  • So long as assumptions are defensible

The Capital Assets Pricing Model
  • In order to derive conditions for equilibrium in
    the capital market we invoke two assumptions.
    First, we assume a common pure rate of interest,
    with all investors able to borrow or lend funds
    on equal terms. Second, we assume homogeneity of
    investor expectations investors are assumed to
    agree on the prospects of various investmentsthe
    expected values, standard deviations and
    correlation coefficients described in Part II.
    Needless to say, these are highly restrictive and
    undoubtedly unrealistic assumptions. However,
    since the proper test of a theory is not the
    realism of its assumptions but the acceptability
    of its implications, and since these assumptions
    imply equilibrium conditions which form a major
    part of classical financial doctrine, it is far
    from clear that this formulation should be
    rejectedespecially in view of the dearth of
    alternative models leading to similar results.
    (Sharpe 1964 1991 emphasis added)
  • But Sharpe later admits to some qualms with this

The CAPM Reservations
  • People often hold passionately to beliefs that
    are far from universal. The seller of a share of
    IBM stock may be convinced that it is worth
    considerably less than the sales price. The buyer
    may be convinced that it is worth considerably
    more. (Sharpe 1970)
  • However, if we try to be more realistic
  • The consequence of accommodating such aspects of
    reality are likely to be disastrous in terms of
    the usefulness of the resulting theory... The
    capital market line no longer exists. Instead,
    there is a capital market curvelinear over some
    ranges, perhaps, but becoming flatter as risk
    increases over other ranges. Moreover, there is
    no single optimal combination of risky
    securities the preferred combination depends
    upon the investors preferences... The demise of
    the capital market line is followed immediately
    by that of the security market line. The theory
    is in a shambles. (Sharpe 1970 emphasis added)

A Keynesian view
  • Key issue is uncertainty, not risk
  • Cannot possibly estimate expected returns far
    into future
  • our basis of knowledge for estimating the yield
    ten years hence of an investment amounts to
    little... those who seriously attempt to make any
    such estimate are often so much in the minority
    that their behaviour does not govern the market.
  • Instead, conventions to cope with uncertain
  • assume that the present is a ... serviceable
    guide to the future that the existing state of
    ... prices ... is based on a correct summing up
    of future prospects we endeavor to fall back on
    the judgment of the rest of the world which is
    perhaps better informed.

Keyness view
  • Investors profit by picking shifts in confidence
  • the professional investor and speculator are ...
    concerned, not with making superior long-term
    forecasts of the probable yield of an investment
    over its whole life, but with foreseeing changes
    in the conventional basis of valuation a short
    time ahead of the general public this
    behaviour... is an inevitable result of an
    investment market... For it is not sensible to
    pay 25 for an investment of which you believe the
    prospective yield to justify a value of 30, if
    you also believe that the market will value it at
    20 three months hence. OREF II
  • Markets thus conducted by speculation on
    immediate behaviour of other speculators, rather
    than rational calculation

Keyness view
  • Recall earlier lectures on Keynes and uncertainty
  • The Stockmarket as a beauty contest and the
    third degree
  • pick out the six prettiest faces the prize
    being awarded to the competitor whose choice most
    nearly corresponds to the average preferences of
    the competitors as a whole... We have reached the
    third degree where we devote our intelligences to
    anticipating what average opinion expects the
    average opinion to be.
  • The practicality of rational calculation?
  • Investment based on genuine long-term
    expectation is scarcely practicable. He who
    attempts it must surely run greater risks than
    he who tries to guess better than the crowd how
    the crowd will behave

The Price system and Asset Markets
  • Normal micro theory
  • Supply a positive function of price
  • Demand a negative function of price
  • Supply and demand independent
  • If price rises
  • Supply rises
  • Demand falls
  • Tendency towards equilibrium
  • But finance markets
  • Supply (of assets, shares) possibly a positive
    function of price
  • Demand also a positive function of price

The Price system and Asset Markets
  • If price of assets (shares, real estate, etc.)
    rising, demand also rises
  • Buyers hope to buy and sell on a rising market
  • The faster the rate of price increase (generally
    speaking) the faster the growth of demand
  • Tendency to move away from equilibrium
    (fundamental value, historic price to earnings
    ratios, etc.)
  • Price thus destabilises an asset market
  • An alternative theory to equilibrium-oriented
    conventional finance theory needed which
    acknowledges destabilising role of asset prices
  • Derived from Fisher and Keynes by Minsky

