Tamworth pigs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tamworth pigs


... turtles if they live in the sea; terrapins if they live in fresh water or ... You cannot touch our terrapin as she could carry the disease, Salmonella. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tamworth pigs

Tamworth pigs
  • Meet our pigs
  • Tara, Rosie
  • Jim

What do pigs eat? Pigs are omnivores, which means
that they consume both plants and small animals.
Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any
kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree
bark, rotting carcasses, garbage, and even other
pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals,
primarily eating leaves and grasses, roots,
fruits and flowers.
The Tamworth pig is considered rare and critical.
The breed does well in places such as Scotland
and Canada, where winters are very windy and very
cold!. They also enjoy attention from humans!
Did you know? Pigs do not have functional sweat
glands, so pigs cool themselves using water or
mud during hot weather. They also use mud as a
form of sunscreen to protect their skin from
sunburn. Mud also provides protection against
flies and parasites. Pigs are thought to have the
same intellectual ability as a three year old
Angora goats
  • Meet our goat
  • Madeline

What do goats eat? Goats are ruminants. They have
a four-chambered stomach consisting of the rumen,
the reticulum, the omasum, and the abomasum.
Goats will eat almost any plant species.
including some species which are toxic to cattle
and sheep. This makes them valuable for
controlling toxic weeds and clearing undergrowth.
They have an intensely inquisitive and
intelligent nature they will explore anything
unfamiliar using their prehensile upper lip and
tongue. This is why they investigate items such
as buttons, camera cases or clothing by nibbling
at them, occasionally even eating them.
Did you know? Some charities provide goats to
people in poor countries, because goats are
easier and cheaper to manage than cattle, and
have multiple uses. For instance, the intestine
is used to make "catgut", which is still in use
as a material for internal human stitches. The
horn of the goat, is also used to make spoons.
The Angora goat is from the Angora region near
present-day Ankara, Turkey. For thousands of
years, goats have been used for their milk, meat,
hair, and skins. In the last century they have
also been used as pets.
Chinese pot-bellied pigs
  • Meet our pig Sam

Uses of pigs Because of their foraging abilities
and excellent sense of smell, they are used to
find truffles in many European countries.
Domesticated pigs are commonly raised as
livestock by farmers for meat (called pork), as
well as for leather. Their bristly hairs are also
used for brushes
The Pot-bellied pig is a breed of a domesticated
pig originating in Vietnam. These small pigs are
frequently kept as exotic pets in Western
Did you know? Pot-bellied pigs are intelligent
and easy to train to perform tricks for a food
reward. Many pig owners walk their pets on
leashes using a harness. Pigs can use a large
modified litter box just like a cat are more
easily trained to going outside than most dogs.
Dexter cows
  • Meet our cows
  • Sophie Oscar

What is a ruminant? Cows are ruminants so they
have a digestive system that allows them to use
indigestible foods by repeatedly regurgitating
and rechewing them as "cud." The cud is then
reswallowed and further digested by specialized
microorganisms that live in the rumen (one of the
4 compartments of a cows stomach).
Did you know? A common misconception about cows
(particularly bulls) is that they are enraged by
the color red. This is incorrect, as cows are
red-green colour-blind!
What are cows used for? Cows are raised as
livestock for meat (called beef and veal), dairy
products (milk), leather and as draught animals
(pulling carts and plows).
Dexter cows are the smallest native breed, and
originated in the South of Ireland in the 1800s.
Dexters are a dual-purpose breed, providing dairy
and beef.
  • Meet our rabbits
  • Blue Beveren, Netherland
  • Dwarf English breeds

What do rabbits eat? Rabbits are herbivores who
eat grass and leafy weeds. These contain large
amounts of cellulose, which is hard to digest.
Rabbits solve this problem by passing two types
of feces hard droppings and soft black viscous
pellets. The second type are immediately eaten to
help in the digestion of their food and extract
enough nutrients.
Uses of rabbits Rabbit are used for meat and
their fur is sometimes used for clothing and
accessories, such as scarves or hats. Rabbits are
very good producers of manure and their urine,
being high in nitrogen, is used to fertilise
lemon trees. Their milk may also be of great
medicinal or nutritional benefit due to its high
protein content.
Did you know? Nearly half of the world's rabbit
species are in danger of extinction. Rabbits
cannot vomit due to the physiology of their
digestive system
  • Meet our poultry
  • Light Sussex, Silky Modern Game bantam
    chickens, Bronze turkeys, Indian Runner ducks,
    Chinese Light Geese

