Title: Emergency Response for Dangerous Goods
1Emergency Response for Dangerous Goods
- Freight Week 2009
- Thursday 10th September 2009
2Today's Agenda
3OHS responsibilitiesExample taken from Work
Safe VIC website
- As an employer you must provide a safe and
healthy workplace for your workers and
contractors. This includes (selected sections
only!) - Provide and maintain safe plant and safe systems
of work - implementing arrangements for the safe use,
handling, storage and transport of chemicals - maintaining the workplace in a safe condition
- making sure workers have adequate information,
instruction, training and supervision to work in
a safe and healthy manner. - You have additional specific obligations if your
business involves the - manufacture, importation, transportation, supply,
storage, handling or use of dangerous goods - http//www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/Wor
dResponsibilities - Training What does the law require?
- The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
requires employers to provide such training to
employees as is necessary to enable the employees
to perform their work in a manner that is safe
and without risks to health.
4ADG code
- Plan Activation
- Internal Alerting Mechanism , Situation Appraisal
, Authority and Resource Mobilisation - Response tasks
- External Alerting Mechanism , Emergency Action /
Containment and Clean Up - Resources
- Contact List , Communications, Logistic Support,
Equipment and Materials, Personnel and Media - Preparedness
- Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment , Training,
Exercises , Maintenance Of Response Equipment,
Investigative Follow Up, Updating/ Plan
Availability and Distribution
- Publication
- Is still available , and is a great guide
- But who uses it?
5Auditing From What I have seen
Description Action
No Transport Emergency Response (TERP) Plans in place - Requirement has been in place since 2005 No Procedures/ safe methods of work (SWMS) No understanding of hazards /risk assessment Little / no understanding of working under the authority of Emergency Services Little or No training (desktop/ simulated emergencies) Phase 1
No training or emergency preparation Total reliance on old hand to perform the operation / or inadequately trained person Phase 2
6Where is CROIERG on the journey
Phase 1 Phase 2
Time 2.5 day(s) Status Complete Competency written assessment /activity Course code 80881ACT exp 10-2013 Time 1.5 day(s) Status WIP- ETA 2009 Competency Practical assessment Course code TBA
Core course material Core course material
Developing TERPS Cold Tap - Drill into disabled tanker
Emergency Procedures (SWMS) 2. Product Transfer - AIR operated diaphragm pumps
Hazard/ Risk Assessment 3. Product clean up
Working with Emergency Services 4. Equipment Recovery
Training Desktop / practical exercises
Course design follows the competencies described
in NFPA 472
- Special Note
- Project has always been designed to other
products (classes) to be added at a later stage - With other groups funding and associated strict
liabilities and risks
7We call this industry support
Development material/ support
Industry Funding (over 50K)
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