Fisher Keyness unlikely ally
  • Conventional theory of finance an extension of
    Fishers Theory of Interest (1930)
  • The rate of interest expresses a price in the
    exchange between present and future goods
  • Three elements combine to determine rate of
  • Subjective the marginal preference for present
    over future goods
  • strong preference borrower weak preference
    lender balance determines supply of funds
  • Objective investment opportunity determines
    demand for funds
  • The Market equilibrium interest rate equates
    supply to demand

Fisher Keyness unlikely ally
  • Market for loans differs from normal market
  • normal market, payment made and goods exchanged
    simultaneously (in absence of credit)
  • Loans goods (loaned money) exchanged now
    repayment (principal interest) occurs later
  • Two special assumptions needed to eliminate this
  • (A) The market must be cleared--and cleared with
    respect to every interval of time. (B) The debts
    must be paid. (Fisher 1930 495)
  • Fishers book published in 1930
  • In 1929, Fisher comments Stocks appear to have
    reached a permanently high plateau and then
    came October 23rd Black Wednesday

Alternative Finance (1) Financial Instability
  • Fisher Keynes blended into alternative theory
    of finance by Minsky the Financial Instability
  • partial objective to explain Great Depressions
  • overall objective an alternative economics to
    neoclassical micro/macro

Minskys interpretation of Keynes
  • Two price levels
  • Commodity prices set by markup on cost of
  • Assets / equipment prices based on expected
  • Volatile basis for expectations essential
  • Future fundamentally uncertain we simply do not
    know, so conventions developed
  • Present accepted as a serviceable guide to the
  • Current expectations presumed correct
  • Mass sentiment
  • Finance demand for money
  • it is ... the financial facilities which
    regulate the pace of new investment Keynes 1937

Minskys Hypothesis
  • Economy in historical time
  • Debt-induced recession in recent past
  • Firms and banks conservative re debt/equity
    ratios, asset valuation
  • Only conservative projects are funded
  • Recovery means conservative projects succeed
  • Firms and banks revise risk premiums
  • Accepted debt/equity ratio rises
  • Assets revalued upwards

The Euphoric Economy
  • Self-fulfilling expectations
  • Decline in risk aversion causes increase in
  • Investment expansion causes economy to grow
  • Asset prices rise, making speculation on assets
  • Increased willingness to lend increases money
    supply (endogenous money)
  • Riskier investments enabled, asset speculation
  • The emergence of Ponzi (Bondy?) financiers
  • Cash flow from investments always less than
    debt servicing costs
  • Profits made by selling assets on a rising market
  • Interest-rate insensitive demand for finance

The Assets Boom and Bust
  • Initial profitability of asset speculation
  • reduces debt and interest rate sensitivity
  • drives up supply of and demand for finance
  • market interest rates rise
  • But eventually
  • rising interest rates make many once conservative
    projects speculative
  • forces non-Ponzi investors to attempt to sell
    assets to service debts
  • entry of new sellers floods asset markets
  • rising trend of asset prices falters or reverses

  • Ponzi financiers go bankrupt
  • can no longer sell assets for a profit
  • debt servicing on assets far exceeds cash flows
  • Asset prices collapse, drastically increasing
    debt/equity ratios
  • Endogenous expansion of money supply reverses
  • Investment evaporates economic growth slows or
  • Economy enters a debt-induced recession ...