What do chickens eat? Domestic chickens are
typically fed commercially prepared feed that
includes a protein source as well as grains, and
for laying hens, a source of calcium carbonate
for eggshells. Chickens often scratch at the soil
to search for seeds and insects.
Poultry are domesticated birds that kept for
meat, eggs and feathers.
Despite the name, turkeys have no relation to the
country of Turkey and are native to North
America. Turkeys were taken to Europe by the
Spanish from the Aztecs in Mexico in the 1500s.
Geese usually mate for life. They lay fewer eggs
than ducks but both parents protect the nest and
young, which usually results in a higher survival
rate for the young geese
Indian Runner ducks are native to the India
Malaysia. The breed was first brought to Europe,
via Whitehaven in Cumbria by a sea captain in
Guinea pigs
  • Meet our guinea pigs
  • Agouti, Crested English Smooth coat breeds

What do guinea pigs eat? Grass is the guinea
pig's natural diet. Their molars are particularly
suited for grinding plant matter, and grow
continuously throughout the animal's life. Like
rabbits, guinea pigs eat some of their faeces to
help in the digestion of their food and extract
Uses of guinea pigs In South America, guinea pigs
are a common source of meat whilst in many
countries, their docile nature makes the guinea
pig a popular pet. Biological experiments on
guinea pigs have been carried out since the 17th
century. They are still used in research for
human medical conditions such as diabetes,
tuberculosis and scurvy.
Did you know? Despite their common name, guinea
pigs are not pigs, nor do they come from Guinea.
They are native to the Andes in South America.
Spanish and English traders brought guinea pigs
to Europe, where they quickly became popular as
exotic pets among the upper classes and royalty,
including Queen Elizabeth I!
  • Meet our birds
  • Cockatiels a Lovebird

What do the birds eat? Fruits, vegetables and
Where do they live in the wild? Cockatiels are
found across the outback regions and the
wetlands, scrublands, and bush lands of Australia.
The Cockatiel's distinctive crest shows the
animal's state of being. The crest stands
straight upwards when the cockatiel is startled
or excited. It is slightly raised in its neutral
or relaxed state, and flattened close to the head
when the animal is angry or defensive.
Did you know? The name Lovebird comes from these
birds' ability to form strong attachments to
other lovebirds and they are social animals who
can bond with humans when given care and ample
  • Meet our chipmunk
  • Tufty (male)

What do chipmunks eat? Chipmunks eat a variety of
foods. They are omnivores (eat both animals and
plants). Their diet consists of grain, nuts,
birds' eggs, fungi, worms, and insects.
At the beginning of autumn, many species of
chipmunk begin to collect larger amounts of these
foods in their burrows, for winter.
These small squirrels fulfill several important
functions in forest ecosystems. Their activities
harvesting and hoarding tree seeds play an
important role in helping new trees to grow.
Did you know? Chipmunks construct complex
burrows which can be more than 3.5 m in length
with several well-concealed entrances. The
sleeping quarters are kept extremely clean as
shells and feces are stored in refuse tunnels.
  • Meet our chinchillas
  • A mother, daughter
  • son

What do chinchilllas eat? In the wild they eat
plants, fruits, seeds, and small insects but in
captivity chinchillas eat mostly hay.
Chinchillas are rabbit-sized rodents native to
the Andes mountains in South America. They live
in burrows or cracks in rocks. Predators in the
wild include hawks, skunks, felines, and canines.
Chinchillas have several defense tactics
including spraying urine and releasing fur if
Did you know? Chinchillas are nocturnal and they
have delicate bones so generally do not like to
be held. Chinchillas make many noises, including
barks, chirps, and squeaks to express themselves
What are chinchillas used for? Chinchillas are
still bred for their extremely soft fur although
chinchillas are no longer hunted in the wild
  • Meet our terrapin
  • female red-eared terrapin

You cannot touch our terrapin as she could carry
the disease, Salmonella. This can be present in
the water due to excrement uneaten food
particles This does not hurt our terrapin but is
harmful to humans.
What do terrapins eat? Our terrapin eats a range
of seafood such as shrimps prawns.
Did you know? Turtles are one of the oldest
reptile groups (older than lizards and snakes),
the earliest known turtles being from 215 million
years ago. About 300 species are alive today but
some are highly endangered.
Like all reptiles, turtles are "cold-blooded".
They breathe air and lay eggs on land, but many
species live in or around water.
These reptiles are known as turtles if they live
in the sea terrapins if they live in fresh water
or tortoises if they live on land.
  • Meet our gerbils
  • White, grey, sandy black females

What do gerbils eat? In the wild, they eat mostly
insects and get water from desert plants that
store water in them. In captivity, gerbils
favorite foods are sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds
and peanuts.
Gerbils do not hibernate. Their long tails help
them to balance when they stand up on their hind
legs. Gerbil movement is more like hopping than
running, and their large back feet are furry on
the bottom to protect them from the heat of the
Never pick a gerbil up by its tail! It is very
Did you know? A gerbil is furry all over
including the tail, as this prevents it from
getting sun burned.
The typical Mongolian gerbil is a desert species,
and lives underground in a network of tunnels.
These tunnels include chambers with families.
Adults move away from their chamber to breed and
make their own chamber. Gerbils only come up for
food and water.
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