Title: Powering the World with the Ocean
1 Powering the World with the Ocean The
Florida Center of Excellence in Ocean Energy
Technology Florida Atlantic University and
2Floridas Energy Crisis
- Florida is in an energy crisis Demand Exceeds
Capacity - Up to 80 of Floridas electricity generation is
fossil fuel based Costs are directly tied to
the cost of fuel
- Future capacity is planned to be 100 hydrocarbon
based - Florida is 99 reliant on outside energy sources
- Renewable energy is needed for a sustainable
Forecast Demand
Purchased Electricity
Fossil Fuel Electricity
Nuclear Electricity
3Floridas Conventional Renewable Energy
- No potential for wind or hydro power
4Floridas Conventional Renewable Energy
- Marginally favorable solar potential
- Solar power potential does not match demand
- Intermittent
5Energy from the Oceans
6Energy from the Oceans
7Energy from the Oceans
Annual average wave power in kilowatts per meter
of crest width
- No South and West Florida Potential
- Some North East Florida Potential
8Energy from the Oceans
9(No Transcript)
10- Ocean energy potential matches demand
- Ocean energy can meet the worlds power needs
- Both current and thermal will yield continuous
energy production (100 capacity factor)
11 Overall Current-Hydrogen System Concept
Hydrogen Storage
12 Floridas Energy Landscape
Floridas Ocean Energy Landscape
13 Floridas Ocean Energy Future
- Within 10 years
- Cold water based A/C could reduce demand by more
than 20 - Ocean generated electricity could account for
more than 25 of generating capacity
- Within 20 years
- Ocean generated electricity could account for up
to 75 of generating capacity - Dependence on hydrocarbons could be eliminated
- Energy independence
Cold Water A/C
Fossil Fuel Based
14 Impact
- 4 billion/year in local wholesale electricity
revenues within 10 years This money stays in
- 4 billion in cumulative local technology sales
- Over three million Florida homes powered by the
- Over 26,500 new Florida based jobs
Within 20 years
- Over 100,000 new US based jobs
- 100 billion/year in electricity and hydrogen
- United States leads the world in energy production
15A Strong Partnership for a Unique and Feasible
Solution to Floridas Energy Future
Industrial Partners Ocean Renewable Power,
Clipper Windpower, Aquantis,
Oceaneering Lockheed Martin
Policy Knowledge
Ocean Engineering Business Leadership
Technology Expertise
Ocean Energy Technology
Test Range Operating Experience
Hydrogen Technology
Environmental Oceanographic
Needs System Interfacing
Affordable, clean, renewable energy Energy
independence Vibrant new industry
16Industry, Government Academic Partners
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
U.S. Navy