The Aftermath
  • High Inflation?
  • Debts repaid by rising price level
  • Economic growth remains low Stagflation
  • Renewal of cycle once debt levels reduced
  • Low Inflation?
  • Debts cannot be repaid
  • Chain of bankruptcy affects even non-speculative
  • Economic activity remains suppressed a
  • Big Government?
  • Anti-cyclical spending and taxation of government
    enables debts to be repaid
  • Renewal of cycle once debt levels reduced

Modelling Minsky
  • A taste of dynamics a model of Minsky built on
    Marxs model of cyclical economy
  • accumulation slackens in consequence of the rise
    in the price of labour, because the stimulus of
    gain is blunted. The rate of accumulation
    lessens but with its lessening, the primary
    cause of that lessening vanishes, i.e. the
    disproportion between capital and exploitable
    labour power The price of labor falls again to a
    level corresponding with the needs of the
    self-expansion of capital To put it
    mathematically, the rate of accumulation is the
    independent, not the dependent variable the rate
    of wages the dependent, not the independent
    variable. (Marx 1867, 1954 580-581)

Modelling Minsky
  • Mechanism is
  • high rate of growth causes high level of
  • high level of employment causes increase in wage
  • increase in wage level reduces profit
  • reduced profit reduces investment
  • lower investment reduces growth rate
  • lower growth rate reduces employment
  • lower employment leads to falling wage level
  • falling wage level restores profitability,
    restarting cycle

Modelling Minsky
  • Minskys theory explicitly based on time and
    changes in variables over time
  • Cant be modelled using simultaneous equations
    (which ignore time)
  • Instead have to use
  • Differential equations (rate of change of y with
    respect to time is a function of)
  • Computer simulation (artificial economies with
    time-based variables)
  • Differential equations (normally) show rate of
    change of one variable as a function of values of
  • Much of classical economics can be described as
    verbal differential equations. An example
    Malthus on population

Digression Dynamics Equations
  • I think I may fairly make two postulata. First,
    That food is necessary to the existence of man.
    Secondly, That the passion between the sexes is
    necessary and will remain nearly in its present
  • Population, when unchecked, increases in a
    geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in
    an arithmetical ratio. A slight acquaintance with
    numbers will shew the immensity of the first
    power in comparison of the second.
  • These can be put into verbal differential
  • In the absence of food shortages, population
    grows exponentially
  • Food increases linearly
  • In actual differential equations, we get

Malthuss Population Dynamics
Births minus deaths
A small constant for high F/P ratios but rises
dramatically as F/P falls below a critical level
Percentage rate of change of population
No ceteris paribus Feedback from F to P.
Modelling this
A constant
Slope of food output
Malthuss Population Dynamics
Putting it all together, we get
Nonlinear negative feedback contribution from
Population growth in the absence of food shortages
Linear attenuating feedback from food (C is
initial level)
I dont think Malthus ever realised that this was
(roughly) the path he predicted for population...
Modelling Minsky
  • Same type of logic needed to express Minskys
    model of finance
  • Specify relationships in terms of rate of change
    of y is a function of
  • Relate all elements in causal chain until it
    loops back on itself
  • (Malthuss theory is incomplete here there is no
    feedback from population to food)
  • No more ceteris paribus since everything
    determines everything else, but in a time
  • So to model Minsky, we start with Marx 1867 and
    Goodwin 1967...

Modelling Minsky
  • Causal chain
  • Capital (K) determines Output (Y)
  • Output determines employment (L)
  • Employment determines wages (w)
  • Wages (wL) determine profit (P)
  • Profit determines investment (I)
  • Investment I determines capital K
  • chain is closed

Phillips curve
Investment function
An Economic Model without Finance
A Economic Model with Finance
  • Add debt
  • Firms borrow when desired investment exceeds
  • Debt solely used to finance investment
  • Profit is now output net of wages and debt

Interest rate
Gross Profit
Simulation again...
A Economic Model with Finance
A Economic Model with Finance
The Inefficient Markets Hypothesis
  • Argument that investors
  • react slowly to news
  • over-react
  • ignore reversion to the mean
  • Series of good reports leads to expectation of
    more good news
  • Firm valuation rises, seen as growth stock
  • rise becomes self-fulfilling bandwaggon buying
  • Firm cannot sustain above sector/economy
    performance indefinitely
  • Initial bad news reports ignored as firm
    reverts to mean
  • Finally, bear valuations set in bandwaggon
  • growth stock underperforms in medium term

The Inefficient Markets Hypothesis
  • 90 of price variability due to internal dynamics
    of speculators watching other speculators
  • EMH idea of investors focusing solely upon
    expected risk/return wrong

Instead, speculators watch other speculators
The Fractal Markets Hypothesis
  • Puzzle
  • If EMH is so wrong intellectually, how come it
    almost seems right in the data?
  • Solution a highly chaotic distribution is very
    hard to distinguish from a truly random
  • Chaos/Complexity
  • Deterministic system (no shocks involved) which
    generates highly complex, aperiodic cycles
  • Discussed in lecture on dynamics
  • Applied to finance, the Fractal Markets
  • Apparently random movements of stock market in
    fact mask a fractal dynamic process
  • so whats a fractal?

The Fractal Markets Hypothesis
  • A pattern produced by a highly nonlinear
    self-referential process
  • Or in English
  • Take an initial number
  • Apply some (possibly simple but) nonlinear
    transformation to it
  • Use the resulting number as the next input to be
  • Resulting time series can appear highly random,
    but at the same time
  • is generated by a process with no chance (risk)
  • has an underlying structure, which can however be
    very hard to discern

The Fractal Markets Hypothesis
  • Peters applies fractal analysis to time series
    generated by asset markets
  • Dow Jones, SP 500, interest rate spreads, etc.
  • finds a fractal structure
  • intellectually consistent with
  • Inefficient Markets Hypothesis
  • Financial Instability Hypothesis
  • Based upon
  • heterogeneous investors with different
    expectations, different time horizons
  • trouble breaks out when all investors suddenly
    operate on same time horizon with same

The Fractal Markets Hypothesis
  • Take a typical day trader who has an investment
    horizon of five minutes and is currently long in
    the market. The average five-minute price change
    in 1992 was -0.000284 per cent it was a bear
    market, with a standard deviation of 0.05976 per
    cent. If, for technical reasons, a six standard
    deviation drop occurred for a five minute
    horizon, or 0.359 per cent, our day trader could
    be wiped out if the fall continued. However, an
    institutional investora pension fund, for
    examplewith a weekly trading horizon, would
    probably consider that drop a buying opportunity
    because weekly returns over the past ten years
    have averaged 0.22 per cent with a standard
    deviation of 2.37 per cent. In addition, the
    technical drop has not changed the outlook of the
    weekly trader, who looks at either longer
    technical or fundamental information. Thus the
    day traders six-sigma standard deviation event
    is a 0.15-sigma event to the weekly trader, or no
    big deal. The weekly trader steps in, buys, and
    creates liquidity. This liquidity in turn
    stabilises the market. (Peters 1994)

  • View of finance depends on whether take
    equilibrium or dynamic view
  • equilibrium
  • optimum allocation of funds, rational markets
  • dynamic
  • speculative markets, accumulation of debt,
    possibility of crisis
  • Current crises difficult, if not impossible, to
    explain in equilibrium terms
  • Rapid movements in markets (e.g., sevenfold
    devaluation of Indonesian rupiah in a week by
    money markets) cant be due to similar fall in
    real productivity of Indonesian economy
  • Finance and economic outcomes clearly linked
    (rather than independent as in standard theory)

Conclusion Asian Crisis
  • Debt-deflation probable cause of Asian crisis
  • Originating in Japans Bubble Economy 1987-90
  • Huge bad debts carried by banks after crash of
    real estate market
  • Boom in Asia partly funded by Japanese/American
    banks seeking profit after collapse of own
    markets in 90/91
  • Crash in Asia amplified by free capital markets
  • Currencies devalued on fear of inability to repay
  • Devaluation (4-fold for Thailand, 7-fold for
    Indonesia) guarantees loans cannot be repaid
  • Depression ensues
  • Solution must involve repudiation of debt

Conclusion New York New York
  • Current US economic boom (now probably over)
    underwritten by asset price boom
  • Boom due to
  • Euphoric expectations on Internet
  • Feedback from rising prices to rising prices
  • Debt Financing of share purchases
  • The bust? Complicated by Mutual Funds, but
  • At 351, PE ratio highest in (non-Depression)
  • Broad market in decline now for more than 2
    years boom focused in very narrow range of
    stocks (as in 1929)
  • USA debt/output ratio 150 (vs 60 in 1929
    Fisher 1933)
  • Inflation on border of deflation (as in 1929)
  • one major difference Big Government
  • impact discussed in Week 11
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